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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I use to bake 8-12 chicken breasts and make rice a roni every Sunday evening. Then make up meals and package them up in plastic ware. Take it to work, nuke it for 2 minutes, it maybe cost me $15 for the week. Prep time was about 30 minutes.
  2. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    You will be populare like Starbucks. Lifes lessons, or a studied scholar? I have to agree. Your understanding of people, I see. I just wonder, how long it would take for us to get to the point were we can organize, and what damage we have done getting to that point. No. I was more kidding, like the person being escorted out of the area and told not to come back.
  3. Mojoe

    ccw choice

    TheLCP is a handy tool. I'm getting on for a family member for it's size and simplicity. Personally, I don't want a safety on this type of weapon. The trigger is a heavy pull, enough so there's no reason for accidental discharge. Personal preferance is all.
  4. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    I don't think it's likely, but I also don't know. What do you think is in place for us to be back up and running in a month? I mean the value of out money is pretty tapped right now. Can it with stand an event like discribed? Or, let's say we are back up and running, how big of an eye opener would it be to people? What I get from this is you're mature enough to know what you need to do and have the means to do it.
  5. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    Jesse is a true "woodsman". Just ask his girl. haha, had to say that. I know Jesse pretty well. He's a problem solver. And one of the few people I can see being successful in a bad situation, with just the things around him. About the most rational person I know really. If it sucks, it sucks. Here what we can do, kind of guy. Read about 5 minutes of the story and couldn't tolerate the writing style.
  6. Great to hear how happy everyone is here. I will keep an eye on them. Feel free to PM me should anyone come across a deal. Thanks
  7. LOL. Hinder the sale and then ban yourself. Brian, GLWS. This is a well build and well cared for car. Looking forward to seeing what you go with next.
  8. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    I like it. Simple Look who has 27 posts and a pretty good plan. ^this guy. I can see it now. Everyone meet at Home Depot on Sawmille. LOL No, but seriously, there are several active military, National Guard and Active duty members on here, and prior service. And some of the things people come up with, engineering and just smart approaches on here are pretty awesome. A CR colony doesn't seem impossible. If someone eats too much of the rations, we can have Wagner perma ban them. Gabe can tell them how greedy they are as they are escorted to the perimeter of the area we occupy. I say this jokingly, but it should provoke thought too. How far could that go? We already have rules we follow here. That, and known laws we have lived by are a start point.
  9. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    HotCarl, everything you just posted is good info. The quotes are killing me with space here. It seems 90% of the people think they will be able to head to the hills with their guns and family. I too have that as an option. But the day it happens will deturmine what you will actually be able to do. Roads will be so jammed, that could be where the shootings start, who knows? One thing I have left out to see if it would come up is this; if the electronic financial system gets shut down, it's not just the US it affects, that's world wide. Our impact in the world is too big and they are connected to us to be able to do business. I can't see how someone could hit us with that issue and not have it affect many more countries. So with that said, Canada is now in play. Mexico will probably remain in its same state, or ask us for help. haha kidding. I know this can turn into a no win, never ending senario. I like the discussion that Greg was presenting on the first page. His input shows me there is a chance for people to do the right thing. The input on page 2 shows me there are people who have thought about there being a bad day. I figured there were several people on here that thought things through. The referances have been some good books too. Nothign wrong with reading a few points of view to spur some thought. But like what was said, some writers can be pretty far out there in their outlook. You have to filter the info. Someone mentioned using a bow. I was hoping more would come up from people talking about that. I like the use of a bow/crossbow. Ammo will run out and you might be able to get a few kills with the same arrow. It's a good option. Also, someone mentioned all the people who are prepared, could be the one to get their shit jacked! Damn, that would suck.
  10. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    EMP would be some crazy shit. Back to how to make a fire.
  11. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    This. X2 When I worked at Rickenbacker, I had a plan to take care of a few close people. At least there, they would be in some form of a safe hold. If I could get them in.
  12. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    I don't think out paper money will have any value past the first month or two. If we can't fix the situation by then, the madness is on. Bartering will be a skill to hone. You can go on Amazon and get already made survival kits. If you have nothing at this point, that would be a pretty good start point if you aren't able to, or sure what you should get. I have heard it said a few times, but I consider it a n oppertunity item in preperation. Should I come across a deal, I might pick some up. I agree. You literally have to form a squad size group of awesome people. From there hold a possition or be able to gather on the move. Then recruite, in the long run, to insure you aren't over run and in turn, that forms a community. From there, I can only hope, reastablish a society.
