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Everything posted by Fazerlady

  1. He is the coolest dude evaaaaaaa!!! That's awesome!
  2. http://www.aliexpress.com/fm-store/908483/211205979-490607598/motorcycle-leg-bag-A-stars-packages-waist-and-legs-thighs-Knight-bag-waterproof-pocket-motorcycle.html that's what my hubby uses. I want one. lol
  3. awh, Home!!! I read the title and wondered why they called it flying cow...then I remembered, Germans call BMW bikes Gummikuh (rubber cow) so must have been a BMW that came at him....Wow!!!
  4. Cool bike!!! I wonder what kind of car that is???
  5. Wow to say that he INTENDED to cause an accident is a bit far fetched!!! I mean if a bike hits you at that speed you don't know if you make it out alive yourself!
  6. Sad (b/c a human life was lost), but not shocked!!! Extremely saddened and shocked about all the ppl killed in Norway though! Teenagers murdered, saw footage earlier with some floating in the sea! Now that is tragic and I feel for the families that have been devastated by this!
  7. So the cop was uneasy about someone carrying a concealed weapon, if he gets that bent out of shape he damn sure should not be out there with a gun himself. I mean, come on, this guy was totally sedative - what would the cop have done if the driver would have been the confrontational type or the driver would have gotten mouthy?? And all that cussin was so unnessecary!!! UGH I can't stand ppl that can't get their point accross without every second word beeing a cuss word!!! I wonder what his wife goes through, IF he is married....lol
  8. No issues at all with the FZ 1 but it gets real hot between my legs...lol...
  9. Scruit, I followed the case and I was so upset about the verdict....hence why I mention that little smart remark in one of my earlier posts..
  10. § 229 StGB Fahrlässige Körperverletzung Wer durch Fahrlässigkeit die Körperverletzung einer anderen Person verursacht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. Translation: He, who causes bodily injury to another person because of negligence will be sentenced to Prison up to 3 yrs or monetary penalty. § 222 StGB Fahrlässige Tötung Wer durch Fahrlässigkeit den Tod eines Menschen verursacht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. He, who causes death of a person because of negligence will be sentenced to a prison up to 5 yrs or monetary penalty. If it is a first time offense the offender can get probation, but if alcohol is involved it will most likely be a jail sentence.
  11. Here is one: In Augsburg a drunk driver with 1.78 promille (german is a different measuring unit) would be 0.178 % here in the US, caused an accident that killed an elderly couple as his car hit theirs and they were pushed under an 18 wheeler. He got sentenced for negligent manslaughter and got 16 months in prison, and 30 months revoked license.
  12. I have to research it, but the sentences are not very high in Germany for murder etc. Especially when parents kill their child. I will look up some cases...
  13. neat...well I could impress with the countries and states I have been to period, but I have not been many places with the bike...
  14. Scruit, what does that map under your signature mean?
  15. Awesome input! Thanks on the details of the law. Wow, a college paper on the death penalty on drunk driver, that would definitely be an interesting read. I feel like my views on this got shifted a bit through other ppls knowledge of the law and their opinions. I knew I would find ppl that could entertain a discussion. And btw I KNOW this forum is mostly Assholes, but contrary to what someone said here i can live with their comments and ignore them... I enjoy this kind of crap, b/c I grew up in a different country and my views are a LOT different than most americans... so there is always food for discussions!!!
  16. Thank you C-Bus and Scruit for the subjective answers and attempting to understand what I am trying to say. Again, I am not saying she should get off without any punishment! She drove drunk, a definite bad and wrong decision in my book. If i drink I won't drive, and if I am driving, I won't drink! There, that easy! I also understand if it would have been my loved one, I wish she would get the worsed punishment. I was simply trying to look at this without my personal emotion. That brings me to another question. How about if you drive on a suspended license? Is that not breaking the law? There was an article in the DDN a few months back, where a driver only got a CITATION for driving with a suspended license. She actually hit an 6 yr old kid and killed him. A Citation? Seriously? This on as well broke the law and make a poor choice and did not get charged with anything.... Wow!
  17. What if I am sober...??? Obviously that might be an issue, I know you do get off if you kill your child, hide her in a swamp and lie to the authorities...so, never mind, I might stand a chance...*
  18. it said in the article he died of severe headtrauma. No, I don't know 100% he would have lived, but his chances would have been much better, they do not make helmets to keep your head nice and toasty warm.
  19. You know I consider myself a safe driver/rider. But to think that I could make a mistake in traffic, which I am sure everyone has done here, and by some freak possibility I happen to hit a rider that dies b/c he decided not to protect himself as much as he can, scares me. So are you saying I could go to prison for homicide if the person dies instead of invol manslaughter, or even a much lesser charge if the guy "only' gets injured because he chose to be smart and protect himself?
  20. I understand what you are saying. I guess what I am looking at, is the severity could have been prevented. - Yes, if she would have not been drinking, this probably would not have happened. - Yes, if he would have worn a helmet, he probably would not be dead and it would not be homicide. If everybody would take responsibility for their lifes, all of this could be prevented. I don't get why there is a seatbelt law, but not a helmet law. It makes NO sense to me. They are both meant to prevent the severity of injuries in case of an accident!
  21. This is exactly why I am all for a helmet law! While I feel extremely sorry for the family of the guy who died, I think it is not right that the driver of the vehicle is charged with vehicular homicide! I do agree with the charges of the DUI. After all the riders decision to not wear a helmet probably contributed to him passing away due to severe headtrauma. So ultimately this changed the charge from assault (or whatever it would have been had he got hurt if he had worn a helmet) to homicide. http://www.daytondailynews.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/dayton/daytoncourts/entries/2011/07/19/woman_who_struck_motorcyclist.html I just think that we all have the responsibility to protect ourselves. Just my opinion.
  22. Fazerlady


    I think I just threw up in my mouth....lol
  23. I like the slim look of the FZ1 better... :-)
  24. Wicked, my Fazer is my profile pic... I can never remember how to insert pictures...lol
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