First, there were significant concerns raised beforehand about the security in Benghazi. It may have been due to bad luck, or maybe incompetence on the part of the various agencies that nothing was done. While we don't like it, we are used to this type of performance by government officials. Second, when the thing went down, nothing was done. There were people begging for help and nobody who was in a position to do anything about it could get permission from Washington to move. Our embassy and ambassador were under attack and Obama sat on his ass. This was inexcusable. Third, after the whole mess was over, nobody has been able to get a straight answer about how this was allowed to happen. The administration is just doiing the roper doper waiting for people to forget about this. I find the whole affair disgusting and unfortunately normal for this administration. That anyone could defend this fries my brain. There is no hope for the future if this kind of performance by our government officals is considered accepable.