LOL! What part of Cleveland are you from? sorry, had to.
In the garble; I think someone is saying, why not just tell the driver? If that is the question; my answer is this, I was leaving when I last saw her almost hit the RX 7 head on. I went back the fallowing night, after posting this, with intent on talking to her. After no reply from her on here, I could only assume she is not on this board. I asked around on Saturday night to see if anyone knew the driver. No one I talked to knew her, but everyone said she flys around the lot ALL the time, and that they hate it. I would/will metion this to her if I see her there, but I was really just looking for a " my bad, I didn't know people were mad about this". I can't figure anyone would continue driving like this if they know that people are getting pissed.