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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Cool, good luck getting out of the Philly airport, its like escape of LA but with more scary and rude people
  2. Not sure, Facebook said maybe. If only the person who ran it was on here....
  3. I'm going to be at Cars & Coffee saturday morning with my new camera playing around. I would also like to get these shirts out to people and get paid. I was also thinking about seeing if people want to meet up at QSL saturday night and maybe Docs if he has it open.
  4. Cool, I am going to read up on the Hero3s at lunch today and see what the big differences are. I also have my rollbar mount to put on the karts, I saw this done over at Indy. I'm going to bring my laptop so I can snag the footage off everyone's cameras.
  5. Are you bringing your own helmet? Make sure to have all the different sticky mounts and other fun stuff. We can do some team KoolRayz enjuneerin to get it working
  6. Race day bitches, time to do some work Will have the GergCam and WagnerCam going tonight. I hope to also take some stills with my new toy as well. Columbus Racing shirts will be there for those who ordered so have your cash ready. I will also have the Pavement Mafia Logo shirts and KoolRayz Racing shirts with me. Going to be a bitchin night for sure :fuckyeah:
  7. Wait? You are not looking forward to this? http://nypost.com/2013/12/25/new-obamacare-fees-coming-in-2014/ I have not had a chance to really read up on the one payer system, but the high level info I got it sounds gross...
  8. Saw this last night in my youtube feed, will see.
  9. Yes, we need to keep beating this dead horse so people don't let the wool get pulled any further over their eyes. This administration WANTS you to forget this and worry about what some swamp rat from LA said about the gays. All of this bullshit is screwing my mom and dad over in such a way they will forever have to change their lives. It makes me sick to see people that have worked so hard their entire lives get shit on for a stupid political idea and agenda. Your point of view really changes when people you love are the ones getting thrown under the bus.
  10. GoPro is mounted up on my headgear and ready to go :fuckyeah:
  11. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/12/25/affordability-healthcaregov-plans-usa-counties/4165513/
  12. With crawdads car I wanted to bring out the stripes and details in the grill. With Cordel's car I wanted to bring out the color in the car and make it less washed out. Doc's picture I wanted to experiment more make the record holder pop more and bring the sky out for contrast.
  13. Before: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/Car%20Pics/IMG_5414_zps27d386e8.jpg After: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/Car%20Pics/IMG_5414_zps3bdec911.jpg
  14. Before: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/Car%20Pics/IMG_1245_zps11ef67bb.jpg After: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/Car%20Pics/IMG_1245_zpse3d215eb.jpg
  15. So I'm trying to teach myself how to edit photos using LightRoom 5. I have zero idea what I'm doing so hopefully I will get better as I play more. Before: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/Car%20Pics/JJPractice_zps02068132.jpg After: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/Car%20Pics/JJPractice_zpsc2869f79.jpg
  16. Shirts are in! Those that paid for shipping your stuff is going out tomorrow. I will be at the Karting event Friday and will have the other pre-order shirts with me. You can pay cash there on Friday. I will also have the KoolRayz team shirts and Pavement Mafia logo shirts with me. If you can't be there Friday we are looking at meeting at QSL Saturday.
  17. Already was planning on it and was going to PM you.
  18. Wow, that is a lot of track time and you will be hurting :lolguy:
  19. Just wanted to be sure, I was about to throat punch paypal...
  20. know the rules of the white elephant and there shall be no butthurt... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant_gift_exchange
  21. Paid :fuckyeah: I will bring at least one of my GoPros so I can stick it on my helmet.
  22. I'm in will be sending money shortly
  23. Looks like they are starting to get down the track, kind of...
  24. No, I don't agree with people that choose to use god as a crutch to throw gay people under the bus. People want to be homophobic, that's great, be what you want, but don't push that on me. Same can go for the gays, thats great you like to be gay, i'm not gay, and i'm not shocked nor do I care if you are. Freedom is great, but some people take it to far and in bad taste.
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