So do you actually know these two girls? Have you actually seen them driving around the Thrift store? You lead me to think you do/have. Calling them names, like the child you are. You have nothing to contribute, other than your outlandish perspective shared by none. Before you try to tear one of my threads apart try reading it. If you had then you would have saved yourself the embarrassment of me pointing out, that in that thread I said
"I don't even know if they are on here". "If they aren't, I know someone on here knows them and can relay the message".
This is on the first page. If you weren't so anxious to spew your unwanted opinion, and actually read the thread you would have known that.
I don' think I need to point out that through out the rest of the thread people saying that they do know of the driver.
So if people post stuff like this on here; in the kitchen none the less, why are your panties in a bunch? I think one could assume that the idiot in question could be a member here. After all, we have you on here.