  13. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    So you're just not going to think about it, is what you're saying? By writing in here, you already have been thinking about it. And you will continue to view options you have. So I guess you can be a crackpot with me. Pull up a chair, I'll share my MRE with you.
  14. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    And that's really all I'm getting at. I'm just trying to guage what preperation people have made for a bad day, or longer. Functional preperation without comprimising living a comfortable life. Some people I work with are the type to want something crazy to happen. They are young and trigger happy and looking to prove themselves through conflict.
  15. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    If it's real enough for the enemies of the US to try and do this, I'd say "very" is a useful word here. Should we ignore them wanting to do this and just assume, "someone" will make sure this doesn't happen to us? Validating to possibility of something like this is impossible. Deciding to just not think about it, because everything will work itself out, is naive. I'm familiar with what happened in Brazil, as I am with our Great Depression. The people in the US have changed and have a feeling of entitlement that someone else will make things better. There is the expectation that there is someone out there "government" or our law's, that will make things right. I hope that works too. But I'm willing to entertain thoughts, should thing not go well.
  16. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    I see where you are going with that comparison. However, you are talking 3% of the population had the same problem. I'm saying 100% have the problem. A natural disaster puts everyone in harm’s way, the same way. There was looting, people were killed for their belongings. People did come together to help each other out, and most of that came from people outside that area coming to help. Because they could help from where they were. I don't see Canada or Mexico doing being our savior. I'm not saying there is a right answer to doing thing a certain way" and you WILL survive". My thought is plan and be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. A large scale event is very likely on US soil. Not so much being invaded by soldiers from another land. But our enemies know that to defeat us, they would need to have us fight ourselves first. All the bad ass skills in the world, equipment, and protection never mean you will be ok. It just gives you a better chance to make it through situations that may come up. And even if you make it through, fighting and killing to survive, you could get a cut that ends up infected and die. How bad ass is all you've done now. It's an asymmetrical fight we would be up against. Chuck Norris would get a head ache trying to come up with a solution.
  17. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    You've thought and talked about it at least. That's good to hear. And I'm glad you didn't go into detail about your plan. That is something to be protected. I started this thread to poke people in the brain if they have not thought of something like this. It's very real and very possible. As American's, we feel we are always going to be "ok". "Someone" will fix things. Many people just don't have the outlook that they might have to be the one in the big picture dealing with the problem. "That happens to other people", frame of mind, is where many people are with many big issues. On CR we are pretty fortunate. We know we have the means to be on the internet. And we are on here often. This is a luxery, but it's an everyday given to most on here. I'm straying a bit, but what I was hoping for out of this thread was for people to talk through what would need to be done. How to do it, kind of exchange thought's on how to get to the safest position. And I was hoping to have people be realistic. You're thinking is what I was looking to see brought up here. Does this come to town's coming together to help each other? Are we a sociaty that still does that? or are there too many selfish people who would ruin something like this? Water World is not a bad idea either. Get on a Navy nuclear powered ship and you are set for quite some time. We have evolved and the primitive skills aren't used anymore. There isn't an "App" to start a fire. I absolutely think people will straight up kill each other for something they want. Trust will need to be earned to be around people and you are a threat until proven useful. 2010 US population shows 312,478,468. That's a shit ton of people with the same problem trying to do the same thing to fix it and live a good life. Water, food, shelter, and safety. Everything else becomes a luxery IF you can establish these 4 things. Safety is very complicated, becase it may take having more people with you. Which in turn, can comprimize your other 3 needs. Your thoughts?
  18. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    Pretty good movie. A little slow in some parts, but great story of struggle. Have seen this book out there, just not read it. needs to be a movie. Interesting outlook you have for the greater man kind. I hope it works this way, however I'm inclined to think int he time you waited, your house would be looted with you in it and you would be killed yelling at someone to leave you alone.
