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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Flip it upside down and put the ball on the other side.
  2. It really depends on what you want. Also the EPA has really hurt the ZX-10rs power in the US restricting it by 20-25 hp yet they still keep up with the other liter bikes. Its exhaust system is 50% bad ass and 50% cost savings. The headers are titanium and pretty much the same as you'll find on a full system. The catylic converter (boom box as some call it) is bulky ugly and easy to remove. The can is basically a straight pipe with an exhaust servo in it since the boombox deadens all the noise. So kawi knows everyone is going to pull the exhaust and throw an aftermarket system on and saved them the hassle of needing to get a full system when a slip on with mid pipe will do just as well. It's a nice bike right off the showroom floor but it has a lot of things that can be upgraded but once those are done it is a crazy beast. The rear shock is way under sprung for riders over 150lbs. The gearing is really high some people say it is so new riders are less likely to loop the bike since it has 180hp at the wheel (euro models and unrestricted US). The traction control is awesome but can also be a down side. It allows for little mistakes by correcting them faster than the rider can even notice. The downside is it makes the it easier for an inexperienced rider or a rider that thinks he is an awesome rider to get on and ride hard. Making the bike appealing to squids. The gen4 Zx10r is taking over as the new squid bike. Reading the things that people put on the 10 forums is insane and I now know why my insurance rates are so high. But if you have the patients or money to make the small adjustments to the bike it is an amazing machine. There are guys running 8 sec quarter miles on them without nos or turbos running a stock engine and wheel base. That's crazy what else can you buy put a tune exhaust and gearing on all under $16,000 and run 8 sec 1/4 miles? Then still have excellent handling for the street/road courses? A guy on another forum posted a dyno graph from his 2011 Zx10r. The mods were k&n filter slip-on and it was derestricted. No tune he had 182 hp in the full power mode and 164hp in the lowest power setting. I'm not sure what his torque was. That is without the ram air working since the bike was stationary on the dyno. My old cbr with a slip on and a great tune put out 152hp and 72-75 ft.lbs. if I recall right. That bike was a beast. The 10 is a great bike if you like doing upgrades that make big differences. It's electronic package is as good as the R1 and no other bike can touch them. The Zx10r is great if you want top end power otherwise go with the R1 or Honda if you want midrange. But as it has been said the differences are tiny pick on that has the best ergos foryyou unless you have a specific task you want it to be better at.
  3. Has anyone ever tried to order from a fast food restaurants "secret menu"? Even though its a total fat boy option I kind of want a mcgangbang. http://mcdonaldssecretmenu.com/87/mcdonalds-secret-menu-the-mcgangbang/
  4. It is an old story but it seems the number is higher than reported. Also ashes, limbs, body parts, whole body it doesn't matter its still wrong. They can't find a place to put the Boston bomber but I doubt he'll end up in a dump somewhere. If you or I put a body or parts in a dump we'd probably be charged with abuse of a corpse.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKV5HVk4yik I know its from a crazy channel on YouTube and fox news but WTF?
  6. Welcome back. I'm going to guess the front end he has is on his bike.
  7. cOoTeR

    shit bags.

    http://abcnews.go.com/m/story?id=19163974 Mothersday shooting.
  8. I took the bike to work last night and wow it is a totally different animal. Super quick throttle response and the power band is longer. The bike used to not feel like it was pulling hard until about 8k rpms. Now its hard to stay on the seat anything over 4k.I definitely recommend this to anyone. I'm kind of curious what the top speed is without the limiter but don't want to get arrested trying to find out. Maybe the dyno will give me an idea.
  9. Let her come over and hit you if your in the cage. Try to have the nose of your car lined up with the rear bumper of hers when she does. Take the hit the police should be able to tell who did what. Also when they get there stay calm and not screaming like a Jackass and being all pissed off. It will make you appear more level headed believable rational and honest.
  10. As some of you know the 2011-2013 Zx-10r's have been heavily restricted here in the US. So basically you get cheated 15-20 hp to meet the emissions requirements. Apparently even in stock form the bike is too loud. In order to be able to sell them in the US Kawasaki decided to use the ECU to tone them down. Part of what they did to the US version is drop the rev limiter 500 rpms and at about full throttle the secodaries in the throttle bodies close back down to 70% open. The bike is still really quick and puts down about 160-164 hp but should be closer to 180. A regular pc dyno tune will not fix this. Your options are you can basically throw some extra wiring into your wire harness but noone really knows what all it does to the bike to derestrict it other than it puts out proper hp afterwards. You can google "ivans wire mod Zx10r" for more info on that. Or you can have the ECU reflashed. That's where Guhl motorsports comes in. They reflash the ecu so that the secondaries work properly take the top speed limiter off and can bump the rev limit up 1,000 rpms. They also have options to make the traction control able to change while the throttle is open. Also stock if you turn TC off then turn the bike off and on the TC resets to on which is annoying if you want it off all the time. If you change your exhaust you cant remove the exhaust servo motor without getting an FI light they fix that too. But the coolest thing they can do is actually tune the ECU like a power commander. Then if there is an issue with the tune or you change the bike and need a new tune or they find something elsetey can upgrade you just need to pay shipping and they will re-tune it for free. I took my ECU out Monday. It was a slightly time consuming task because it is in the airbox and requires the tank to be removed. I mailed it monday around 3:30pm (6:30pm eastern) using a flat rate box from USPS. Guhl motorsports got it Wednesday and called me Wednesday morning to go over the changes and tune I wanted. They reflashed it and mailed it back Wednesday. I paid $20 extra for 2-day shipping and got the ECU back today. Total cost including shipping was around $400 which isn't bad compared to a pcV and a tune. While the bike was down I pulled the removable baffle out of my slip on also. I got the ECU installed and have only gotten a short test drive up the street but man did it make a difference. The bike feels powerful across the rpms and just screams up the road making the traction control work if its on. Great service from Guhl motorsports fast turn around too. I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to reflash their ECU. This is a must do for the new Zx-10r.
