I disagree.
You have to factor all the extra "consumer " income, as well as making the changes to the corporate tax rate. If there are more better paying jobs then there will be less people making poverty level wages.
Have no problem having a minimum income tax cutoff, but it cannot be over 50% of the people.
At what point do we stop letting people get a free ride for being lazy? If all you can make is 24k a year and you are physically and mentally able to work, when do we start putting the responsibility on the the person and not the people?
Why are we so willing to allow people to feed off the system and then make excuses or try to spin the reality?
Do we need a safety net...absolutely! Do we need to feed, house, and provide cradle to grave...no fucking way!
I am a compassionate person and will help and teach anyone. I will teach you to fish, but the moment you expect my fish...I will watch you starve and not give two fucks.