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Posts posted by Monstrosity

  1. I had the story all screwed up. He was going to work yesterday morning. I think he was on 480 heading towards Cleveland at a high rate of speed. He went to pass a car and lost control (the pavement was uneven, where they had been working on street repairs).

    He's rashed up real bad. The bike from what he's been told isint too bad. I'm going to pick it up from the Twinsburg impound this afternoon.

  2. Did anyone here of a rider going down in the Cleveland area I believe Wed night? I just got wind of it. A good friend of mine went down, he was ridding a red ZX-10 believe its an 06 maybe 07. He was coming home from work in rush hour traffic heading towards kent. Guessing it was on 480 or 271.

  3. Pauly needs to haul his ass down my way and finish my "classic" jap bike before I'll give him such high regards...


    Nah, too many have spoken up for him, he has to be pretty good! Not to mention, he's helpful when people ask questions around here.

    Yeah I ask him anoying shit and he always answers. If I had a bike that needed work he'd be the guy.

  4. I swear i havent had a single person at kent state that stops and talks to me about my bike the few times ive had it up there that doesnt ask me if ive 'stood that thing up' i just shake my head and walk away.

    lol.... So I've been told Starboy Scott used rt 261 in Kent back in the day to learn to wheelie. Not sure if that has something to do with it or not. College kids everywhere see sport bikes and mostly associate them ridding wheelies. (little do they know a sm bike is easier and not as pricey to fix when you crash).

  5. Just talked to Northeast medical center in North Hill across the street from Nick Anthies. I'm seeing Dr. Chonko in a few weeks.

    I'm also going back to the Crystal Clinic. My sports med Dr. convinced me to see a different Dr. their.

    I'll keep this post updated as I talk to them. The last Dr. has me scared to go under the knife. However if they can take tumors out of Brains, do liver transplants, etc I think something as minor as an elbow should be a walk in the park.

  6. At least they weren't army doctors. You could be coughing up blood and they'll tell you to take two motrin and walk it off. I'm being serious too.

    Are they that bad? My buddy who was in the army and now in the air force said the same thing. He also said that if you dont have wound/ailment that you can physically see they basically call you a pussy and tell ya to suck it up.

  7. 3 Years ago while ridding I got a sharp pain to the outter side of my elbow. It got worse over time and I began to see a Dr who gave me cortizone shots and said it was Tennis elbow. Each shot I had gave me a bad counter reaction. So the fall of last year I went to see a sports medicine doc. He sent me to Physical Therapy where I racked up a nice bill of copays. The therapy didnt really help so I went to a different sports med Dr and he did this Centrifuge deal. That didnt help either.

    So today I go out to the Crystal Clinic. I sit in the waiting room for almost 20 minutes before being called to the desk. The woman getting all my insurance info and records flips out becuase her system says my co-pay is $20 and my card says $40 I told her bill me however I'm not that worried about it. I then sit in the waiting room for over an hour before the nurse or med assit takes me back to get vitals. After that they do a series of X-rays then I wait for the Dr.

    The Dr. comes in with an attitude. He slaps some paper work down and starts putting up X-rays. So I decide to say hi. He seems pissed about something and has a chip on his shoulder. We begin to talk and he's somewhat cut and dry and fairly short with me. He tells me he wants me to see "his" therapists thats only 40 or so minutes away. If his therapists says I need surgery then I can have it. I ask him what the surgery will be like. He said he cuts the tendon and removes the damaged part of it, and he cuts a chunk out of the bone! He then talks of all the complications and pain.

    Now hours later I'm pissed! I spent a lot of time only for some dick head with a huge ego to be short with me. Worst part is I felt like he was upselling me on his therapists. I went to the Crystal Clinic due to a good reputation, not to be persuaded by a car salesman.

    Anyone had this procedure or a procedure like it? Did they cut a chunk of your bone out? He said I wouldnt use my arm for 4-6 months if they did that procedure :eek::eek::mad:

  8. I've posted about my truck before but feel the need to again...

    Bought my dads 94 S10 2.2L (165K) for a grand two years ago. Needed tires so I put them on and needed other parts but all in all it ran fairly well.

    As of last October the little bastard puked the tranny. I pulled it out and rode in all kinds of fun weather for 3 weeks while waiting on parts. I put a Ford Motorsports T5 tranny rebuild kit in it. I also ordered a few gears off ebay. Suprisingly everything worked well. I had never rebiuilt a tranny before so I was very pleased with my outcome. Only down side was now I was stuck with dumping money into this pig instead of getting a new beater.

    A month later the gas tank sprung a horrible leak, a month after that the gawd damn heater core went bad, a month after that I replaced the whole exhaust (and I mean from the exhast manifold to the tail pipe), two months after that I replaced the brakes (I ran all new hard line and from the master cyl on back is new), two weeks ago I replaced the battery, then the other day I overheated. I put a new clutch fan on (mine was bad) along with several radiator hoses and a new sepentine belt. The starter would hardly start the damn truck so I replaced that. It still ran hot, so I put a new thermostate and gasket in. Today driving back to work from lunch I saw the temp guage was rising so I mashed the gas (hopping that I would put a dieing dog to rest) and it overheated but not to a critical point.

    I'm certain at this point it needs a new head gasket but not certain I feel like doing the work. Should I just say fuck it and buy a newer nicer truck? If it werent for the fact I get parts at cost I'd be way in over my head at this point. It would have been cheaper to have a car payment and less stress of turning the key and hopping for the damn thing to get me where I need to go.

    Decisions decisions....

  9. You guys helped me pick out a computer so I'm going to ask you help me with an air compressor.

    I've never owned one but used my dads for years. We've painted cars with it and used plenty of air tools. Problem is it was very $$$

    I want it mainly for working on cars (air ratchet, impact, etc.) Not sure if I'll paint with it or not. Any help brand, make, hp rating, capacity, oil or oilless.


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