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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I may, or may not have this. Hmmm... But I got it from Dale. hahaha I've been teaching with .22, but might switch to 9mm because there is more of that out there. Not even sure what that means. lol
  2. I understand the application and have used the weapon and that optic quite often. I've owned the optic for 4 years. I asked, to try and assist. Your reply is that you only intend to use it for up to 100m, your x2 attachment is not shown in your pic as being used. Therefore, I asked. The x2 attachment reduces the field of veiw, restricting your over all vision more then the x2 can off set to be a benefit. IF the optic it self was just x2 or even x3, without losing the field of view or needing the attachment, well that would be nice and very different. Why is it best to have it as far forward as posible on the upper? I've never heard of mounting it that way or why. As for your irons, am I seeing no range adjustment on the rear sight? Just windage? I'm not trying to make you defensive. I'm simply trying to understand your set up. It is very nice gear.
  3. It use to be fun to surf gun web sites and see all the fun things you wanted? Maybe even order a few things? Man, that use to be fun. First world problems
  4. Have you zeroed the irons? Bring that optic back to just about where it would touch that rear site. That far forward is too much eye relief. What range were you sighting in at? Seemed closer than 100m.
  5. I skimmed through the 3 pages of posts so far and there are great points. The topic alone is one that upsets me daily. Entitlement! WTF have you done? For the most part, nothing. Take the special needs from this situation, and I think 90% of us are talking about the lack of parenting to raise a child that will make a difference or be a productive member of society. Someone who has the values to know they have to carry their weight; someone with morals, ethics, and values that make things stay in balance. It's not ALL about a higher level of education. Show me a person whose parents didn't let them sit on their ass, and had to earn what they have, and I'll show you someone who can probably be taught to do about anything. People who have to work for what they have are more likely to confront the person who is careless and wreckless to tell them to pull their head out of their ass. Young people today don't have challenges. They quit when they think it will be hard. When you FAIL at something challenging, it should push you to get better at it, within reason. IF you succeed at something challenging, that's a breakthrough and you get better at it and challenge yourself more = drive and determination. Imagine that. Mom and Dad can't stand to see Jr fail. Sometimes, I think they don't want to look bad. So they baby the child far too long. Now they have a kid who can't deal with life and is said to have ADHD, anxiety, depression or they just don't care and write the kid off. They put the kid on meds to control them for common things about kids growing up. Not all fall in this category, but many. Now, I went quickly through this part, but I think you can see where I was going with this part. I don't have kids, so I'm an ass for even trying to come off like I know how hard it is to raise a child. I know I'm 38 years old and have perused life and getting balance in it. It's only now where I feel I have an environment where I could raise a child. What I have seen, in training other people’s children with the military, is that many parents have quite. Don't read that as me saying, you as a parent have quit. You're being narrow minded. We on RC have, for the most part, a shared outlook. I'm talking the masses. The people we don't usually interact with. The one's outside our social bubble. So when I'm in Walmart or the mall and someone won't be stern with a kid who needs it; "I want $50 to spend on this toy". “You HAVE to get this for me" I have seen this and know the parent if broke. I have talked to more than one kid for the parent, nicely, but stern. And every time the parents say “thank you”. I love it when I'm in uniform, because the kids turtle up and hide behind Mom or Dad. But, of the 6 times I have done that, only two were in uniform. I've ranted a bit in this. Understand, I'm not attacking anyone here on RC and that I'm generalizing. This topic frustrates me a lot because of how I relate to it from how I was brought up and what we didn't have. Growing up seeing people who "Have" and being somoene who did not have those things was a driving point for me. Now I see the people who "HAD" those things and many have wasted the opertunity I wanted so badly.
  6. Yup. I'm happy with my $118 I got in today. Filed on Friday last week. I don't owe and didn't let a big chunk of my $ be used.
  7. Mojoe

