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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe


    You looking to sell it or hook someone up? I'm not s lock smith by trade, but I have been shown how to pick one. Wouldn't mind getting a set of tools. Just never looked into it
  2. My dad has one. Delivered it was $1050, but it's only a 20'. The ones in the link are 40'. I have moved empty 40' with a 30ton fork lift. So, if you get a hold of a 30ton fork lift, you can snag one from the train. I have heard of them going for $1500. However, these are getting more popular and the prices have been going up. There's a place in Cinci I drove by a few weeks ago, I don't recall the price but remember thinking it was pretty good. They had hundreds of them. It was out by the outlet mall.
  3. It is. He's saying you would have been better to spent $30 more and get a 1/7 barrel
  4. Dsnowgod, I will be working some new COD tonight.
  5. Thanks for posting this. Hadn't looked much, but planned too find something like this. Now I know where. Still looking at houses to put my 12 tires at. Glad someone grabbed it up though.
  6. What are you doing with your old gear? Do like And F!@# taking that fore end off. Started to do it one time and said f!$# that, it's good like it is.
  7. You thinking wrong kind of contractor. Think more work out of an office or go meet with companies that can provide services for GOV use. From hotel deals to buying tools, even building new buildings.
  8. Check USAJOB for contractor positions at DSCC. They tend to open up often and the pay seemed good when I looked at them a while back. She could be the one to set up the next major buy of hammers for the government, at $450 per hammer.
  9. I have a Ruger American and am very pleased with it. I bought it for deer hunting with my Dad in Vermont, and to do some distance shooting. I'm not on a SWAT team, I'm not a hired gun, so this rifle covers all I need. I comes with an adjustable trigger and the weapon is very accurate for one at this level out of the box. It's a hunting gun, so no heavy barrel needed and after the 4th round you will see a difference in impact if you fire it somewhat quickly. Personally, if you are going for a long barrel bolt weapon, go with a higher caliber like .308 or 30 06. Smaller calibers are too limited to be worth your while and you might find yourself wanting to upgrade sooner than you thought.
  10. No one will nuke land that they want. It's like using mace on yourself before you rape someone. I will check back on here tonight. What I wanted to do was mention options, possibilities. Not get into probability so much. One way to think through thinks is to discuss all thinkable approaches. Plan the best you can and make the changes needed to keep the bad from happening. As I said I wanted to provoke thought. Nation buy/sell out is a thought.
  11. Not start WWIII. As you said, these are investors. Who better to be positioned to come in when a country is at that point and buy up what the other companies from the US can't afford? So let's say they become the ones to reopen factory's and failed businesses. Where we would have had no job, because they would have gone out of business, now is owned and run by a China buy out group and US people are paid shit. Take a nation in fail and try to bring it back with now money. Our US spending habit is no different than a drug habit. You either make a change and unfuck it, or get worse to the point where you just have to do whatever to get by. Or you die. Is this next year? No. But if we don't get our budget under control, we set ourselves up for corporate take over by failing. And just like we have big companies paying those in office, so will they.
  12. Yeah, that's how we hope it would go. Until they show up and say they want the East Coast states, and fuck you and your bonds, we are getting something for our Gazillion dollars we bought in bonds.
  13. Just to provoke thought. China comes here in mass to take "their land". We owe them how much? At what point do they just say fuck it we own you?
  14. I can shoot all day at half the price of 5.56. That day, many pumpkins were blasted to pieces for my entertainment.
  15. Hot like this?http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/463736_10152312063480315_610019043_o1.jpg
  16. Is this an extra car you don't need access to often? I don't have a place in Columbus yet, but we have room 100 miles west of Columbus. It's outside. We live in a very small town. Would love to help out after all you did to help my soldier with her car. Just let me know.
  17. I have been buying a lot from sportman guild. They had free shipping until yesterday. Plus, they were giving me $10-$20 off. Love some 7.63x39 @ $202 with shipping for 1000rnds
  18. We damn homie. Why didn't you say so. Good to see you on here.

  19. Seems I got caught up in you two going back and forth. Bored now. Dropping it
  20. You referred to yourself as an average gun owner with 2-3 guns. My questions is if that is average, at what point does gun nut kick in?
  21. I found I have a lot more 54r than I will ever shot. But I like it. Not sure I could ever have enough 22lr, but the insane amount you mention, sounds like a good start.
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