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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Hellzz yezzz I took her outzz todayzzz!! Had to do some tinkering, but got in 4hrs of riding today! And then spent 30mins cleaning her up... -Side AWESOME note.... I was in 3rd gear cruisin at 45mph then I went WOT, and the rear tire went to butter. Cold asphalt and stupid fast bike shewwwy! My 900rr, seems to be hella powerful with all the work that has been done to it...I can't wait to see how it really is once I can really warm up the tires and ride on some warm roads!
  2. Can we just kill 'em off to get it done faster?
  3. To all bike haters..... I give you two giant middle fingers, and a power wheelie!
  4. gahhhhhhhhhhhh! I FAIL. I saw it as soon as I posted it. My bad.....and even wrong section. NeverEnough=FAIL :'(
  5. It is seriously so awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FxlwXTmTbE
  6. 60degree weather, nothing but sun...and somewhere between Cleveland and Pittsburgh- BE THERE OR BE SQUARE MOFO!
  7. wtf... potatoe wedges? -side note...potatoe wedges sound fawkin glorious! wow I want some!- On a more important note.... My bike-126hp *stock*which it is far from Your bike- 125hp stock-bwhahahahah!
  8. Ohhhhhhhh Mr. FunnyGuy are you?.... WELLLLLL.... Even IF my bike is slower than yours, it's not like you have the skills to actually ride yours...hell I'd be willing to bet you have 2" chicken strips on your rear tire!!
  9. niiiiiiiiiice helmet! I wanted to put gloss black stuff on my flatblack helmet....and WOW does it look awesome on your helmet there!
  10. <---wants to overthrow the current system :-)
  11. I'm pretty positive my dad picked some up outta a place in Canton Ohio when he was building his Jeep's rollcage...
  12. YOooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu cann doooooooooooo it! Actually you had better do it, cause I'm sure as hell not gonna stop this summer for you to take a smoke break!
  13. I wonder if the first thing the guy said was- "awwww shit!"
  14. I don't understand why this still isn't in print. MAJOR WIN!
  15. Welcome man! Go grab another bike...looks like there are gonna be quite a few clevelanders with bikes riding around this spring!
  16. I've wanted a bike since I was 6yearsold and a friend of my Dad came over to our house just RIPPING down the road on a cbr600rr (go ahead and do some math, me 6yearsold and a 600rr already out, yeah I'm a YOUNG one) So basically I KNEW I had to have a bike ASAP. I rode dirtbikes, and ATVs as a KID KID.... Oh and then lets skip a couple reasons on why I didn't go right out and buy a bike as soon as I moved outta my parents house and turned 18... My first bike (which I still own, but is currently my project bike) was a '94 zx600r. I bought that bike because I sold my Jeep which had been my pride and joy since I started building it at age 13... and I went and bought this bike because quite simply, I had the cash and I found it forsale and I wanted to ride all summer and fall....it was a DUMB choice of a bike, but I am having an awesome time with it as a project bike. Been working on that all winter.... And now the story comes to the chapter where I show a picture of my current love of my life... CBR900RR I own that bike because gah damn it was a HELLUVA deal that I just COULD NOT pass up...I in fact put myself into a little debt because I HAD to buy it. NO REGRETS on that purchase.... There are so many fawkin aftermarket parts and so much done to it, gahhh it makes me so happy! Not to mention it only has 5k miles on it.... FAWK FAWK FAWK why must it be winter! I NEED to go riding!!!
  17. ughhh I hate that shit so much! I will just about always turn off a youtube vid if they decide to put music to a bike vid. That is like a pet peeve of mine.... arghh
  18. ooOOoooOooooOOooOoo...... I wonder what else I can talk you into saying you are in on.....
  19. haha it's all good man... Well bodybuilding career wise, yes I'm going for what you say is the "ron coleman size" but there are many and much more aesthetic pro bodybuilders out there, which is what I would be going for, but yes, still BEASTLY looking I guess. But I will also be looking into making a career out of being a personal trainer... several of my friends are very wealthy personal trainers (and also bodybuilders) raking in the 6figures just with the clients they train... As in where I would train my clients at? That is to be decided after I have the certification... Yeeaaahhhh hahahhaa nooo kidding man.... That is what 7months no lifting and no real eating will do to you. Here is me at one of my bests... I was about 180 there.... I'm currently 165(on my way back up).....In my avatar pic, that was during this summer and I was about 150something...
  20. Than say you're in ....or are you a wussy?
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