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Posts posted by Monstrosity

  1. Give me half... I will take you to my spot and show you what you need to know lol.... Im neutral about their whole class thing...but..... I will say that saddle time on YOUR OWN BIKE...works wonders........ahhh screw it....sign me up people say my wheelies are GARBAGE anyhow hahahahhahahahhaha

    I'd say you would need the advanced class, lol.

  2. Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. A normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow. But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you are about to turn right. This is to let him know you're pulling off for a proper place to talk. It will take him a moment to realize that he's about to make a 180 degree turn at speed, but you will be ready for it. Brace for the g's, and fast heel-toe work.

    Fear and Loathing is one of my favorite movies!

  3. I took the class years back. Your at Thompson in a controled environment. Gear: Helmet, Gloves, Jacket, Jeans, and over the ankle boots. Your ridding old F2's and F3's that are slightly geared and streetfightered.

    Scott did most of the talking. He went over everything from the powerband/tire air pressure/the benefit of having a flat spot on your tire/body positioning/etc. I was actually really impressed how he broke everything down. The bikes have an adjustable scrap bar so you wont flip.

    Take the class if you want to learn to wheelie. Your not on the Expressway or middle of traffic like many others learn to. You will hit the balance point.

    Whatever you do dont ride out their. Its just like a track day. You will physically and mentally tired by the end of the day. Definitely a lot of fun!

    p.s. make sure you squeeze the tank with your legs when landing. If not your twig and berries wont like it.... (Trust me I found out the hard way)

  4. Every time I go to a bike night I have to shake my head in amazement at the quantity of riders that drink there beers then climb on there motorcycles typically helmet less and ride away. It is these same people who scream loudest that helmet laws infringe on their personal freedoms and that they have enough common sense to make their own decision...do they, do they really? :beathorse:

    I dont go to bike night after a bad incident last year. Too many morons packed in like sardines acting like fools.

  5. Plyo is the hardest tape as far as I'm concerned, that tape and legs.

    If you can make it through Plyo, you should be able to make it through the rest. Since I suck at pullups (shoulder doesn't like it) for the back exercises, I substitute pushups for those.

    I hated plyo. First time i did it i almost puked! :puke:

  6. The true sadness for the Holtrey family is they just buried his younger brother yesterday! His brother had cerebral palsy and died suddenly on Monday and his funeral was yesterday. I am speculating that Jeremy may have been overcome with grief and made the worst mistakes of his life last night that resulted in his family having to bury a second son.

    RIP and prayers sent for the family.

    Its in human nature to make mistakes... I wont preach about whats right or wrong. RIP

  7. I'm on the fence with what I want my next bike to be. I miss my Speed Triple (05) terribly. Out of all the bikes I had it suited my needs perfect. I could ride like a hooligan, comute, ride 2up, and minus a GSXR1000 on the highway I could keep up. I'm debating on a leftover 07 Super Duke, but for the same money the Z1000 seems very cool... Any thoughts? I've only rode one of the three.

  8. Maybe I'm a little late on this but last night I saw a Burger King commercial for the new copycat egg mcmuffin. The sexual predator looking king rides off on a Gsxr (I think newer 1000). Loved the commercial and went and bought the sandwich this morning. Not too bad, Macdonalds is better but this one seemed less greasy.

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