I just wanted to Put the word out there for Jason and Z, along with Mike Holand in assocation with the RX 7 Store.
Over the last few months I've been stock piling parts and have had work done at the Rx 7 Store. These are just a few of my incounters while doing business there.
Porting: Z did my port work and when I dropped it off, all I knew was that he knew what he was doing, and was good at it. I figured, port work is port work for the most part. After I took the housings home a few rotary people took a look at the craftsmanship. All of them were impressed. One of the people who looked at it is a tuner who has been flown in to tune peoples cars. He said that the porting was probably some of the best work he had ever seen. I knew it was good, but that is amazing to hear that on something for your car. Thanks Z.
Parts: I don't care if you need the little washer thing a ma jig under the thing that kinda loops around on bottom the passenger side of the motor. Jason will tell you what it is and it's size and get it for you.
Mike Holand provided what I'm calling the "Holland" tunel port work on the turbos and wastgate. His help in designing the setup started in September of 2005. Mike took the time to "goal match" what I wanted out of the car to knowing what parts I would need. This planning was key to staying within the budget for my build.
Many other people have helped with this project and I will post full details along with those involved. The car is being put back together and that is a task I'm taking my time with to understand things. I hope to be on the road soon for break in miles and then get a tune on her and see what we have created.
If you have an RX 7 question, they have the answer.
Thanks guys