  19. Mojoe

    Survival theory

    For about 2 years I have felt the next large scale attack on the Amercin (say it with me now) way of life, will be on the electronic financial system. Whether it is a virus or just some way to get the system to not function. The value of our doll hairs is already on a huge decline. Add a collapse of the way we access our money, or just how we have our money invested. Let’s say Monday; you wake up and go to get gas in the car on the way to work. One, you should have topped off before the work week started, but that's my thinking. You go to the pump and your card doesn't work. How much cash do you have on you? Let's say you have $40 to cover the tank of gas. Now you call your bank and check on the card not working. The phones are all tied up, because everyone else is calling them too. Going to an ATM won't get you any cash, the system is down, fucked and no one has answers on how to fix it. How much cash do you have to cover getting food or other necessities? Please no one answer this for real. I don't want someone saying they keep $XX,XXX at the house and then getting jacked for it. This thread is to get ideas and trouble shoot this scenario. Also, I know many have posted on CR pics of their weapons collection. Those that have weapons, great; let's just say we have them. Those that don't, if this makes you rethink owning weapons, great just say that. In the first day, the shelves of the stores will be bare. The fuel points dried up in a few days. Gun shops and outdoor stores will be bought out within two days, ammo too. Resupply to stores will come as early as the next day or in the next days, but will you have cash to buy, or will people just loot and turn on each other. How are you able to provide for your loved ones and yourself? People will catch on to hijacking the Wal-Mart truck before it delivers within the first 2 weeks. News will have promises of a fix from the government, but it will drag on and on with no resolve. By the third week, we are a nation fighting and killing over the simplest things we took for granted. We haven't gone to work in weeks, because they can't pay us cash. We stay with our family to defend the home, or we are out gathering things we need. The overall risk level of even being outside is now basic survival of the fittest; you take what you want/need. Human decency is not extended if you don't know them; they are looking to take your shit, so maybe you better take them out first. Law enforcement is now working with National Guard and active military to try and keep "law and order". Ok, now that I've poked your brain a little, let's address some of the things that are a given. Some of you live in the Rural areas and might be set up to sustain a little longer without going into town. OK, I get it; you are going to hunt for your food. Let's fast forward to 6 months in this crisis. Is the power on still? What's going on in the cities? What has become of how people are? Does our dollar hold any value, or does it even matter at this point? Where did you go to be safe? Why did you go there? Who did you take with you and why? How did you get there and what did you take with you? If you didn't have a weapon, did you get one? How would you do that and what weapon would you try to get? Are you on foot, or how are you keeping the vehicle running? Think about it now, tomorrow is Monday. What will you do? What if you only had today to prepare? ________________________________________
  20. Nice catch. That's damn big for any saugeye I have seen.
  21. Even though I can't open the vid where I am. I can't trust it is what you say, due to no integrity for the source posting. Too Soon?
  22. Simply awesome. Who cares how many clips, takes or sections it was shot in. Leave it to CR to take the fun out of Hot Wheels.
  23. Every year for the last 5 or so years, I have posted invites and taken friend's up to Vermont to ski and snowboard. Countless times have I posted here, and on Facebook to gather people to head to the hill. You know this. Imagine the awesomeness and how much easier this rig would make these trips.
  24. The pic is mostly the stance and look, color wise, that I have in mind + brush guard/skid plate and maybe a wench. I have no interest in the 6.0L. This is a really hard purchase for me to justify. I gave up the house I was going to buy when I came over here. This would make 4 modes of transportation, and no garage. Everything is paid for, except my Subaru, so I have something on my credit. I'm not sure what my plans are for where I want to work when I get back, so that makes this a BIG want and not a need. I just am tired of not doing track days on the bike because I don't have a rig and trailer. Or going somewhere with the RX7 that I don't want to drive the whole way there in the RX7. And the absolute luxury of a vehicle this size and having your buddies all in it rolling up to the hill to go snowboarding. I love the Subaru and getting rid of it will not happen. The RX7 is the start of my collection. And the bike is a new found challenge that I want to put more track time into. I live comfortably, but without a house and garage, I can't pull the trigger on this until I sort out the house issue. But in the mean time, I want to keep an eye open and the right deal might just pop up to make it easier to do this and not worry. I haven't seen much on things like weak axles or drive line issues when they are pulling a load or even on rough terrain. I'm seeing people get 300k + miles on them and that makes me comfortable to have this for what I have in mind.
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