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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Not sure if this is a repost and could give -fucks if it is. I love eurobillys
  2. Little video I put together for my trip to Lights Out V. These are just a few of the pictures I took that did not get used in last year's coverage for Dragzine.
  3. I try to shoot full manual, but sometimes that is not an option. Most of the trackside media people shoot apeture priority for the same day update stuff. It also depends on the car too. I've learned to shoot certain color cars underexposed so I can play with them more in Lightroom I was told I HAD to get the polarizer and shoot in RAW for my next feature. For grips I was looking at these two http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1013611-REG/vello_bg_c10_battery_grip_for_canon.html http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1017498-REG/bower_xbgc70d_battery_grip_for_canon.html I still need to figure out what specs are important to take into account for memory cards. I know I need a class 10 and would like to get at least a 16 gig card, but outside of that I don't know who or what to believe on the other specs of these cards.
  4. How do you like your backpack so far? How much gear can you throw in it? Good info, thanks. I want to get away from standard Canon strap, after the last year I have learned to hate it, but that's my preference now. I really might get the grip now, I was on the fence about that. The big problem with shooting some of these races is that conditions are changing all the time, so getting it right every time I have found is not an option :lolguy: Again, good info, thank you.
  5. Very true, but I'm not sold on the product they offer in the pay for radio market. After doing some time myself as a DJ in college I like to support the local stations, they need it. I'm ok with commercials, they help me keep up on what strip clubs are offering the best specials this week.
  6. Yes, I refuse to pay for something that is free.
  7. I've looked at the grips, but you still have to put batteries in those. I'm looking for more brand info with the batteries on what to avoid or what to get. As far as memory cards I know where I will purchase, I'm more worried about what kind of specs to get.
  8. I was looking at the Wassabi batteries and noticed simlar issues on some of the reviews. Not sure if those people got bad batches, or are just stupid.
  9. So my season starts here in a few weeks and I need to get some more gear. With all the new work I'm going to be taking on I need to get my act together and at least look like I know what the hell I'm doing I picked up a Canon 70D as my new primary body. Here is a quick list of things I am looking to pick up any feedback on what to look for would be great: - At least 1 maybe 2 memory cards (plan on shooting in RAW and JPG) - Neck/shoulder strap - Batteries, or more imporantly what ones to stay away from - Gear bag (I was actually thinking of making one out of a carry on bag and gun case foam) - Polarizers, what do I even look for with these.
  10. The key to the spring and fall event is people signing up. We are on the hook for a certain amount of entries.
  11. Taking PTO to come out and bust your ass on a Wednesday night has not been high on my list, I save PTO to go out of town for real races :fuckyeah:
  12. The amount of scared in my cart is zero at this time.
  13. Waiting for things to get finalized to see what our options are.
  14. Got some big ideas and might need some additional help to make them happen :fuckyeah:
  15. For a private rental at Fast Times over at Indy you pay twice as much for a shorter track, less run time, and only 2 heat races......
  16. Cannot stress this enough. They tried to bait and switch me, I called them on it and they never returned my calls about cars on the lot.
  17. I don't follow F1 that close, but boy those guys have some neat toys.
  18. Its ok, rights are subject to change depending on how the .gov feels they need enforced. Price and participation may vary depending on narrative being pushed, see local officials for details. Rights not valid in NY, CA, NJ, and most liberal states.
  19. I like how these facts seem to get ignored by everybody, even the media trying to drum up the troops on this...
  20. So nobody has any info on these transmission issues I was reading about? The IS250 sounds like it might be out due to the lack of back seat space.
  21. Sent this over to my wife and I might have more questions. She used to do pretty much the same thing I think for Gold's Gym.
  22. No shit, that was great. When I worked at Hobbytown some stupid sister fucking hilljack had a GIANT gas helicopter he brought in because "it ain't flyin right". Dude was getting ready to fire it up and kept talking about the radio issues and glitching he was having. No way in hell I wanted to be anywhere near a gas helio that could turn into an out of control death machine and go final destination on me. The fucktard still tried to take it up and promptly smashed it into the side of the PacMail trailer.
  23. I'll be in touch, my goal is to start doing more print features this year. I am pretty sure I can get the car on one of the online titles I work for pretty easy too.
  24. I'm working on getting an in at Corvette magazine, I might need your car to do an article on...
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