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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I agree with this as well. I see the good and the frustrating bad from this.
  2. It will get photographed and loaded into iPerms(online records). It's only on current tat's that show in shorts and short sleeve shirts. I don't like it and think it's another task being added to a force that needs to train more Vs creating more admin BS to manage. It's because soldiers in the past have gone out and had "Fuck You" Tattoo'd on the outside edge of their right hand; so when you salute you are basically saying "Fuck You" to that officer. Soldiers have done their share to push the limits of the regulations in place. I just had to call a 30 year old with a Masters degree, looking to join to be an Officer. He looks like a MMA fighter, full sleeve, a teacher at a local school, and I had to tell him the new policy says no. This will cause many issues, none the less.
  3. The big change here is "below the elbow and below the knee", and the wording "sleeves are unautherized". In addition, the restriction if you are an Officer or Warrent. For the most part, all branches have had similar guildlines prior to this. I'm not sure when or if the Marines have gone to no sleeve tattoo's. Hell, they just got the OK to roll their sleeves up on their tops again, last week. The big No no's have been nothing on the head or hands.
  4. Just get a Huffy, Thunder 36. Kidding I hate bikes now, because of everything in this thread. The last few years I have looked at bikes several time. I just end up getting pissed and feel like I'm wasting my time. Best of luck
  5. Effective March 19, 2014 Policy is equal for accessions and current Soldiers; Current Soldiers may keep previously authorized tattoos (grandfathered) Redefined indecent tattoos Added restrictions for locations for unauthorized tattoos Soldiers’ current tattoos will be documented in online records to protect Soldiers with grandfathered tattoos and aid with implementing this policy Unauthorized tattoo locations:  On the head, face, & neck, (anything above the T-shirt line to include on/inside the eyelids, mouth, & ears) On the hands, fingers, wrists (below the wrist bone) Each visible tattoo below the elbow or below the knee must be smaller than the size of the wearer’s hand (with fingers extended & joined with the thumb touching the base of the index finger) Soldiers may have no more than 4 total visible tattoos (smaller than the size of the wearer’s hand) below the elbow or below the knee TATTOO POLICY Defines small tattoos within a 5 inch diameter as one tattoo Visible band tattoos may be no more than 2” in width; Each band tattoo counts as one tattoo & Soldiers may have no more than one visible band tattoo Sleeve tattoos on arms or legs are unauthorized Officers and Warrant Officers are also restricted to this same policy; Enlisted Soldiers exceeding this limit cannot request commissioning (not grandfathered) In 2012 the Sergeant Major of the Army came and spoke to us, where we were stationed in Afganhistan. It's in my opinion, from hearing him speak about this, he simply thinks tattoo's present an unperfessional image. I think this is a combination of his goal, and the ability to reduce/ select the force. You don't have to like it. But, it's here. And this is how it is. At least until the next SGM, should they choose to change it.
  6. I have some 275's. Will check in the shop in the morning for the details.
  7. What's posted above is all good to know. PX/BX, shopette, and clothing sales all seem to have gotten away from what they were good for. It's usually cheaper online, and available. Too many wasted visits, only to find out they don't have what you're looking for. Pricing on electronics and many other home items seems to be higher than out in town. Ever Clear is the only deal I have seen in quite some time. They do have the neat giftbox's with liquir around the holidays. Clay, if you want to come and look, let me know, we can meet for lunch and you can check it out.
  8. Mojoe

