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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Good to read some of these things. I love the small personal group instruction. I urge all of you to keep your standards high for meeting the NRA guildlines and don't be afraid to fail someone. CCW is not for everyone. I teach it like I need to know you are going to be able to better a situation. Good to see so many people wanting to move forward with training.
  2. The requirements to be an instructor are not as high as we would hope. A friend went and get his recently and is spending about a year going through other training, before he teaches on his own. Costing him thousands of dollars out of pocket. He feels then he will have something to offer of value. Kudos to him. There are plenty of people who want to train. Please focus on quality over the $ of quantity.
  3. I guess I'm the tin foil hat guy on this one. Training to desensitize enforcement personnel to a commonly perceived non threat, that is now a threat, looks to me like more of a average citizen. Is there an uprising I didn't get the memo on? Not a fan.
  4. And, not all dealers do LE/Military discount, which I get. The dealer actuall gets the gun for less to sell to LE/Military. When they don't get in those guns, they can't sell it at a reduced price and make a profit. Just FYI, if somepeople didn't know. In my search, I did see the other companies that offer discounts to instructor. Do LIKE!!! I've had deals like this with Oakley and Danners, now I get to see it with a few others. Thanks for the heads up, Frank.
  5. That's good info. I've not run into it, so it's good to look for. If someone has an issue, like you experianced, that's why I say it's best to share the details of that info. Otherwise I'll be in here all day defending having no issues and supporting the gun. As we all know, every gun maker has a bad story of there guns. Understand I'm a huge Ruger fan, so I'm not beating up the SR22 at all. I was not informed on the instructor program. I just looked it up and have orders a SR22. Thank you. The 2013 list has more than the 2012 did. Nice
  6. These are a ton of fun to shoot. The action is smooth. Fun factor 8.5/10. GLWS
  7. I have had one for years with no issues. The only thing I would say is, because it's not set up to function in many of the same ways as other semi auto's, people may not like it. Once you get how it works, it's a great little piece. I'm picking up a second one soon. I also have a M&P22, and like it quite a bit. It's very functional and simple. The SR22, well good luck finding one. When I do find one I will pick one up too. I like variety. And these frames are great to train with, as I have the higher calibers in them as well. You must shoot the high velocity ammo through the 22 hand guns and you will be fine. To say it is junk should be followed with your experience with it.
  8. So yes, I blew out a deal for everyone on here with AR mags last summer. Well that was what I didn't have room for to store and wanted to hook you guys up. So these are some from my stash. New with tan followers, still in heavy duty sealed plastic. Bury them in the ground and they will be fine in 10 years when all this gun craze has blown over. Here's what I'm looking for. New Mosin Nagant. Flexible on year and maybe flexible on it being new. Needs to be in very good condition. Understand I have one already. I'm not looking for a $200+ trade value. Bulk .22 long rifle high velocity. Looking for some work to get done at the house in the coming months. General contractor stuff. Custom closet, pavers, and turning a small room into a master bath. I understand this is more than mags in cost.
  9. Your brothers a good dude. That will buy you some time to post a pic up. Dirty or clean, we want to see a pic.
  10. It sounded a little like the field tractor I use to drive when I worked on the farm growing up. Though I can say I think it sounds a little like the rally car vid posted.
  11. Mojoe


    That 4runner is pretty dope.
  12. I read a thread recently on OR about a BW3's that put up a no weapons allowed sign. The sign with a hand gun and and line through it. I don't get out all that much, and I can't say I have seen a sign like this at a restrant. Here's why I will always go out and put it in the car if I decide to have a drink. One, it's the law. Hands down, that's what you have to do. Two, let's say you have just one drink with your our girl, and you don't feel like going out and putting the gun in the car. While you're leaving some meat head shoulder checks the shit out of your girl. He's just not paying attention and has had a bit to drink. You tell him to watch it and he wants to mess you up now. Cops will be called and you are in a fight. You are carrying and have drank. You're done. It can happen that quickly. There are a ton of, you should have done........... My point being, do the right thing, or don't carry. Which might be the right thing. I'd rather take a few punches to the face, than deal with that legal situation.
  13. Many are. Some chains are different from one location to the other. If you don't have a sign right out for me to see, I'm not going to ask around for your ok. If I decide to have a drink, I go out to the car and lock it up. I have carried in about every place I go. What I wish was that I could provide a list of where I have gone and not done business because they have a sign up. I just haven't run into it much. Looking for the state link of known places you can't carry. I'll see if I can fink it and post it here.
  14. Gun Envy can do quite a few things. This is a shop that is worth going in and talking to the guys and getting to know them. Like most shops these days, they get a lot of BS suburban warriors calling or going in asking for shit that is just not out there right now, for the most part, or that the customer only knows about from Call of Duty. They will be straight forward with you, which I like. Some people get their feelings hurt because they think they need to be catered to. It's a gun shop, for gun guys/girls. Go talk to them and they will work something realistic out for you. If it is March, than so be it. Fact is, what you want engraved is going to be caught up in paper work most of the Summer anyways probably.
