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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Agreed. I bet LMT, PMSA, and the like are blowing up with orders. I have to say, I'm glad I'm not in any want, and covered my bases's already. Funny thing is, the girlfriend just gave me an early Xmas present, a crossbow. I'm sure those will be out lawed soon after the guns cool off. Then come the knives. Next, we will all be back in caves trying to start a fire.
  2. Just got off the phone with a friend in Vermont. He said the Dicks sporting goods up there announced today they will no longer be carrying AR's. He also mentioned they were completely out of ammo.
  3. I stayed out of this thread because I didn't want to read certain things I assumed would be posted. I have considered coltboostin's post in the past to be an interesting take that may be over looked. This was a very disappointing let down. I feel like its disrespectful to come in this thread and be confrontational. Yet, I said what I felt need be said.
  4. You're out of your mind with dumb. That is a whole other case study that you likely heard part of and twisted it to fit your thought here. There are a gazillion people playing video games shooting people on there. With your thought, wouldn't this be happening more? I've been deployed now a few times and play COD as often as my free time allows, shouldn't I be some sort of crazy by now and on a shooting spree? Thanks for saying the government that you entrust to protect you should violate the Constitution. And you might want to stick to making cars go fast, that you are very good at. Everything above is garbage. It's not the people with background check and legal guns doing this shit!!! So you're for limiting the person who has been back ground checked to only having one hand gun. Because that's what YOU think is enough for the 2 seconds of thought you put into this. Can you even tell the differance between the action and function of what you think is an assult rifle? It's a good thing you are leaving it to your armed forces to protect you. You need that protection. Your way of thinking is toxic and will get people hurt.
  5. Mojoe

    AMMO info, or not

    It's not a matter of whether the weapon will shoot it. It's more of a what purpose are you using it for? Then comes zeroing the weapon for the heavier ammo. 1:7 has shown to stabalize the heavier grain ammo and be accurate. 1:9 still does a good job, but at a certain distance the rounds tumbles. I'll have to see if I can find where I got that info from and link it in. The heavier the grain the more punch on impact. The shorter twist gets the bullet cutting threw the air, if you can say that. Therefore, it's more stable, farther. That's the nut shell version.
  6. Mojoe

    AMMO info, or not

    I understand what a heavier round brings. What I'm wondering is what someone has found with it? Their take of its performance in distance, penetration, and cost. Cost I have seen. I had not read that before. I have been on both forms a few times and read threads that turned into " my dick is bigger than yours", so I stopped looking on there. Regardless, very good read. Thanks for linking it.
  7. Mojoe

    AMMO info, or not

    Ask tina about that. I think she is looking to get rid of some from a misorder.
  8. Mojoe

    AMMO info, or not

    Without throwing the thread in a spin. Would you PM me a brief "your thoughts" of like or dislikes? I haven't been against it. Just haven't shot it and would like to know your experience.
  9. Mojoe

    AMMO info, or not

    Ammo is still out there to be bought. I can't say I know one person who shoots a 75 grain 5.56 round. There is tons of tracer ammo out there too. But the good, common ammo is not available like it was a week ago. I hope it's last minute prep for the 21st. That's just dumb and fun to watch.
  10. Mojoe

    AMMO info, or not

    Two weeks ago I made a thread about how much ammo is a good amount per gun. I was checking the pulse of CR with this. Now we are seeing the places we by ammo from being told they don't know when they can get resupplied. Do I think this is a just a blip in the pulse reading? I do. But none the less it is something to be aware of. It's really not a bad time for it to happen. Most Xmas presents are bought, figuring something gun/ammo related. Most hunting seasons are over for a few months. This is the beginning of the slow time for ammo companies. Some of this I'm just thinking out loud about. I don't know the reason why they would be a shortage. Will we see the raise and fall of prices or stock like gasoline?
  11. Not looking to ensue panic, just passing this along. Posted today by a couple of places, they are saying their distributers don't know when they will see any 5.56 ammo again. Do what you like to feel good. Hopefully you are set either way. Hopefully no shortage will happen. Again, just an FYI. Carry on.
  12. Agreed. There is just a neat facture to them that makes them look like you have an OG piece.
  13. Damn it. I meant Hilliard Rome and 70. For some reason I have always messed up those two roads
  14. 70 and Hilliard Rome RD, right by 70 and 270. There's an Apple Bee's with a Mijer parking lot right next to it. Plenty of room there
  15. I know this might be more than what you're looking for, but just letting you know it's available. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108845
  16. I bought this with the intent on doing more car video's and maybe some snowboarding vids. What is comes down to is, I just don't like to be the camera guy and I'm not all that good at it. This set up will do way more than I ever needed and I only used it 2 times to figuy=re this out. I have owned it for about 6 month's and now I'm just looking to get it to someone who will have more use for it. 32G gig internal memory, with 2 slots for additional SD memory http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/camcorders/consumer_camcorders/vixia_hf_s30 The VIXIA HF S30 can record up to 12 hours of the most crisp, high definition video possible, with a 32GB internal flash drive. It is also equipped with two SDXC-compatible memory card slots, but it gets even better. With Relay Recording, the camcorder automatically switches video recording from the internal drive to the next available SD memory card, when the memory becomes full.
  17. For trade, I offer you a seat in one of the concealed carry classes I teach in. We have one this month on Saturday the 29th. There are a couple seats open. If that date does not work for you, we can work on a future date. I understand you live in Northren Ohio. I'm just putting th offer out there for you. Feel free to PM me for more info EDIT: Assuming it is in working order.
  18. Between this, and what Wagner posted, I don't even watch tv. Nothing will ever make main stream news of a CCW holder being the one to help. That's sad.
  19. Welcome. Looking forward to the build thread. I use to work in Revenna and go over to Boardman 4 nights a week to train. Interesting area up there. Though I could never find a car sceen.
  20. Once you have your PIC and paperwork you need, I had mine back in 2 weeks. This was in August of this year.
  21. Waas waiting for this to happen, but happiness never showed up.
  22. ^^ I get that. I don't like it, but I get that. I have done quite a bit of business with Vances. It's too bad when you can't do business with a smaller shop and support friends.
  23. Noted. I've not been over the Buckeye outdoors. But the shops I have talked to have had trouble getting them, to include Gun Envy and Delta. I have not seen one on display in a shop in 2-3 months.
  24. 9mm or .40? I seem to be missing the 9mm when I hear they are in, and the .40 is a Unicorn. None of the people I know are looking for 9mm.
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