I have a Niece (10yrs) and Nephew (6yrs) and I need a little help on what to get them for Xmas. Frankly, they are spoiled and it is starting to show pretty bad. In the past I bought them a XBOX w/ Kinect so I could play the games with them and hang out through LIVE. They live in Vermont. I have bought all the leap Frog stuff. I have bought programs to help excelerate their learning. I just can't bring myself to send up Furbies and other crap.
She is into Justin Bieber and things that glitter. She doens't play sports
He is a gear head in the making. Crash it up, throw it and hope it makes a lot of noise. But, he has too much of that already and I'm sure he will get more for Xmas.
Both kids have been closer to naughty than nice this year, with attitudes and not listening. They know Uncle Joe gets pissed when they are like that and it cost them not going to the water park when I was there to visit. Doing that devistated them. They couldn't believe I said they didn't deserve it. Hell, I wanted to go to the park more than they did probably. My Sister and Brother in-law work hard and the kids don't see it.
I tell you those things because I want something fitting. Not something to brag about. Something they can learn from. I have looked at things they NEED, but they have everything. I thought about getting models for him to put together, but he is still smashing things and being wasteful.
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.