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Everything posted by Coyote

  1. If my Aunt had balls, she'd be my Uncle. What about your poor sister? Do you wait and see if the dude will stop beating her before she is dead, or even brain-dead? Politely ask him to stop? Elbow him? With bath salts, etc., one can break the dudes arm and he won't feel it. Who is the bad guy here?
  2. Apples and oranges here in your thought process. Someone strung-out on PCP beating your sister in the head with a section of pipe because she wouldn't give him money is actively causing damage. Leaving a loaded, unsecured firearm unattended with children is negligent.
  3. There is no 'good guy' in those examples, as no one was threatening lethal force. The 'bad guy' here would be the negligent gun owners. Real life has no reset/new game button. Like I said earlier, anyone who is actively causing damage/death to either myself, a loved-one or someone otherwise unable to adequately defend themselves is a 'bad guy'--it's that easy. Don't want to be construed as a bad guy, don't demonstrate lethal force.
  4. Sometimes that split second life/death outcome is in the favor of the 'good guy'. No such thing as an accident. Those examples are negligence.
  5. shot/killed with guns (unless you were intending mechanical malfunctions) Problem is still the people.
  6. Agreed. My earliest memories of shooting were at age 6, and received my first .22 rifle at age 7. At that age, I used to get to 'make myself useful' by cleaning small game my Grandfather would bring home... Funny thing, I ended up living in the city for a while a short time later...Somehow it came up in school that meat/poultry were more-or-less dead animals--the looks of horror, tears and nausea around the classroom were priceless.
  7. My yardstick: A bad person would be anyone actively causing, or attempting to cause physical damage or death to either myself, someone I care about or anyone who cannot adequately defend themselves.
  8. Bump. Still have this... Deer season will be here before you know it...!
  9. OK...5th Chance!! Too many irons in the fire this year and I still have not gotten this thing sold yet...and any consignment shops want to take too big a chunk for me to do in good conscience. It needs to be played...!
  10. Coyote

    Sag session

    I am up for this, unless Brian and Reuben want to stop by my place first. More than willing to compensate for the time, help and BBQ.
  11. How do you know they are 2A supporters? To be fair, where were you?
  12. Not near enough to be of help in that regard... Just out of curiosity, though...Do you hear the fuel pump prime (whir for 3 seconds) when you turn the key 'on'? This era of apes have had an issue with a bad solder joint where the wiring harness joins into the fuel pump. Happened with my '03 Mille, intermittently at first. Same thing--crank, but no start as it wasn't getting fuel. If you don't hear the 'whir', and it's not the FP relay (could be this) or the wiring (not likely), it's probably the solder joint. Not a hard or terribly complex fix. Let me know, and I can get you more info to that end so you don't have to spring for a whole new fuel pump. Good luck!
  13. '03 Falco should have a QD fitting in the fuel line between the fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator. The fitting on the fuel pump side should have an auto shutoff so the gas does not flow when disconnected...in which case you'd need a extra male fitting and a length of fuel line. Drains faster if you pop the filler cap. AF1 has a 'kit' if you don't have local access to the fittings http://www.af1racing.com/store/Scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=893
  14. Well, Hell, That's all you had to say... Clearly, the justification comes from the one with the most money for the book/movie rights.
  15. Congratulations!! You just described the dilemma which the court has to decide!
  16. Just a thought: Assuming all of the events in each case took place (and I know you like to assume)… Pick a stranger, and have that someone pick a number between ‘1 and dead’ (and not tell you)…For the sake of argument, lay on the ground and have the stranger start banging your head against the concrete the unknown number of times. Now, you don’t know if he will continue until you actually die, or stop after the next impact (after which he may help you up and dust you off). At any point, do you feel your life was in danger? Now, think about a bunch of people watching a Batman movie. At any point, do you feel your life was in danger?
  17. Just to be clear, I am not picking a side nor defending anyone. Just haven't closed my mind on the scenario. I was not there and have no first hand information...And couldn't really give a shit who wins.
  18. Don't forget, you also have the dude's admission to shooting the guy. 'Cept that's not the issue at hand. It's up to the system to decide whether lethal force is justified in this case.
  19. Quote I received in an e-mail this morning: After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military. ~William S. Burroughs Interestingly enough, Burroughs shot his Wife in the head while playing 'William Tell' drunk. Booze is some messed up stuff.
  20. For a bunch of hippies, you guys aren't very open-minded...
  21. 'Cumquat' and 'bulbous' make me a little uneasy. I mean, not like logophobic or anything...
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