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Everything posted by ohdaho

  1. PCS? Well good luck man. Maybe we putz around in dayton sometime.
  2. You are smoking crack....some backcountry trailer bathtub crack. Hot Head is horrible. Freebirds is greater than all...but if youre not a texan you wouldnt know. Chipotle's alright. Awesome chips and guac. Rice is money too.
  3. I think i remember hearing some bad reviews back in the day. Some of the cincy guys may know...jonni black, prez, cattamouth.
  4. ohdaho

    Picture 010

    what kind of wheels are those?
  5. I would disagree with NinjaNick. Full exhaust is baller if its a quality exhaust
  6. I would save the money and not bother with a tune for a slipon if you plan on saving for full system. just my two cents.
  7. ohdaho


    That's perfectly fine. I'm a very risky investor and love small cap and biotechs. Once I'm done with school and have more free time I'll probably start dabbing in futures and forex. People need to realize there are different types of investors, but you just need to be intelligent about it. It takes research and time to read up on stocks otwhateer youreinvestin in. I you're not willing to do that then consider buying a CD and leaving it there cuz equities is definitely not for you. Then I see people who say buy the cheap stocks blindly. That works when there's a once in a lifetime market meltdown. But you have no strategy when the matte rises an reaches a sustainable level.
  8. ohdaho


    You joke, but ive made a killing on MGM and LVS in the past year and half or so...
  9. ohdaho


    Normally I find that preset formatting to be scammers. You can tell cuz it looks like they have a generic ad they just post up in various outlets. Not saying all...but most. I know its used alot in the real estate section.
  10. ohdaho


    Here's a tip for the lazy...long oil.
  11. If it was an easy and cheap fix, he would probably have done it and sold for more.
  12. ohdaho


    Wow thats horrible advice man. Theres more to stocks then just the stock price. P/E ratios, PEG, dividend yields, debt, etc. You have to ask yourself why is that stock at that price. A 20% increase in your portfolio is 20% regardless of individual equity price. On another note, if you do options thinkorswim is great. If youre doing only equity trades, i like scottrade with $7 online trades.
  13. Buddha bless my home sweet home. Damn I hate ohio.
  14. Holy shit those folks creep me out...ill pass on their oaths and stick to this one: I, (state my full name), having been appointed a captain in the United States Air Force, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foriegn and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.
  15. I read this earlier...news like this tends to spread like wildfire in the USAF. Good on them for what seems to be moral/ethical values motivating them. Its cant be an easy decision to defect like that. Hopefully they get political asylum status.
  16. Doesnt Tbutera's sig other do this type of work? I think theyre a sponsor here too...Smock Construction or was it Spock?
  17. ohdaho

    Math Trivia

    At a quick glance its pretty trivial orbital mechanics. I dont have my books on my so I cant reference the equations right now. Maybe later, but Im sure someone will have it up by then.
  18. I love it. Initially developed for the USN, but then only used as an Aggressor squadron to replace the aging F-5. I loved flying the viper...but not as much as the T-38. Theres just something about the feel of analog flight controls vs fly-by-wire.
  19. dear god have you ever been in one of those its got "To Catch a Predator" all over it.
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