    Walking Dead

    That little girl was freaking crazy! Kodo's to Carol for stepping up and solving the problem. In this show, all walkers should be killed. No sparing then if they aren't a threat to you. They still have the means to spread the problem faster than death. Smoldering walkers was pretty cool.
  9. I've read through most of this, but not every post. AWD, reliable, fun and ok gas mileage = Subaru Legacy GT/specB. I have a 2007 specB with bolt on's and a tune. I can get 29.7mpg on the highway with cruise set at 71mph. I'm a fan of snow tires, so that hurts the MPG in the Winter. I didn't like my Audi nearly as much as this car.
  10. I have watched this from a distance. Propane is what runs the backup generator for the house, and the heater in the shop. Although we don't use much, I try to follow the best time to top it off. The pricing in the last 6 months is retarded. I'm waiting to see a similar discovery of price gouging with ammo. Last I got propane was at $1.79 a gal, to top off a 500 gal tank. seeing current pricing, I should have got a second tank at that time, and topped that one off too.
  11. It was pressure at the faucet. I knew it was clogged. I just couldn't find where. I figured it was sediment that had been broken up from the treatment. Well the new filters were completely clogged and causing restriction in flow in the lines. Have been flushing the lines for 3 hours + now and the amount of crap that came out was nuts. Still some fine sediment, but the pressure doesn't fall off now. A CR member came over and talked through the system. I know enough to break things. He knew enough to know what did what. It was much appreciated.
  12. I actually did this time. Getting power. Breaker is good. pressure switch good. All others, I know nothing about.
  13. LOL. CR, info has been what every well company I have found does. I'm thinking the treatment freed up things and now there might be a blockage.
  14. Treated well. Changed filters. Bypassed softener. No water pressure. Have watched 3 hours of youtube, read every article I could find. Called all the people I know with wells. Troubleshoot pressure tank. Drained hot water tank for sediment, nothing. Amaze me with something I have missed.
  15. I second staying away from Invisible fence. They are way over priced. Have you looked in to doing it yourself? Home Depot and lowes sells systems for $195+ the wire you would need. They aren't that hard to install. That's a lot better than the $2500 quote we got from Invisible Fence. Just FYI We use a training collar and have boundary training with our trainer, doing that tomorrow actually. Depending on how that goes, we may skip the fence idea. Cabelas has collars with a mile of range for $179. Finding one used would be great, but I think they have a coupon for $25 off a purchase of $125 or more. Just FYI.
  16. Down to 3 open seat. If we have talked you are good. So glad to be shooting more with this warm weather.
  17. FYI, this ammo is being sold for $45 + everywhere, including Cabela's 3/15 sale. This is a good price for ammo that is challenging to find. GLWS
  18. I have arrangements with them for the grand opening. I'm bringing quite a bit of fun activities to help them have a bigger push. They have been getting the run around and that delays them. There are many levels involved to getting them open ASAP. I can tell you they have been awesome to work with and have been great with communication. I have banners being made for them and us. It's going to be pretty cool. When I get the final word on the grand opening, I will post it here for everyone.
  19. We got our place last year. The couple we bought from had the septic pumped, well treated, topped off the 500 gal propane back up, and left us with 3 filters for everything. They were pretty awesome, needless to say. I didn't know these systems very well either. So for the home inspection, I made sure I went with my guy, and he explain everything. I recorded it on the camera, so I can reference it down the road. I read up on caring for septic. There's a lot out there. Depending on the number of people in the house, depends on how often you have it emptied. As for caring for a well, there is a lot out there as well. For the most part, I'd say a big portion of that is covered in this thread, as for regular maintenance.
  20. I literally have 10 fishing poles. Each of them has their own part I like, and things I wish were better. After looking into Bait Casters, it looks to me like there is more versatility for want they can do, ease of function; and for what I went with, a lot more reliability. The $69 price tag was right where I wanted to be, considering you can be $400 into just a reel. I also caught a rebate for a free hoody with this set up. On their site, that goes for $49. So, for over all value and what I got, I think it's a good deal to get into one.
  21. Mojoe

    Ruger SR9c

    The SR9c is by far, my favorite carry gun. The fit and function, for me, has made so many other handguns seem awkward. Other guns were all missing something to me, or had too many things going on with them. The SR9c has every function where it needs to be for a medium sized hand. Good price with a IWB holster.
  22. I thought I would get this seasons' thoughts, talks and plans started. I'm pretty excited to get back out there. I will be stocking the pond with more bass and some feeder blue gill. I always add 10lbs of feeder minors at the beginning and end of the warm months. Looking to do this the last week of March. The pond will also be getting a solar or wind aeration system, that I plan to build. There is lots to do to the pond to get it the way I want it. This year I've decided to change over to a bait caster set up, from an open face. I picked up an Abu Garcia Black max. Let's get these last few cold systems past us and get on the water. Looking forward to seeing the pics from everyone this year.
  23. The level of what we drink these days, IMO, is pretty crazy either way. There is an issue with the changing temps and surface water, that can create the ulfer and even harmful bacteria. Most of what I have read and seen, has suggested 1 gallon of bleach. Letting that do it's work, I'm ok with that. And remember, you are flushing a good bit of it out.
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