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Everything posted by Fazerlady

  1. when did you record this?
  2. :Dlets go riding here...... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=spangdahlem,germany&sll=40.213817,-81.812782&sspn=0.021367,0.038409&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Spangdahlem,+Bitburg-Pr%C3%BCm,+Rhineland-Palatinate,+Germany&ll=49.807859,6.748352&spn=0.28892,0.614548&t=h&z=11
  3. where are you guys at in relation to Dayton????
  4. hm, the FZ 1 has the R1 engine in it...on the track it might be better, but I talked to a guy that does track school and when he saw my FZ1 he said, awesome bike even on the track you could kill with it...never tried it, but would love to. I am sure the Bandit is not that easy to whip around as it is a lot heavier than my Fazer, so for track, I would probably ditch the Bandit too, but def not for the road. So you wanted advise...go test ride the FZ1...lol
  5. my hubby rides a bandit 1250 and he has not problems "hanging on" to the sport bikes... the handling of the bandit is great. the roads here suck for sport bikes or sport touring anyways.... And like jblosser said, it is more fun to ride a slow bike fast, than a fast bike slow...I had a FZ6 in Germany and have no idea why I upgraded here. Not like the FZ6 was slow..lol...but this is driving me nuts!
  6. you will miss your Bandit for Comfort!!! lol
  7. Hi Tyler, I am German and have only been in Ohio since last year. You can leave your Xbox here. Germany has 220 Volts, unless it is dual voltage of course, but then you will need an adapter for the plugs, as they are different. :-) Right now is still a good time to go. September still has wine fests going on, which are always a blast. German cities have Fussgaengerzonen "walkplatz" as Americans call it, which is a car free zone in the inner city, which are usually hosting all the fests throughout the cities. The clubs are usually great! Oh and by the way, Germans know how to party. None of that 1 day crap they do here in the US...lol... Christmas is 3 days, Fasching in 3 days, Easter is 2 days, FAirs are usually 4 or 5 days, Winefests last 3 days, etc...End of Sep Monschau has a big Fair going on. Try to see Trier...my hometown...Oldest City in Germany. Lots of Roman ruins and great wine! :-) it is about 2 hours from Monschau. Yes there are speedlimits, however the autobahns have great stretches with no speed limits...watch out for this sign "end of all restrictions"...but try not to kill yourself! lol
  8. RIP Peter!!! my condolences go out to the family...
  9. oh DAAAAMN....I meant to do the waving smilie....soo sorry...* ok...should have waited until the whole thing finished...anyways...*wave*
  10. Sorry we just got back from a "quick run" to Lowes... So we might go later on around 5. I am making dinner while hubby takes care of some phone issues for our son who is in TX.
  11. We are going this afternoon, but closer to 3pm.. No clue where yet...
  12. exactly...who knows how bad she was and how desperate...maybe she had been waiting for years to get lungs...Pneumonia is an infectious disease and she could have died from it with perfectly good lungs, due to the medicine she was taking...immunity is lowered due to the meds a transplant recipient has to take to prevent the body from fighting the "intruder" organ making the patient vulnerable to infectious diseases... I think everyone could get upset if she died of lung cancer, but I think this is blown WAY out of proportion!!!
  13. Would love to but since it is 4 1/2 hrs away....
  14. Pretty coo l...even cooler to say I rode the Nurburgring...(which was only 30 min away from where we lived)
  15. Fazerlady


    From the album: Mel and Gibby

  16. Fazerlady


    From the album: Mel and Gibby

  17. Fazerlady


    From the album: Mel and Gibby

  18. Fazerlady


    From the album: Mel and Gibby

  19. Fazerlady


    From the album: Mel and Gibby

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