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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Quoted from the lambo forum: The thing I could never figure out is WHY he would even bother trying to open a tuning shop. You can count on one hand the number of shops that make a healthy profit doing it, and that's reaching far outside of the lambo industry as well. For a guy who on the surface had done reasonably well at a young age, I always wondered why he didn't just stick to what obviously worked for him. Unless the thing that worked was spending daddies money. I think this is one of the most legit questions asked about Wiggs. I'm willing to bet it boils down to a kid who saw The Fast and Furious, and wanted to be the "Dom" of the higher end car scene. The funnier thing to this now is that Wiggs has now gone "underground" in an effort to recreate himself. What ever his current bullshit story is, he is simply laying low for the shit storm to pass. He will pop up again, likely in some other industry, and claim to be a big time shot caller with connections and the ability to make things happen. He should just say he's a farmer, because everything about him is bullshit.
  2. What speed can it go up to? Interested.
  3. Great looking ride. I'm hearing more and more about car dealers getting back to doing shady business. For a while, it seemed like there was mostly good business going on. Now, almost everyone I talk to is getting run around.
  4. Typically people will post pics of what they drive with their intro. Welcome to the site.
  5. (3) One or more of the following competency certifications, each of which shall reflect that, regarding a certification described in division (B)(3)(a), (b), ©, (e), or (f) of this section, within the three years immediately preceding the application the applicant has performed that to which the competency certification relates and that, regarding a certification described in division (B)(3)(d) of this section, the applicant currently is an active or reserve member of the armed forces of the United States or within the ten years immediately preceding the application the honorable discharge or retirement to which the competency certification relates occurred:http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2923.125. Regardless, we have had people under 21 take the class and are now through the process with no issues.
  6. I have had students do this in the past and have had no issues. The law says you can't own a hand gun until you are 21, it says nothing about taking the class before you are 21 years old.
  7. Sunday, November 8th, from 8am-8pm. Location is New Albany/Johnstown, about 15 minutes from Easton. PM me for exact address. We still the 12 hour NRA Basic Pistol class that will cover all that is needed for CCL in Ohio. There is extensive emphasis on marksmanship, with one on one training. We cover all that the NRA and the state of Ohio requires, and much more. This is a one day course, so you get it done and over with. Please PM me to get in the class, or for any questions. As always, if you are interested in setting up a class with your family and friends, PM me to have a private class. Couples, PLEASE do all you can to do the class together. We want you both on the same page, as shown by the discount. CR rate is $75 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed. Couples are $125 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed. Non CR rate is $100 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed. Couples are $150 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed. We commit to making sure you are trained. If you do not pass the range portion, we will retrain you, at no cost, other than gun and ammo use if needed. If you don't pass the written test, we will work with you so you can pass it, at no cost. If you just don't like how I teach and don't want to retrain, I'll give you your money back. At this time we have no intention of going to a shorter class time; less than 12 hours. We have reviewed our course material and feel that cutting information covered does not serve the student best. Also, if you were a student of my course prior to May 2013, you are invited to attend any current class, free of charge. There is new material and technique being taught. Please message me for details or with questions you may have. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/0ED2FA9F-5384-4D0A-989E-622491238066_zpsyu3zxc2y.jpg
  8. Glad she's ok, Andy. I was in the traffic from the accident. Changed routes before getting the the scene. Last year my wife was in an early morning accent. That call was miserable. Again, just glad the wife is ok.
  9. Buster, there are many mature and seasoned members on the site that want to help you. Overwhelmingly, we have pointed you away from what you came here saying you wanted. The question is, what are you going to do with the advice? You ever run into a girl who always dates assholes? They treat her bad, and there is always drama. After the same bad call in relationships, time and time again, it gets hard to be in her corner when helping her. We don't want that to be an analogy for you, Buster.
  10. If you get a $7000 STi or WRX, it will likely bleed your wallet dry. Get a non turbo Impreza or Legacy. Given the struggles you have shared here, a turbo car for a daily may be a nightmare in the $7K range. A good running low miles car, and throwing extra cash in savings, would set you up for buying your next car. $10k and below turbo cars are someones problem that you bought.
  11. Mojoe

    I'm back.

    So what have you been doing since you've not been on here?
  12. We cut the cord a year or so ago too. $45 for high speed internet, $8 for Netflix, and $100 a year for Amazon prime. $61 a month, and get off the couch and go outside. I bought a modem and two HD antenna's.
  13. Ohio gets about 3.5 hours of usable sun per day, on average, over a year.
  14. I have been following doing this for a while now. Better batteries are coming out soon and make it hard for me to justify buying current technology. I put together a small charge station last year to run my aeration system for my pond. Ultimately, I ended not using it because I found more efficient pumps Vs the 7.5 AMP one that was running my electric up $100 a month. Current battery life is 3-5 years on whole house systems. Although, I did see where someone found a way to get 10+ years out of batteries. A battery will run you $150-$300, and you will likely need 30-50 of them depending on your use. Panel technology is getting better too. Those prices are all over the place. The cost of the charge controller, the inverter, and the cables are usually over looked as a huge expense. Then you have to tie it all into the house, and likely pay someone to do that. All that and then you ask yourself how much is your current electric bill? Is it worth it?
