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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Hey, thanks to the OP for posting my shopping list. I wasn't aware I left it out. Come people. First off, I think most people posting in here have a few things that go bang. So getting alllllll jacked up over what MIGHT be/could be/they are trying to, it's all crap. The gubment will not take your guns. Yes, restrictions will more than likely be seen in the future for buying a gun. But that has been a progressive route they have taken any way. Buying a gun today Vs. buying one in 1995 has even changed, but we can still buy guns today. Hell, people said by 2010 we would all be zooming around on Jet Packs. I guess that shit's on back order. Be smart about gun ownership, it's the best defense we have to be able to freely buy and own them. End thread/
  2. The Ruger American has nothing but great reviews in the short time it has been out. Any rifle of this type, and in this lower price range, is going to lose accuracy after a few shots, until the barrel cools. I say that so we can compare apples to apples. What I found was people were regularly able to shoot millimeter groupings with this rifle. The adjustable trigger is a great step, in a rifle at this level. And that level being for hunting and range play. The .308 Vs 30 06 debate can go back and forth being justified. I choose .308 for availability, pricing, weight of ammo to carry, and capability. Capability between the two calibers is very close. where one has an advantage, the other make up for it some where else. What it came down to for me was, I was willing to give up the very little difference in hit power at a distance with the 30 06. It comes down to what you prefer. I hope this may have helped in thinking this out. My set up with a Nikon Monarch
  3. Those are haji prices right there. And probably the same quality
  4. Being this was in 2008, it has been out a while. Still fun to watch.
  5. Mojoe

    gun control

    If there was ever a gun collection, meaning the people of America had to turn in their guns, it would not just be a random knock on the door and ask if you have any guns. Katrina had that happen, from what I have heard. The ATF would hand off the known info they have to whoever had boots on ground. If you got a knock on the door it would turn into a he said she said from people saying what they had was stolen(do you have a police report) or that they sold it long ago and don't have a bill of sale. That's just step one. The data base needed to start taking guns from citizens, would need to be so organized to be right, that it really just can't happen. You take a gun from an American and tell them that right is gone, Civil war breaks out. You try to say you're cleaning up the streets from gun crimes and you can have it back after XXXX amount of time for the gubment to do its work. Now you have to prove I have a gun, you have to log and be liable to return the gun, and so on. Even doing wrong, they would try to do it right and doing it right just really can't be done. We are in a state that only requires your info be run before you buy a gun from a dealer. What happens after? No one tracks that and the system has not way to hold you liable. Ohio does not require you register your weapon. So once it is out of the store, there is only a hint in the system of where it went when it left the store. Hold your guns you have close. It will get harder to buy guns in the future, but I see that happening regardless of which party is in office. Buy up your ammo. That's an easier way for the system to put a strain on the gun owners. Be smart with your gun ownership and sales, if you choose to sell. Proving you're a good guy to any system will probably benefit you better than trying to prove a point to the system.
  6. Mojoe

    AR15 vs

    I actually like that with the tan, because I don't have one like it yet. And the price is decent. I would point someone to this as a good AR without getting into specs. The AR style weapon is the Mr. Potato head of guns. Mag's and other accessories should all work out, providing there is a rail and room.
  7. Mojoe

    9mm vs.

    Wait, if you put a can on a G19 and a can on a C6, will it still sound the same?
  8. Mojoe

    9mm vs.

    Bang, bAng. Shit sounds different yo.
  9. Mojoe

    AR15 vs

    Well, it's not that simple.
  10. It's a shitty set up all together. With faults on both sides. Fucking pay attention when your driving, especially when you are using a road connected to a runway. STOP sign or not. Hey, you could get hit by a plane!!! Who sets up an open air field like that and doesn't even have a gate to keep random retards from just driving out on the runway? How pressed for land are they to not gate that end with a higher clearance, and make the run off on the far end longer?
  11. Mojoe

