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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Thanks, it sucks for the industry and those who are directly getting fucked by this. Rick was great to work with. This is why I won't do the media stuff full time, just like this you can be without a meal ticket.
  2. Yeah, I'm out a good bit of money because of this. I had the PPC C7 story that was already turned in, the feature on Ray, and some other work in the pipe that is all gone now. I hope they are going to let me shop the C7 story since I had it done and turned in...
  3. Just found this out, in total shock... Straight from the Editor: So today not only concludes my career with Source Interlink Media, but with GM High Tech Performance Magazine and Camaro Now as well. Although it's a bittersweet moment, having had the opportunity to work as Editor-In-Chief of the publication that had helped inspire me to get into the business to begin with, it's still a shame. Also, after 19 years of being in production, GM High-Tech Performance, originally High-Tech Performance, will cease to exist. It was the only all late-model GM publication on the market, catering to everything from 1985-present, and the following was immense. I'm proud to say I was its final Editor. Evan Smith, Jim Campisano, Johnny Hunkins, Rick Jensen, and Scott David Parker laid the foundation for me. If not for them, I wouldn't have had this opportunity to begin with. I had the opportunity to meet some of the most inspiring people in the industry, and I'll never forget them. I'd like to consider them my friends. For those of you who subscribed, you should be receiving your final copy on or around 8/8/14. Things were just getting good, too... By the way, I'm not going anywhere. I'd like to consider myself a mainstay in this industry, and you'll be hearing much more from me in the very near future. As they say, when one chapter closes, another one begins. I'll be introducing you to that new chapter very soon.
  4. +rep You would think with all the SME's we have on here that every world problem could be solved in a matter of seconds That is a cool car
  5. Met this guy at the NMCA World Finals last year, super cool and very smart. He said there was more left in it and man he was not kidding!
  6. I agree. After racing on a track with high bite, and theirs with less bite, the track with less bite is more fun. You have to actually drive more on the low bite track and it does not beat you up as much. I want to know more about this off road stuff they are planning...
  7. The tribe will meet on this and vote soon...
  8. Welcome to the site, I've added you in.
  9. Bill Dozer on CR: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=98
  10. Yes and yes. If you have witnesses I would totally take this dirtbag to small claims court and grind him into the ground. This is the type of stuff that our legal system was set up for, real issues.
  11. Right now they only have me doing late model stuff. Is that mod list current in your sig? Have any recent pictures I could send in?
  12. Yes..... Links to mods and info?
  13. Looking for a LS7 or LS9-powered late model Pontiac in Ohio that I can do a feature on. Anybody have one or know of one? Also looking for other late model Pontiac cars (GTO, G8, 4th Gen F-body) that I can pitch. Can also use 2nd or 3rd gens but they have to be pretty over the top, or very clean.
  14. This went from an oh shit moment to an aww fuck moment real quick...
  15. I really want to come shoot an Auto Cross to get the CR crew doing work.....
  16. No clue, there are people who lurk on here that spend more time at the track. I'm just saying that no matter what people are going to bitch about anything and everything. I would drive the car in a second for a daily. Great lines, enough power for the street, and it already has FI on it.
  17. LOL thought all the manual trans hipsters that have cried about not enough clutches in ths world would love the 6 speed being offered. NOPE :dumb:
  18. Needs to take on of those $100's and get a man's haircut...
  19. The truth does not make for good news in today's world...
  20. I'm going to be blunt, but you are trying to do something that is not possible. Not being a part of that mess is smart on your part, it really is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. I went to one of the Newark things and that was plenty for me. To many people doing death revs, burnouts, and flying through the parking lot. Cars and Coffee is where its at: No junk cars, no stupid kids, just people hanging out and having a good time :fuckyeah:
  21. http://www.truthbomb.com right here. Its like that line in PCU when Droz says: "Sanskrit? You are majoring in a 5000 year old dead language?" You can replace "sanskrit" with "liberal arts" and its about the same deal. I worked 2 part time jobs while in college to help pay, plus worked 2 jobs during the summers.
  22. I paid off my undergrad loans, then went to grad school, now have to start the process all over again.
  23. The only thing I can really say is that they are not run very well (Freddie Mac is the worst) and they pay tons of $$$ for outside law firms to do their work.
  24. I work with Sallie Mae and other loan companies, if you only knew the truth behind these companies :dumb:
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