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Everything posted by ohdaho

  1. You mean CA. I've got a place we can all crash at if we go. No charge if we can get this place.
  2. Man we used to fly above it all the time...it looked like a blast. Willow springs and Angeles forest highway are right down the road too!
  3. Fair observation. But thats how people (organizations) reverse engineer a lot of things...its esp easy with aircraft. Aerospace engineering isnt as difficult as most people make it out to be (Rocket science isnt THAT hard). By looking at the physical characteristics of an aircraft, engineers can tell quite easily what its capable of. All the physical characteristics of an aircraft can differentiate its flight envelope quite easily.
  4. Some in the industry would say stealth is a dying requirement anyway. Advances in ECM and ECCM have limited the days of stealth. The Chinese will know if our jets are coming...they just need a jet capable of intercepting the 22.
  5. Yea the article mentioned that the rear stabilizers were probably just used to push initial flight test up. The avionics/comm on the F22 arent that advanced. The F35 has it beat by light years. This J-20 isnt exactly an F22 copy like someone mentioned, its potentially hands down a better aircraft. We'll have to see.
  6. Nope. They treat us like 7yr old chinese slaves at a nike plant.
  7. Its unfortunate when people like that cant appreciate good engineering.
  8. Speaking of asians serving... I could use some good hot and sour soup...egg rolls...and maybe some crab rangoon.
  9. Did he hit her with an open fist or closed fist? Theres a difference ya know? Discipline vs abuse.
  10. Dude do you post anything else besides the front page of yahoo?
  11. I hate these I4 vs V8 type discussions...as car/motorcycle guys we should all know its not necessarily about getting the most power for the buck, but about doing something different. Whats the joy of going out and buying a car and doing no mods/engineering. Its about being different. Theres a coolness factor when you can say your fucking escort can run circles around a middleaged white guy in a corvette.
  12. I cant wait til they convert all Airtran hubs into SW hubs. Unfortunately, SW doesnt fly out of dayton right now.
  13. http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-J-XX-Prototype.html
  14. He was on the coaching staff when Michigan won the NC in 97. He'll be a decent recruiter I think...he did get Tom Brady. The guy got HC jobs at Ball State and SDSU...when youre building a program from the bottom up youre not gonna have a lot of winning seasons in the beginning. He's got a good pedigree. Very defensively minded...which I think is very much Big 10 football.
  15. http://lesbianswholooklikejustinbieber.tumblr.com/
  16. Im asian and my arrow exhaust is loud. Fuck you all.
  17. Its official...Hoke it is. Good hire.
  18. i play "words with friends." Scrabble is fun too....kinda like boggle all on iphone.
  19. Les Miles has always been shady. Even when he was in the Big 12 he just seems like he has no class. Ive always hated him.
  20. No worries. But it wasnt THAT obvious. Just new rule change in the forums. GLWS looks like a clean bike.
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