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Everything posted by optimoprime

  1. lol get her warm and ready for action!!! lol
  2. i feel your pain they want $600 a month for full coverage on my r1. i got the liability so i could take it home and let it lapse the next month. if i wreck it with just minimum i have to pay for it anyway so why give them money every month? if you want that r6 your better off to just buy a left over from 06+ and save the money. they are all the same bike with diffrent pain schemes. on the other hand if you feel confident in your abilitys get the gsxr1k and forget the insurance. they dont look into that kinda stuff. just buy some crash protection and you should be alright if you get into a minor accident.
  3. anyone who is trying to say that making a perfomance car widebodied makes it rice obviously has never built or modded a car at all. if you seriously dont understand why they did that you should just stop commenting. in all reality attempting to talk shit about that vette just shows how little you really know about moding. (for the dumbies: hes making enough power that he cant hook up on stock wheel base. so obviously he needed to widen the stance so he can put it to the ground. and i can only guess when hes actually driving around corners if he applys power the tail always tries to beat the head around the bend. so if you widen stance, it has a harder time coming around on you and sliding)
  4. i go to whetstone park on N. high. they have NICE gym with flatscreens and they just got 5 new machines this week. probably nicest columbus rec center in town. plus they dont use leisure card so its free. and they have around 5-6 Baseball dimonds and 2 gyms for basketball if you can ever catch it when its open gym
  5. batman?? it looks more like starwars to me
  6. here you go boss. everything you need http://hardracing.com/08-09%20BIKES/09%20R1.htm
  7. the r-1 gets HHOOOOTTTT constantly gets up to 220's in the heat. but since i switched to amsoil its kept the heat in check ALOT better; high 180's consistantly unless your actually stuck in traffic.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzHSteEhnoE
  9. why would you eat spam when you can have steak for the same or simialr money.... shinkos - 195 a set (read in this post) pilot power 2cts - 207 a set (just purchased and mounted on my bike)
  10. sams funeral is today at 1pm. we are all meeting at 12noon at tbell on high/11th (2693 w broad 43204) jerry spears funeral home.
  11. i have alot of gear but its hot as shit out there right now. i was just rockin helmet and gloves. had the boots on this morning but took em off cause of the heat
  12. there was a lil get together tonight at his crash site on 315 just south of 23. its crazy because just tuesday we were all riding hocking hills and he flipped it and ruined his carbon bodywork. then last night i didnt go with them because i was a lil spooked from his wreck tues. i hear this morning he passed, its been messin with me all day. sam was a good dude and i've rode with him several times. hes a pretty good rider, gears up, i just dont understand how he lost control in that spot.
  13. just did tire change and now gotta get oil. i'm comin out unless it rains.
  14. i bought that exact same r1 at the end of last summer. white 09. its definatly one bike everyone should ride. the crossplane engine makes crazy low/mid power
  15. those Duc's are sexy looking but if it has any extras it should be specialty tools and a manual. cause you WILL be working on it.
  16. i went this morning and met a few of you guys. it was good group of peps and even seen a few late night hooligans from sawmill road meets
  17. glad your alright bro, looks like your gonna end up build a custom kawi anyways now. at least you got the old one to tied you over till the new one is back up and running
  18. tacobell on the weekends and also circuit city on sawmill fri/sat nights around 11pm
  19. i've still never seen anyone else with one. i know there are guys out there who bought em but i've never meet/ seen one before. its nice to be exclusive
  20. the 10 is 1k more expensive and the colors arent as cool. save the cash and buy a "new" left over
  21. yea but the HMF cans are stainless. why would you downgrade from Ti to SS?? unless your gettin Ti or carbon keep your stockers.
  22. just got back from another ride. saw lots of bikes out but i just kinda did my thing. i'll be glad when my buddy fix's my 1100 then i can bring friends who dont own their own bikes out with me. i love riding but you can only do it solo for so long at a time.
  23. idk but i'm going back out for another ride, f*&k'em i enjoying the weather
  24. well from aug till dec last year i did 5k and this year i work 6 days a week 11-12hr shifts so its not been so much but i put about 2k just this season. i would have more but when i ride solo i'll only ride for an hour or so at a time.
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