  15. I'm looking to test my green thumb this year too. I'll be reading and following the posts here.
  16. I've been on CR for quite a while and have met great people on here. Some have helped me work on my car's and bike. Not for pay or anything at all sometimes. Just for CR helping CR. There are some damn good people on here and I'm glad to have gotten to know many of them and hope to meet more. With that said, I wanted to thank Draco-REX. Yesterday was the second time he hooked me up with a good deal. He's a car guy through and through, and just a good dude over all. He runs the Advance Auto parts on Sawmill road. I went in looking for stuff for the SpecB and he put on his cape and saved the day. He goes out of his way to help and it is appreciated. Thanks Draco-REX
  17. Again, it says everywhere to mount the optic forward. I'm saying I don't find it effective without needing the room to mount other gear. If you train with it one way or the other, you can make it work. I recommend people try it mounted to the rear, because prettty much no one on here is mounting NVG's. As for rear irons, I like the issued BIS, backup iron sight (yes, I'm switching spelling). I like it because it's what I have trained with and feel I do rather well with. There are many out there, I'm not well versed on them all, so one may be better for someone else than this one I reference. If you have a weapon with a carrying handle, the rear sight is very accurate with the fixed front sight post. It's just not what most people are running for a set up these days, but it is very capable. I'm on my GOV computer, so I can't post pics. But here's a link the the FM. Scroll down about half way to section 2-4. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/3-22-9/c02.htm
  18. I don't know how much I credit that, but I like the thought process of thinking it could be something. Take the ammo off the shelves. Starve the shooters and get them out of practice and training for X amount of time. Then battle rustly tactics. That's pretty far fetched. But, I would rather think through it as an option than just be blind to it.
  19. Is there a question in there somewhere? I'm almost thinking we are saying the same thing, with exception that I disagree with the CCO being in a forward position. I say that by what works for me and what I have trained soldiers with and seen the differance. This is why I suggested it and that he try both ways to see what works for him. I assume you are referancing to this piece of information from FM 3-22.9(referance figure 2-25 and 2-26): The M68, close-combat optic (CCO) is a reflex (nontelescopic) sight (Figure 2-23). It uses a red dot aiming point and is designed for the "two-eyes-open" method of sighting. The M68 can be shot with one eye open as well. The dot follows the horizontal and vertical movement of the gunner's eye while remaining fixed on the target. A one-time retightening of the torque-limiting knob is recommended after the first three rounds are fired to fully seat the M68. No centering or focusing is required beyond 50 meters. In the pictures it is shown forward most to allow for other optics to be used with it, such as the AN/PVS-14. I have not been able to justify having it forward, without the use of needing room to mount additional gear. I'm not a fan of lolly popping the rear iron with the red dot, but I like the closeness of setting them near vs farther from each other.
  20. This is where opinions very and you have to go with what works for you. I can't imagine how anyone can be accurate with both eyes open and not using their dominate eye. That's about the same as a hip fire or point and shoot. If even for a split second, you have to close one eye to be accurate. My accurate and your accurate may be different, and I understand that. With training/practice, all things can work.
  21. I did neglect to address the peripheral vision. Just like you never have your finger on the trigger until you intend to fire, you wouldn't be looking through the sites or optic until you intend to fire. Meaning, you are focused visually on your target only. Your hearing or touch are going to have to be dialed in to whats around you. That's all senario based though. Again, the red dot is great quick reference and getting on target. EDIT: Glad to help. Feel free to PM me what you find, or if you ever have any questions. By tomorrow, 20 people will have posted in here saying 20 other ways of shooting.
  22. Thanks Dover, but I understand not everyone on the internet intends to help, so he may have thought otherwise. Antwon, I have not read much of the chatter online. I tried once and found a lot of trash to sift through for very little accurate info. There is good out there, it just don't all apply to my intended use, so i stopped reading. Here's what I can tell you from use with the StrikeFire, Aim point, and the ACOG; for what you said you intend to use it for, you have the right tool. I have mine dialed in for 100M and use it as a quick attach/detach, I like my irons. As for the field of view with no magnification, having it closer means when you have good cheek to stock well and closer eye relief, you are able to be more exact and take the strain off of getting on target. The further away your sites are from your eye the more variance you have and angles, meaning less exact/consistency of impact. Without consistency, you can't have accuracy. Now, you can train yourself to make that work. And I think what you have is a ball park site in that can get dialed in a little more. At 100M, you have quite a bit of room to be sloppy and still be on the target. Again, I know that's your intended range. Let's talk quick reaction. Again with the eye relief; the distance of your eye from the site. Many marksman with the AR platform will tell you they shoot with their nose touching the charging handle, to include me. It sucks and I love it, because it works and I don't miss. That red dot is a speedy reference. At 100M and less you have no issues with the one you have. Your ability to acquire the site on target and transition to another target with accuracy is greater with proper eye relief. With the 2x attachment, I can see where you would have been in the right area. BUT, again, that one is too restrictive for field of view, IMO. Try this, mark where you have it, white out works fine and it will come right off easy. Then, with no 2x attachment, draw the weapon up from the ready position and engage 2 targets. Try this with and without the attachment and with it near and far on the upper. You tell me what had you on target faster and more accurate. If you don't like it, put it back to where you had it marked, and stick with what works for you. Your weapon is very capable of placing a round dead on at 550M with iron sites. IMO, your rear site restricts what that weapon is capable of by 80%. For the cost of that bipod/grip, you could have a fully adjustable from 200M-600M functioning fold down rear site. It's like Building a bad ass turbo V8 and putting a GT28 turbo on it. Yup, it's still fun, buuuuuuut..... I think you see what I'm saying.
  23. I'm on a GOV computer. I think I'll wait.
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