  15. I posted in the other thread about how diverse this site is. He is a different person than many here. Some people don't have a group around them that will say anything to them when everyone thinks they are shitty. CR will let you know. Self reflection and assessment takes time. If every single person on this forum was the same way, we would get bored. I'm not saying he will change. But, I can't validate banning based off a group vote of "I don't like you on the internet". Has anyone, besides Clay, met him in person? If he was the same way in person, did you tell him you didn't want his dick in your ass (see other thread)? I actually want to meet him. I hold no grudge over things here, so long as we meet in person, and not hide behind a keyboard. If you are a fucktard, I will let you know that we need to keep our distance. But, chances are, he's just a different dude. That said, if Geeto67 is a racist, GTFO.
  16. PMd, just to be sure we are on the same page.
  17. Thanks, Jamie. It was great meeting you and working with you. Your accuracy came together very quick. It was fun to watch the progress.
  18. CR is my social filter. For the most part, we all have a automotive aspect of interest in common. From there, our individual interest in different motors, car use, and technology has become an eye opener to other members as we post about it. CR is not the "cars and Coffee" with a $100,000 car buy in. The members here are coming up in life, and workers. I'm gonna say it; the members here are the American way of life, captured in a website. There are thousands of members here. None of them think it is "ok" to mooch off the system, and we all have a desire to better ourselves and our lives in general. We share our points in posts, and it helps us have a perspective outside of our own thoughts or exposures. There is tremendous diversity here that plays a roll of informing me of things outside of my normal interest bubble. I do a lot of teaching on leadership, influence, and mindset. We learn from each other all the time. There are people on here we look to as subject matter experts. We see how we want to be form some, and how we don't want to be, by how others are. That's life. But to me, CR is a site without false world hype. The members are realistic and have a sensitive bullshit flag, that we are willing the throw at the drop of a hat. I like that about the people here.
  19. Not something I would spend the money on. Previous owner dropped $800 on it. I get it, it works.
  20. I'm posting this for the daily driver. Won't be putting winter wheels and tires on a car to store it for the Winter. The FD does get put away for the Winter, but that has a battery tender and is parked on carpet.
  21. Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? How light do you sleep? Do you have a fan running to sleep, like many do? I had a master bedroom off the living room in my old house. I'm a light sleeper, so a light coming on will wake me up. Motion lights are cheap and easy to come by. However, people who sleep with fans or other white noise don't tend to wake up to just a light turning on. My point, if this would work for you, install the motion light in the hall, if his room is near by. Let that wake you up, so you can then get him before he gets down stairs. Ultimately, find a way to stop the sleep walking. I don't know anything about that.
  22. The temps are dropping and the cold weather car prep is about to kick off. I have seen a few people who have already switched over to their winter wheels and tires. It's still a little early for me to do that. I have started with is a fresh coat of rainx on the windshield, with new Icon blades. I also took the K&N filter off last night and washed it to get the Summer's worth of dust and debris out of there. I both of these in the spring also, or as needed, but usually in the Spring and Fall. I also changed out the cabin filter. Some of you may have read my thread earlier this year about how over looked this is to most people. The hot weather had us running the AC, and all that condensation collected the same crap I was cleaning out of the intake filter. Once the pavement temps are down in the high 30's, I'll probably switch to the Winter wheels and tires. I use to do a paint sealing wax and detail before Winter. But, the car is clear bra'd for what I would worry about, so now I don't. What other cold weather work do you guys do?
  23. Orion, I can appreciate your position on this, and your willingness to explain your view on these posts. I don't like passive, and you are addressing what you have issue with. Kudo's to you, in my eyes. I truly hope this is something that is resolved, and at the very least, now that addressed, it is squashed. Geeto67, though I have not been a fan of your approach to many of your posts, you simply are lacking the ability to see any other point of view than your own. Members here, to include myself, have said this to you politely and it is now at a point where many are being very blunt. You are a knowledgeable person on many things. There are many members here that are very informed and intelligent, yet not over baring. You defend to the death of a thread, every stance you have. It's frustrating to many on the board. Please reevaluate how you conduct yourself. I am a white guy. I lived in an area where I was a minority, for four years. What I can tell you is, regardless of intent, if you have offended someone on a tone of race, professing your innocence on a view you can't share is rude. I once thought I was funny and replied "your mom" to one of two twin black brothers from the Bronx. To me, it was harmless and I was making a joke. To one of the brothers, he thought I was insulting his mother. He was coming at me, ready to fight. The other brother intervened, and told him "He doesn't know. It's not the same to him". It wasn't the same. We grew up in very different areas. I trained with these brothers for several month after that, and we got past that incident. But, I explained myself to ensure they knew I meant nothing by it. I'm not someone who needs to be right about everything. I did nothing wrong. But, my lack of understanding their perspective was hurtful.
  24. Too bad we can't rep people any more.
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