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Everything posted by wagner

  1. 110% Le-derp moment :lolguy: Thanks for the help today
  2. I'm pretty sure you are correct, I need to confirm that when I get home. I might need to take you up on that. This shoot and these 2 cars are looking to be pretty wild, I will have to post the full TLDR version later. Looks like some hooning in Cleveland will be going down in a pair of 1,000HP to the wheel GTO's this weekend :fuckyeah:
  3. Not sure, that will be my next phone call. All of this just got thrown into my lap along with a bunch of other things. I've already got 1 CR person approved for a feature and need to provide more. So now I have to start hunting for late model Pontiac cars to feature ASAP
  4. Does anybody have a 18-55 Circular Polarizer for a Canon I can borrow? I just got a rush job put on me by HPP Magazine and I need to travel up to Cleveland to shoot a car. Kind of freaking out just a bit
  5. Guy makes horrible not funny videos, wrecks car, asks for money, and stupid people will give him money. Guy has it figured out, he has found a way to get stupid people to give him money *respect knuckles*
  6. Weather people say 6-10 depending on part of town: Real world, 3-5 and you will see rain, ice and sleet. Pretty much a big dog pile of fail and AIDS on the roads.
  7. Battery grip on order, just need to get my memory card(s) from B&H, they seem to have the best price. Now, as far as circular polarizers, what do I need to look for and educate myself on? What about the "must have" items to clean my gear with? I'm starting to get pumped for this trip now and racing season to start
  8. Oh and that is what makes me the most happy. After having that big ass 70-200 rented last year that was stupid heavy I look forward to the balance. With the double AA's I should have a good rollout of battery action. Still need to get some meomory cards with enough read/write speed.
  9. If they are dumb enough to think you should only shoot to wound an attacker they won't understand.
  10. You do, you shoot the attacker and lower their blood pressure by getting some of that blood out of their body. Less blood equals less pressure, its science.
  11. I saw that but was not sure due to the price. I read some reviews online where people said the rubber did not match and a few other things, but with what I do this thing is going to see some combat
  12. Well if you go with Team Z their home track is Milan and they are always out there helping customers. Not to mention some of the fastest heads up guys are using their stuff.
  13. I will have to see if they are making one for the 70D yet, I don't recall seeing that brand anywhere.
  14. Well there go the hopes and dreams for a full Big Lebowski reunion. I guess Brant will never get to watch...
  15. Well I'm either going to get the Lowpro X200 or Pelican 1510 for a case with the zipper pouches. Those will fit my needs and have the best reviews. As far as battery grips go, are the 3rd part ones like Vello any good? I'm having a hard time accepting the Canon grip is worth the extra $100
  16. So is this or the TTGT going up to Milan to put some people on the front seat of the Butthurt bus on the No ET race nights :fuckyeah:
  17. Picked up a battery at Midwest Saturday, found the case I want, got some good information on memory cards, and have been 100% sold on getting a grip. I need to educate myself on the circular polarizers next so I know what to get. As far as a good cleaning regiment and tools for that, what should I be looking at?
  18. There is innovation that happens, its just not the "sexy" type that F1 provides. Lotsof stuff with heads and other things trickle down or get played with. Not to mention the innovation in how to bend the rules :gabe: They went to throttle body fuel injection a year or 2 ago.
  19. Oh, I agree with you, there should be permits to prevent bad things from happening. The proccess and the people are the problem. You can be an optimist all you want but the system you envision is a far cry from the sytems that are in place.
  20. I deal with federal, state, and local governments on a daily basis with my job. You can plan all you want, follow the rules, and consider the amount of time it takes, but you will be wasting your time. We are actually shocked when we run into a government office that actually works in a timely way. After starting my own business and jumping through all the hoops and dealing with all the bullshit I have learned to hate how bloated and bureaucratic the state of Ohio really is.
  21. I'm not a die hard fan, but I will check out a race when its on. I tend to get a kick out of those who talk down about NASCAR, it shows a lack of understanding on how hard it is. You get these open wheel guys who think they can just storm in and win, they usually end up as field filler, on the hook, or Danica Patrick. I wish they would take Smoke's muzzle off and let him really speak his mind, he's about as close as you will get to a throwback old school racer. Dude has won in open wheel, dirt track, and NASCAR.
  22. Wow, government impeding the ability of individuals to conduct business, shocking.....
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