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Everything posted by wagner

  1. I've been forced to read up on this more and find to be a really neat case of finding where people stand. -Free speech ain't free for famous people, the people that control them have bills to pay so don't piss those people. -People are scared of gays like they acid in their blood and will try to rape you at the drop of a hat. There is just so much to this its kind of neat to me to see people freak the fuck out. Somebody wants to be gay, let them. Somebody wants to talk about how they don't like gay people, let them. The key is to get your point across without sounding like a hate filled idiot.
  2. I don't agree with what he said, but that would be pretty bad ass if they gave A&E the double bird and walked off. Its not like it would hurt their business, let's be honest, how many viewers actually buy their real business product?
  3. God looks at CR and says "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS"
  4. Nope, Suffield United Church of Christ. We allow anybody with faith to attend. We have full out in the open gay people that come to our church, and you know what? The place has not burnt to the ground yet! I have worked side by side with these same people growing up helping those who have less and they love god and want to do good just as much as any bible thumper I have ever seen. My views have changed over the years in different ways. I like the aspect of several different religions and try to bring them into my life to be a better person. The one thing that I get from all that I have read is god does not like assholes and wants us to be excellent to each other.
  5. DING DING MOTHER FUCKING DING. I find so much of this situation funny. You have the bible thumpers on one side holding thier book high in the air trying to justify hate. Then you have the LGBT on the other standing on their little soap box just screaming like a cat stuck in a bathtub. People, its 2013, damn near 2014 why do we still hate others because of skin, race, god, or who they like to fuck? Has the human race not learned after THOUSANDS of years that shit ain't good for much of anything? I was raised in the church and I will never forget pastor Rob saying "if you are going to hate someone, you better have a damn good reason." Some people seem to think its ok to use god as a reason to hate someone different.
  6. Will have to talk with wife and see if plans have already been made. I will let you know.
  7. So here we are 80 days after the go live date, failed roll out, and they are just now meeting with "experts" ? All of this while still trying to make things seem all is well? Who is buying this crap besides John Stewart viewers?
  8. Wow... Logic does not make it through the anti-gun tin foil hats. It always goes back to ignoring the true issues and just blaming guns.
  9. Lizzard Skinz up in Grandview. Mike Ucker owns it and races SCCA stuff, really nice guy.
  10. Not sure, there is a mountain of details that need worked out.
  11. So I talked with Monza and Doc at PRI, there is a chance you might see the Wagner family on the show....
  12. Looks like a great way to blow out a knee
  13. Mullet killing it yet again
  14. http://bangshift.com/blog/friday-excuse-to-go-home-early-and-drink-ford-kills-all-manufacturing-in-australia-including-falcon-2016-is-zero-hour.html
  15. There are a lot of forces at work, a big one is the labor for making demands that are leading to the loss of their jobs. I'm pretty sure Ford is pretty much pulling the plug in Austraila too, but let's just bash on GM since that's the easy thing to do...
  16. Leaving Columbus friday morning at 8am.
  17. Obamacare will run correctly and under its own poer before "the stig" does
  18. That is a solid idea and might be the basis for the next shirt or sticker :fuckyeah:
  19. Since I will be at the PRI show until Saturday I will keep the ordering open until Sunday. I will be contacting my printer on Monday morning to get these ordered.
  20. Any suggestions for good YouTube channels to follow when it comes to Lightroom or photo editing in general? I found the Adobe channel but was looking for some others and maybe some basics kind of stuff.
  21. I have a feeling that onside kick will come back to haunt MSU.
  22. At least one time, maybe more...
  23. The "hit" comment was a joke that nobody got :lolguy: The track prep was not consistent and the main issue. The temp changes are not nearly as big an issue as the fact when there was zero grip on that track at any given time. For the race against Carey neither lane was worth a shit. Myself, Patrick, and Carey's crew guy were laughing about it before the pass trying to figure out who had "lane choice".
  24. Close to an hour of great racing action from 2013
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