    Mobile games

    Zombie Highway, Zombie gunship, BikeRaceTFG, and hill climb
  8. It's not so much about making the hustle. A hustle leaves things out of balance and someone loses. The hustle to the hustle; is to see the situation for it's reality and choose to be part of it; things are in balance. Or, you can break away from it; beating the hustle is things are off balance. Seeking situations with balance and making them good holds value to both sides, and will always lead to more of the same. Unless, one side tries to hustle the other, meaning it's off balance and then you break contact. Right now, I'm hustling your thoughts.
  9. I had the work done at Performance Powder Coating. I powder coated a ton of stuff for me and they have held up like new. But the ceramic just didn't have the life I was hoping. EDIT: The ceramic coat issue with my car has been in the back of my mind for about a year now. Understand, I was out of the country for a year also, before I saw the issue. With me not having the car at home, I just haven't looked into it. That said, I called Performance Powder Coating and they are a little shocked with what I have experianced. Without hesitation they said bring it in and it will be looked into and corrected. They were great to work with before and I'm seeing the same service 3 years later.
  10. Mojoe

    Who did it?

    When I got mine, dsnowgd, I wanted dsnogod and was told anything with god in it would not get approved. I spoke to 2 managers and they both said it was slang for cocain. I can understand that. But, would the biggest coke guy in Ohio be rollin in a 99 Subaru legacy? We all went back and forth, and I was screwed. Two weeks later I see a VW bug with "1god" as the plate.
  11. I have my manifold, down pipe and turbo hot side ceramic coated and it didn't last at all. And I haven't driven the the car hard. Has about 7000 miles on it since work was done.
  12. I'm interested in the 8" covers if you want to get rid of them.
  13. Mojoe

    AR mag talk

    Ok, this made me LOL. You have to accessorize. I was hoping to hear someone mention the noise the USGI make. They rattle when they are empty. They rattle when brass is in them. You can't low crawl quitely for shit with them. USGI get hung up in mag pouches sometimes. Usually bending the clip on the bottem, making you hate that mag forever. Ain't nobody got time for that in a hasty reload. You can throw a USGI 30 yards to your buddy, with zero fucks given. This is good the first 20 times, then the bottom blows out and rounds go flying everywhere. But hey, who's throwin mags around like that these days?
  14. Mojoe

    AR mag talk

    This I know too well. I stacked 440 USGI like a block. Tried to but 20 Pmags next to them and it was like chasing cats. Fuckers went everywhere. Now I only keep them in mag pouches and don't bother ever trying to stack them again.
  15. I'm with you on that. How are they that dumb and can afford that truck?
  16. Mojoe

    AR mag talk

    I think both are pretty durable, though plastic cracks. This I can agree with. I've been on range details where you have a couple hundred mags to load up with a few people and your fingers are hating you. But that much ammo, any mag would suck I guess.
  17. Mojoe

    AR mag talk

    PMAGS!!!!!! Had to get that out of the way. What I'm looking for are your thoughts on Mags. Pmags are good and I get that. But what makes them better to you? And saying some have a little window you like is weak. Give me some feed back of how they are better for you in a situation. I don't care about cost. I'm talking function. I'd like to hear about any opinions really, on mags. I have one key issue, to me, that I want to see if anyone brings up.
  18. Not to thread jack, but if somoene knows an all around contractor for roof, electric and general stuff, I'm looking to have some estimates for future and some current things I need done. Please PM info so's to not throw this tread off. Thanks
  19. I've had 2 done, right and left inguinal(sp). Went through Mount Carmel East on the 2nd one and had a guy named Dr. Miller. Recovery was much faster than the first and less discomfort. I don't have any contact info for him, I just did a quick search, which was unsuccessful.
  20. Never got the PM from you, like you said. ?????
  21. I can pick it up in Westerville, did I read that right? PM me with how you want to do This.
  22. Mojoe


    Gun scariness blows over and some small changes take place. With that, demand drops for all this back order stuff. Companies are pushing production hard to cash in right now. Three months form now the fear drops off and so does the willingness/want from the new buyers. With warm weather, other things will take priority and therefore, a flood of availability from canceled orders. Prices try to stay up where they are for two more months and drop back down about 10% over what we knew them as 3 months ago. Blind guess. Prove me wrong system.
  23. Mojoe

    RX7 people

    That's awesome. Texas has a strong FD crowd. Ari, runs rotary reserection/resolution (can't remember exactly) there in texas, he's a guru on anything RX7. He is very well known in that work and a great guy to talk to. You are lucky to have him in the same state.
  24. Mojoe

    RX7 people

    I respect those who swap. What I respect more, are those who can not harp on it and simply enjoy the car. You Sir, I feel are doing well at this. I hope to see you car sometime.
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