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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. So, I've had his bad luck streak going since July. I've gotten multiple tickets, death threats, and other crazy happenings. And finally today on my way to court I just turned onto a road and was accelerating, and just as i hit 40 mph my radar detector went crazy. Well i let off the gas and then cruised a little ways and down the street is a cop that turns his lights on. Supposedly the cop that got me on radar didn't have time to pull me over so he called ahead. Well, the cop gave me a verbal warning for 46 in a 35, and I was late for court, but anyway I think that not getting a ticket is a sign that the bad luck streak is over!
  2. Since you mentioned the boyfriend I will omit the
  3. That's a good idea! Novice group paddock girls ftmfw! I'm sure if he went and posted a flyer at a local college he'd get a bite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ymhq6afE4M
  4. It looked cool while it was up! With all the dual/quad hex core machines around maybe they aren't as worried about efficiency as they used to be?
  5. If you do build a bunker make sure you put something over the site to block the view of the Homeland Security space satellites.
  6. Oh, so this is what the all the kids are doing these days.
  7. Went for a cruise and dinner at the park with my gf and didn't even realize that it was sweetest day.
  8. WSU in Dayton has had a pretty sweet tunnel system for a while. http://www.wright.edu/aboutwsu/maps/tunnel.html
  9. Yeah, I can't believe that guy fell for that. The "other girl profile" is like the oldest trick in the book.
  10. So, winning bidders don't follow through?
  11. Utilized my 1337 Paint skills. (http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=67238)
  12. Kids these days... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGFbWhlVezo
  13. I like the fact that highway patrols can't do u-turns in the median. But. the first thing I thought of when I saw them was police state (watch?v=zPJQ4C8V2hc at www.youtube.com/). With all the cameras everywhere, all we need now is a way to corral people to prevent them from escaping. I guess once the interstate medians are done they will be installed along the sides. I think eventually they will be installed along the sides of less traveled highways.
  14. I'm not saying that weapons are the answer, i'm just thinking of a friend of mine that was bullied a lot in school, ended the bullying one afternoon after pulling a knife in self defense. I guess i'd rather see kids defend themselves than kill themselves.
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