Perception and opinion are the factors here. And deciding right and wrong will not come out of it. Peoples points of view will always differ depending on their experience's and exposure. Because of the rights that have been put in place, organizations have been able to establish benefits that are geared toward people of a certain back ground. Being upset because there is/was nothing put in place to make things easy for YOU, is a bit narrow minded. However, if you feel strongly enough about it, you can start the "just like me foundation", and be sure that someone in your shoes does not have to go about things the way you did. That is your right. And it may upset someone that you are giving benefit to someone they feel is not in need of it as bad they are. I don't see this being any different that getting mad about an MBA player in a Bentley and you not having one. They positioned them self to have that in their life. It is your right to position your self to have one too.