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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. What world do you live in where you think if you go to court and are awarded a settle of some sort, that the court pays you? If the person is worth nothing, there's nothing for you to get from them. They are already broke, you just made them more poor and can put it on their credit report. And I need to hear the part about you being in the military. What did you do? Why did you get out? What branch were you in? I'm going to make some popcorn and be right back. Can't wait.
  2. Hands down, it turns into a scope only gun for me with the new stock. Mounting options need to be found. That round is very capable with the right glass and figuring out a few things.
  3. The Mosin just isn't functional for use with the stock configureation it comes in. For me, I have more ammo than I think I will ever shoot through mine. Having this new stock as an options makes the gun more useable and maybe more fun to shoot. Right now I have a $80 boom stick that is only good for looks.
  4. I like it, for better function. I have a Mosin I haven't even shot yet. I've been looking for something fun to do with it. Hmmmm. Thanks for posting
  5. Mathtv.com They have vids explaining all levels of math.
  6. She did tell you so. And had you been on here, where you have come to rant, you would have seen we have been talking about this for weeks. I've had posts out for months about how much ammo to keep on hand. But, fortunately you can rack this up as a learning experience and get what you can now. It will just cost you more than had you kept a good supply on hand. To sumerize what came out of the ammo thread, most would agree, 1000 rounds per gun to be kept on hand. Good luck to you.
  7. Quick before someone on CR buys one and then post it for sale on here for $500
  8. Doesn't fix your problem, but looking at a house today in those areas, 5 car garage. I would have you covered bro.
  9. I would drive through Upper Arlington. There are signs out front of places all the time. I lived there a few years and had 2 different townhouse's. 2 bedroom, 3 levels with basement half finished and a garage, for 625 a month.
  10. Mojoe

    FS Ruger P95

    1 hour and 10 minutes. Yup, that's fast. Nice work.
  11. Mojoe

    FS Ruger P95

    This will go fast. GLWS
  12. ReconRat pretty much said it. How much money do you want a month? $5k? What age do you want to retire? 60 years old? How long do you think you'll live? 90 years old? Do you have insurance to cover you old ass failing? Let's just say yes and not calculate a nightmare. $60k a year for 30 years = $1,800,000. That's no interest accumulation. No additional income. Just straight cash under the mattress. No one does that. But I like the big scary number. Now live off $30K a year and hate yourself, probably fall behind on things, and you only need $900,000 in the mattress. Depends on you quality of life you want and the reality of $..
  13. Does that make them dirty mags? I know Todd likes them dirty mags.
  14. Sounds close enough. I haven't slept with him. LOL
  15. Eric Allen, my dude Andrew, my other dude Matt Kessler, all are good help at Vance's. Check Delta Espilon in Hilliard and talk to Todd or Dale. Gun Envy, ask for Ridder, he's a good dude to know and will make it for you if need be.
  16. Bank of America is anything but a bank that supports Americans. They last the Government travel card account a few years ago. I jnust read 2 weeks ago about a gun manufactuer who's business had increased tremendiously in recent weeks. BOA froze the account and said it was because of the online sales transactions and that they were a gun company. F*%$ BOA
  17. Might be limited people who have done it. But I bet many are interested. Care to link in more info of you have have found to be neat about it?
  18. The NRA is now allowing the purchase of Life Memberships for $300 (70% off normal price) without a sponsor! To purchase a Life Membership for yourself or someone else, call 888-678-7894. I just did this. Called 800 number talked to a call center sourced by the NRA. They are out of Akron Ohio going by the name Info Cision, that's fine. Paid $300. NOW!!! Make note, in the past when you join the NRA you get a member # over the phone. This they did not do. They also are not able to pull up your member # if you are already a member. Meaning, if you have an Instructor indication as part of your current member number, I recommend you call the NRA customer service and make sure your new life member status is linked to your credentials. NRA customer service # is 800-672-3888 and have normal business hours. __________________
  19. Clicked on link. Entered my member #, said life time was $600. Called 800 number talked to a call center sourced by the NRA. They are out of Akron Ohio going by the name Info Cision, that's fine. Paid $300. NOW!!! Make note, in the past when you join the NRA you get a member # over the phone. This they did not do. They also are not able to pull up your member # if you are already a member. Meaning, if you have an Instructor indication as part of your current member number, I recommend you call the NRA customer service and make sure your new life member status is linked to your credentials. NRA customer service # is 800-672-3888 and have normal business hours.
  20. Came here to post about the exact same thing. My work is done here. Carry on.
  21. Be nervous about SERE school. I think you still get to sign the bone waiver, saying they can break one. I've not been, but the training partner I went to my Combatives schools with went. We talked about it a few times. Sounds fun. As for the language stuff, we were always given a terp and just brushed up on the dialect for the area we were in. Frankly, I'm terrible at it. Congrats.
  22. Mojoe


    I wish I could agree. And for some people, this is a simple thing. I have not been to a range or gone to shoot with people, without seeing dangerous handling of a firearm. I have found guns in the woods (just leaning on a tree), porta johns, and even just left in a vehicle in plane site. Some people just aren't mindful to all that goes with having a fire arm with them all the time. Hell, give them non lethal forms if they can't prove proficiency with a fire arm.
  23. Mojoe


    Last week I discussed this with the officer of one of the schools I visit. I see both sides evenly and frankly the liability is out of this world with good and bad. The over all risk assesment is endless. Lock boxes, kids breaking into them, where to put them, overall higher security, individual accountability.... it goes on and on. I look at it like responsability, but that's something I'm use to handling for yeeeeeeeaaars. people leave guns all over the place, in the bathroom, at the movies, in bars, in a lost or stolen purse. Hell, soldiers leave them in the porta john all the time. Now you have someone who has this added to their roll in the school. WOW!!!!! Shit can go wrong and it's scary to have someone who has only familarization training, with that responsability. But it's not like we can justify not having more protection in the school. I hope they spend the money and send them to quality tactical course for a week or two in the summer. make them sleep with it, have it on them, take it to the shower, clean it everyday, shoot hundreds of rounds with it everyday. Don't let the kids know who the people tasked are either. Teachers need to keep this quite. My .02
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