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Everything posted by ohdaho

  1. bitter much? Im good and perfectly happy with my girl.
  2. Check local craigslist like Bad mentioned. Ebay and other motorcycle forums as well ie wera (13x).
  3. Man a 100 miles? Id hardly call that long distance, ive been with my girl for over 8 months and shes in Texas. If she broke it off, odds are she didnt care as much about you so youre better off. Truthfully, true love would be able to overcome 100 miles. Youll be fine. grab some dollar bills, cry your pain away in a some DDs while drinking some scotch and doing blow off a stripper's ass. It helps...it really does. Sense of empowerment.
  4. Not just ricers but every hick with a beat to shit mustang or pontiac.
  5. ohdaho

    which one

    ps3...more versatile ie blu ray. I use the blu ray more then the actual gaming aspect of ps3.
  6. LBTS...but looks like a great bowl of Pho in a few years.
  7. I wouldnt worry much about short term pay situation now. If this is your career, Id be more interested in vertical movement potential within the company. Hours in the long run will tend to average out with highs and lows in the industry.
  8. Id agree flying is a luxury. Not necessarily a right. But the problem with TSA is that its completely reactive. The agency itself was a reaction to an event and has always been on the backside of the power curve, so to speak. None of their policies or guidance or leadership seems to know what they are doing. This technology was developed to make money by a contractor...dont fool yourself into thinking that it was developed to save lives. Im in the military and can say this about most acquisition projects. With me, its not completely about being butt hurt about my rights, its more that TSA hasnt established any policy that truly makes sense or was well thought out. This in part to TSA's serious issues with training their agents, and implementing policies...i.e. the way they strip searched a lil kid.
  9. Ashley Furniture warehouse in Dayton was hiring. It would lead me to believe maybe some of the other furniture warehouses in Columbus would also be hiring. I ValuCity is out there, and Im pretty sure theres an ashley/morris/thomas furniture warehouse somewhere in columbus. Those places tend to be busy during the winter season due to the extra shopping. Maybe give those places a look.
  10. It goes two ways. Sellers shouldnt be butt hurt when people make offers...esp if they dont post a price. *This isnt in reference to this particular thread/seller.
  11. ohdaho

    Wtb: 08+ 600rr

    Heres a white 07 http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/mcy/2104727159.html
  12. Im down and have all my stuff together...but never been to the track. Kinda upset I missed the last ORDN track day at Gingerman. Itd be awesome if we could get a closer track for us SW Ohio guys.
  13. I suggest EVERYBODY plan for retirement.
  14. Hahaha... business management isnt your forte huh?
  15. Ill keep that in mind if I ever meet Recon. P.S. Join the Air Force. Youre spouse/wife to be/GF will thank you later. I havent met alot of folks that havent regretted not joining the AF instead. Except Jagr, but I think he just enjoys it in the ass
  16. I walked in with the mentality that if I dont like it anymore then Im getting out...whether it be at 4 yrs or 18 yrs. There are too many piss poor officers that stay in just for the job security (or lack of marketability outside). Though Im sure Id be a great O, I feel its better to let some other person have my position that is more passionate. Retirement is at the 18 or 20 yr mark...not 10. Thats still another 8-10 yrs Id have to put in. Im young and want to enjoy life while I still can. The service has treated me well and I always cherish it. Who knows maybe ill join the reserves when I move back to TX.
  17. I assumed you meant aviation? If you want to go into aviation why not join the Air Force. There's more opportunity's there to get near aircraft (not necessarily MX since theyre scaling those numbers back). With any service, you get what you take out of it. Walk in with a piss poor attitude not ready for the change in environment and you're bound to be one of those guys thats shits all over their military service. Know as an enlisted troop early in their career theres alot of being told what to do...learn to play the game. Play it...get other shit done while youre in the service (school, training, etc.). The end-goal, atleast for me, is to build my resume and develop as many tools possible that will be viable outside the service. Its been an honor for me to serve the few short years I have, and the next few years ahead of me. After 7-8 years I think I may punch out, move back closer to family, friends, and my GF. Thats after getting the chance to fly in jets, earn 2 graduate degrees and have the GI bill in my back pocket. Some of the smartest folks Ive ever met were in the service (USAF and Army). I loved alot about it...I also HATED alot about it. Time away from friends and family. Not being able to do certain things you want. Its give and take...just know exactly what you want to take from your service.
  18. 2JZs and VQs not reliable and hard to work on? Sure wasnt my experience, but Im slant eyed so I can probably see them parts a lil better.
  19. Well fuck...1.9% to 1.4%. There goes the new desmo next season.
  20. It wont hurt your business. Youll be getting a call/PM from me sometime in Feb/Mar to tune my bike. Just picked up a PCIII the other day.
  21. Why do people call offers insulting, like im making fun of your mom? Its an offer. You didnt have to (and didnt) take it.
  22. Id be lying if I said Id feel bad for you if you wiped out in the snow on the bike. Have fun and be safe tho.
  23. Just bought a PCIII for $150. 08 R6 brake caliper upgrade for my 05 zx6r. Steel braided front lines. APE CCT possibly if I still have money...
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