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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. ^^ There you go!!!. More better. Thanks Todd.
  2. I just spent, I don't know how long, looking through the NRA site, on both the retail and the Instructor side. Nothing there that I could see. I picked up a couple blue Glocks from Vances a few months back. Like $50 each. They are in the back right corner in the case, over by the holsters. I thought I had seen a better price with the NRZ, but now I can't find it.
  3. Are you talking the hard plastic molded ones for training? If so, NRA web site is the cheapest I have seen.
  4. Mojoe

    Bath salts?

    Maybe........................................JUST maybe, if I cut my fucking arms off, someone here will finally give me a HAND!! I can never find anyone to help with anything when I go in a HD. Lowes be more better.
  5. I have it on my Shield and would rather have it on my Full size 40. It's good. It's less reset and smoother. I don't think with the shield it is as big a differeance because the small frame make the gun very snappy. So shorter, smoother trigger, 9in a small package hasn't shown to be a benifit to me for how I would use my Shield.
  6. There's a pin on a spring under the sight. Kind of like the same design as the spring in the pistol grip of the AR for the selector switch.
  7. Take the rear sight off was a bit of a frustration doing mine. I'm told most are as hard to break lose, but certainly was starting to piss us off.
  8. I have an American and it's been great. I wanted to do some hunting in Vermont and also some distance shooting. I have it set up with a Nikon Manarch, and I can't seem to miss. I've only shot it to 375 meters, but I really am happy with the rifle. I didn't need anything with a heavy barrel for what I plan to use it for.
  9. Some good info in here and Todd's a good dude. FYI, DD214 does not mean discharged. It use to. I know Guard and reserve get one when they return from deployment. Doesn't mean they are out, just updates to their most recent status from the deployment.
  10. I can appreciate that. Not big on torque, in comparision to what most are use to seeing with pistion motors, is a known. Being sarcastic with " they don't make power" is very subjective. That's why I replied with what I did. Also, no knowing you were being sarcastic.
  11. Uninformed and pistons seem to be doing well in this thread. Carry on.
  12. Thanks Doc, noted. Haha Thanks for the PM's everyone, and the offers for garage use. I've made arrangments with a member here. Again, thanks guys.
  13. Mojoe

    S&W M&P 9mm

    17 round mag + 1 in the chamber
  14. I have replied. I typed it up, but didn't send it this morning. My bad.
  15. We have a 2006 Camery that has never had the brakes done. I have bought new pads and rotors, I just don't have the free time to do the work. I haven't moved my tools to Columbus yet either, so this isn't happening on my end. I have the space to do it in the shop, if someone brings their tools. Or I can bring it to you and drop it off. I just don't want to get hammered for $250+ from dealership/shop. Anyone bored and looking for a little cash? PM me what you cost would be and how you want to arrange things. thanks
  16. Dragu1a, my classes are usually set up by someone interested, and then by the time they talk to friend, family and coworkers, there is a full class that is theirs. I have a class the first weekend of may. I will contact the person who set is up and se if they have a seat for you, this usually works out. If there is a certain date you had in mind, PM me and I will work with your schedule as best I can. Thanks for considering me for this class.
  17. Thanks for the comments guys. I really enjoyed working with all of you. Glad to see the wifes in class too. I hope to have the other range built here shortly and then we can do some AR training.
  18. Just bumping this thread for an interesting read. 10 days after this thead was posted was Sandy Hook. Who's at their target # for ammo? Can you still shoot for practice and still have 1000 rounds left over?
  19. He's out of line, with other issues motivating his aggression. Was looking for an easy win to feel like a hard ass having a bad day. Fact is, once you get out of your car to agress, you're wrong. Marines are tought more self control than that. He chose not to represent well. We all have bad days. His was caught on camera. Next.
  20. Mojoe

    Cars & Coffee 4/6

    Will be shooting this weekend. Maybe next week.
  21. I love mine. Being able to update it and the GPS location lock is nice. And the OP can do as he likes, but first contact and willingness to follow through should be honored. Just had this option to "Over pay" on a sale here. It's nice, but $25 doesn't mean enough to me, to screw the first buyer or then up the price either. Just my .02. GLWS
  22. Thanks for the replies. I will keep this in mind as we get closer to working on it.
  23. I've seen that and walked on it several times. If I recall, I about landed on my ass becasu is was slick when it was wet. I'm looking to do a patio area too. I had seem stamped concreat, didn't hate or like it. I'm thinking paver bricks may be more what I'm looking for.
  24. We pick on things like this, here on CR, but some people are in a state of mind like what was posted. Even if this is an April fools post, it reminded me of one of my soldiers who was going through things like this. The thing is, is that sometimes it shows and sometimes it doesn't. It's a hard thing to find balance with. Then there are the people who end up on Prepper's. Haha
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