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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. In before some announces they are proposing.
  2. Weapons are an investment you can enjoy. I'm appreciating them more in a "how they work" way, therefore I have am interest in different build design for same caliber. For instance a Chinese SKS and an AK shoot the same round. However, they fire very differently. The SKS with almost no recoil and top ejection, and the AK has a little kick that just feels awesome. I was looking a French WWII rifle I looked at recently. It was just freaking cool and the price was not bad. So it's cool, I'll take it for being unique. Weapons are tools. Sometimes it's nice to have a several different tools to work with. And just like same size wrenches, it's nice to have some that are shorter, longer, or maybe has a bend in them.
  3. You're right. And 5000 seems better to me for an amount to get up to, reguaress of if you get to shoot often or not. If you're someone who has to pay a range to shoot all the time and thinks having 2 boxes of ammo at the house is plenty, I'm trying to let that person see that having more on hand is a good thing. And I'm sure someone reading this is in that situation. To me, arm CR and have them ready and not in need. There is a strong base of gun enthusiasts here. Many have read about guns on here and then bought one. What I hope is they get a good suppy of ammo and not just enough for one visit to the range. Stock it up. Shoot your guns and master them, or collect them if that is your thing.
  4. I'm a big fan of mineral investing. I need a better avenue for it. But, I do think it's right up there with things you should have. I mean if you're sitting on 15,000 rounds and no gold, maybe redirect your efforts for a little while. haha
  5. I think arrows might be ther way to go there. How long before we are stocking up on those? Problem is, there are only so many times you can shoot an arrow into a hard surface, like a tree, and it still be straight and true. Let alone, anyone ever tried to pull an arrow from a compound bow out of wood? Not easy. Better just unscrew the head off it. Back on the ammo. Here's my next question. Say you have 1000 rounds per weapon, how mush did you spend, and how many more guns could you have bought? Don't answer that per say. Just makes me think, if you have 5 guns and all that stock piled ammo, that could have been 1-2 more guns. But that would just mean needing MORE ammo. It's endless. I say get all you can and collect them or be able to arm you friends/family if need be.
  6. For a break in, I see what you're saying. My thought is, on hand, staock piled for is ammo gets hard to come by in the future. or even if you needed to take what you can carry and leave. This is a little more toward what I was thinking. I think that is very realistic. I want as much as I can get my hands on. Who doesn't? I mean, you can only carry so much, right? But should it be hard to get at some time down the road, not say legally or anything, just meaning limited production or whatever.
  7. To answer that question: you can never have too much. But what I'm asking is, to you, what do you see as the amount you should have on hand? For some reason, my base amount that I have pushing in my head is 1000 per gun, not per caliber, per gun. I have been buying up quite a bit lately. It took a little while and watching for deals, but I think it's a make since amount. Thoughts?
  8. When I read she wanted to pick her own ring, I started getting pissed off. I don't care if you're broke or a stright up baller, she should like what you get her, what you felt was right and represented your loving her. I hate status bullshit. If you go to her with a gumball machine ring, and she loves you, it should not matter at all. So long as it's the nicest gumball ring you could reasonably afford in your relationship. A friend of mine proposed to his girl with a $8,xxx ring, it was pretty sick. She said yes, but she wanted a different ring. A $14,xxx ring at that. I was like WTMF!!! I wanted to kill her for him. He had saved 8 months of military pay and used part of his bonus he got. He got a loan and they married. He has made pretty good money after getting out of the Marines and they were in a $500,000 house with all the high end things that go along with that. She was a royal pain in the ass snob for 15ish years. I just found out they divorced and she's tapping him for $2500 a month in support and he lives in an apartment. Point being; gumball machine ring and a heart full of love would be fine if you both are on the same page. Good luck
  9. I see your friend request. Do I know you?

  10. Good luck with the trade, or sale should you decide. I just sold mine on here for $175. Low offers will come, but the value is in the $200 range.
  11. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/28/15510840-11-things-more-likely-to-happen-than-winning-the-powerball-jackpot?lite
  12. I guess his reaction could be from punching a hole in the wall, but the hole was made first hit and he kept hitting. Then he just pauses and is a little dumb. I though he might have been bitten.
  13. Watched a few. It's tv, they have to show the extream side to have the ratings and keep the show on. If they interveiwed someone whos approach was to have some shit and hope for the best, no one would watch. Even though that might just be the best plan, there are so many variables. Half the people watching that show are just sitting there saying, "my shit is way better set up than these clowns".
  14. Saw this on shock masion. Kind of dumb Cliffs: Big goof ball is kinda scared of the biggest spider he's ever seen. Looks for something to smash it with, decides brass knuckles is the way to go. Punches spider on wall 2-3 times, making hole in wall. Then pauses, doesn't show, but seems to have been biten. Starts yelling for mommy. Annnnnnnnd CUT!!
  15. 3.2L, 4 Cylinders. I don't know that engine very well. But I have seen some very impressive out put from the small trucks with 4 cylinder turbos in them. Pretty long life too. Looks fun either way
  16. So you're saying there's a chance. Niiiice
  17. Anything more than that, you'll have to ask the clerk at the counter.
  18. True. But, pointless. Can't collect. Just troll
  19. Power ball tickets are all $2 each. You can get an additional # for another $1, for better chances or bigger pay out. I'm not positive on that part. I think we should do this in $10 buyins, giving 5 sets of lotto numbers contributed per person. If some people are only buying and posting 1 set of #'s, and others are posting 5, that throws the odds and payout off.
  20. I have another pool I'm in. But I would pick up 5 more numbers, $10 worth and get in on this. I think 5 numbers is easy low about that balances every on's comtribution well. Thoughts?
  21. Mojoe


    Make note here people; you boot a bitch and she brings friends over, you need to get your friends over there too. Your dudes are there to watch your shit for you and as witnesses so she can't claim some crazy shit, like that you hit her. There's no getting even on this, that doesn't end up being something bad down the road. It sucks. He got burned. People like this always have something fucked up happening to them them. Leave it alone and clean up the mess. File a report. Press charges if there are any to be pressed. File a claim and hope to get paid. Then just smile big when you bump into them in 2 years and they are all cracked out and have 5 kids running around them. Be happy your done with it.
  22. That's a pretty good way to get shot in the head. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Not so funny.
  23. No one has heard from him, because he has been digging a fallout shelter under his house. He's in crunch time.
  24. Mojoe

    Door dings

    Why not park with a wheel in the striped paint? Taking two spaces, to me, asks for someone to mess with it.
  25. Check with Gun Envy. Ask For Ritter, he is pretty guru on all things gun. He's doing a trigger for me and is easy to work with.
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