    AR15 vs

    An AR-15 is simply an AR-15, but modified to fire AR-15 ammo. You have to change out the Upper from and AR-15, with the Upper from another AR-15, to be able to do this. Once you've swapped the parts, you now have an AR-15. It's pretty simple really.
  12. Patient is what doesn't work for me. I know where the parts go. I know how to get them there. They can get their own ass there, DAMN IT!!!! I'm going to get a bigger hammer.
  13. I was pretty pissed putting my first one together. Having a rest, and a few simple tools better to the task, would have saved me the frustration I was going through. I hit the fuck it button, and bought a complete upper to throw on it. I got a stupid good deal on the the complete upper, so that's just balance to me. haha
  14. I have both. Easier to put on a thumb drive and get to you, or meet up and I bring my external. It would be middle of next week though.
  15. I want to say AK. Just bought a case of ammo for half the cost of 5.56. I'm told they shot upside down, underwater, with lava in the action and there are no issues. I've not shot mine yet to have an opinion though.
  16. Only 10 slots open now. Would love to see the FD LS on this. I'm not sure what we will be in next year.
  17. Might have to go with M4 also. Based on comfort with the weapon and availability of ammo. It's the Mr. Potatoe Head of guns. Just attach whatever you want to it. This will be an interesting thread.
  18. It's foolish for the boss to think he didn't tell you. And she HAS to assume you told your wife. From there, it should be a head nod secret that isn't brought up, unless by the boss to your wife. Then, let it be girl talk between them. If your wife needs something like this to gain position in a situation, it's probably not a situation not worth being in. But, if you don't tell your wife and the boss does end up talking to her, then that could put you in a bad position. People know shit like this is talked about. keep it close to those involved and leave it there.
  19. I'll start this saying that no bikes have done any of the Rally North America events. Will you be the first? Ok, so I heard about Rally North America two years ago. And like my things in motor related events, "I said i want to do that". Well this past Summer I did. And it was a great time. Every year the route changes, as well as the charity the rally supports. They have raised money for the Wounded Warrior Project, Accelerate The Cure for MS, and this year is Camp Sunshine. We had 6 cars from Ohio at the even this year and there was an Ohio team on the podium for every day. Included in your registration, covers your vinyl decal kit and track fee for $225. Your team is also required to donate $75 to the fund raiser. They give you a site to register your team, takes about 5 minutes. Ideally, you should be trying to raise money, but it isn't frowned on if you just pay the entry requirements. So, $300 and you cover your gas, food, and the discounted lodging they have set up already. 2013's Rally starts in Ithica New York, at Watkins Glen race track, and finishes 3 days later in Canada. Everyday you go to a track of some sort. You will be given about 10 check points once you are at the start line. You have to find those check points that day. They might only give you a picture of a place, sometimes just a description, and so on. You have to find it, and get your team picture at it. It's challenging, it's fun and you get to meet some pretty cool people. Below you will see the link to the site with all the details. You will also see 3 vids linked below. They should give you a pretty good idea of the event. If this is something you are interested in, they only take 80 teams. This will fill up fast and they are at about 60 teams now. i would love to see more people form Ohio at this. More details and how to register are here: http://forum.rallynorthamerica.com/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=963 Now the fun stuff. The vids. Day 1 http://vimeo.com/52578679 Day 2 http://vimeo.com/52587261 Day 3 http://vimeo.com/52726702
  20. I thought I would revive the Rally bug. They just released the Short movies for each day of the rally. They are linked below. More importantly, Rally registration is now open for next year, Rally New England. Details on the Rally and how to register are here: http://forum.rallynorthamerica.com/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=963&sid=cf6964677ec7a69c752ac4b0b42b4527 I know there are 2 Columbus teams already. Slots for this will fill up fast. They only take 80 teams, and they are at about 60 now. Here's my thread on here about the New England Rally http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=107095&highlight=rally Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
  21. Didn't someone rent a gun there a few years ago, go onto the range, and kill them self? Now these clowns go in there and make similar gestures. Along with disregard for others and their safety. Should have it on the video. Should be turned over to cops. Names should be put into a data base not allowing them to have a CCW permit. And I like the jail time.
  22. Ryan, you know I feel the same way. My issue is -100x where you are in rider ability. I simply need more seat time. Something to consider also, that came to light for me this season. Is the juice worth the squeeze? I found myself wanting to push my limits to have that feeling of being on the edge. Yet, I rode like a huge pussy in comparison to what I went there to do. Hellmett, said it right for me, self preservation. Looking at it now I had more to lose by having an incident that I could justify pushing the limits to. It happens to me with snowboarding every couple of years too. I'll feel comfortable throwing 360's or a long boned out 180, for one season, then next year I just don't feel like I have any gains or learn anything. What I have seen for that, is it sometimes builds on it's self later. In our head we want to bring it all together now and over come that sticking point. We see our self doing it. Now to get the body to execute it. For me, when the mind, body, and gear come together, just takes a little more time. We've all seen those guys at the track though, that just go out and pick it up so fast. That's awesome, but that's them. I think to push to that next level, you have to know you. Ryan, you see you doing it. You know you can, and have progressed. IMO, your constant exposure to different types of riding, is going to come together and you'll leap way farther in what you can do on the track, than where you feel you are stuck at now. Don't sell the bikes and go on to 4 wheeler's. LOL.
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