  11. Nice I seriously considered one when I bought my Zx-10 but I couldn't pass up the deal I got on the 10. How is the gearing on those?
  12. Excerpt from another thread. I’ve come to realize after the Sandy Hook shooting that the reason we can’t have a rational gun debate is because the anti-gun side pre-supposes that their pro-gun opponents must first accept that guns are bad in order to have a discussion about guns in the first place. Before we even start the conversation, we’re the bad guys and we have to admit it. Without accepting that guns are bad and supplicating themselves to the anti-gunner, the pro-gunner can’t get a word in edgewise, and is quickly reduced to being called a murderer, or a low, immoral and horrible human being. You might think that’s hyperbole too, but I’ve experienced it personally from people I considered friends until recently. And every day I see it on TV or in the newspapers, from Piers Morgan to the Des Moines Register’s own Donald Kaul, who among others have actually said people like me are stupid, crazy or should be killed ourselves. YouTube is full of examples, and any Google search will result in example after example of gun-owning Americans being lampooned, ridiculed and demonized by the media and citizens somewhere. Hell, it’s even gotten so bad that a little kid was expelled from school recently for biting a Pop Tart into the vague shape of a handgun during lunch break (it looked more like Idaho to me). Liberals always make the common plea, “We need to get some experts to solve this problem!” for any public policy issue that comes along, which is a good thing. But when it comes to the gun issue, gun expertise is completely irrelevant to the anti-gunner —people who probably have never fired a gun or even touched one in real life, and whose only experience with guns is what they’ve seen in movies or read about in bastions of (un)balanced, hyper-liberal journalism, like Mother Jones. That a pro-gun person might actually know a lot about their hobby or profession doesn’t stand up against the histrionic cries of the anti-gunner. How can we “gun people” honestly be expected to come to the table with anti-gunners when anti-gunners are willfully stupid about guns, and openly hate, despise and ridicule those of us who own them? There must first be respect and trust — even just a little — before there can be even the beginnings of legitimate discussion of the issue.
  13. [quote name=jporter12;9938 Also' date=' don't worry about any stray bullets from members on here IF you ever ride with any of us again, because we spend time at the range honing the skill! Psycho paper murders!
  14. I'm not interested then LOL good luck though. You shouldn't have any trouble selling it though with as nice as it is and as many people that have seen it.
  15. Are you willing to throw in the sammich maker or the tools in the garage?
  16. It is apparent by this post that you are either delusional or have realized that your argument has failed. You have resorted to changing what I have said then arguing with yourself about it. Along with ignore most of the arguments that have been posted that counter yours.You have failed now grow a pair and stop being so afraid of a tool.
  17. Guns are tools that I have used several times without firing a round. If guns kill please explain to me how there hasn't been a gun that has killed someone without a person causing it to?
  18. Apparently you really have no reading comprehension skills. If you take your time a read the whole post you will be able to figure out what I'm doing to these people.
  19. Please explain trap and skeet shooting? A sport created so that people could shoot at clay birds and not have to use real birds. Guys spend more money on a gun that they will exclusively shoot at clay targets than some people spend on a house. Yet a lot of the trap and skeet guys never have shot a living thing in their life. Have you ever had a knife pulled on you? I have, now you may choose to use your mad ninja badass skills to fight the knife wielding asshole but you are most likely going to get cut badly even if you can beat their ass. Me I choose to point my gun at the asshole and tell him to drop the knife. No one got injured and I arrested the jackass. Now you for some reason think that makes me less courageous because I didn't pull out my knife and go toe to toe with him. In reality I'm smart enough to know that I'm not going to be able to kick everyones ass and even if I could the risk of blood borne pathogens is too great to risk it. If you've ever been in a real fight you know its bloody. I'd rather not bring some meth heads diseases home to my family. I've taken 186 lbs. of pot from and arrested 8 armed drug runners with one other person being my only backup within 2 hrs. I'd like to see you accomplish that without a gun. So Mr.courage whose afraid to go outside because he may get hit with one of my stray bullets please explain to me how that makes me a pussy for not facing the world without a gun. Please tell me how you have any clue about what you are talking about because right now it's pretty apparent you are talking out of your ass.
  20. Once again you are wrong more rounds are fired at the range than at people. You stupidity is astounding its like talking to a fucking cow about cheese burgers. Please tell me when a gun has hurt anyone without a person causing it to. Like all the things above it is just a tool.
  21. That's because you obviously do nothing to confront the bad people with guns.
  22. Or people with hammers ball bats drunk behind the wheel or a lot of other things.
  23. What have you ever fucking done that makes you so courageous?
  24. A good indication would be wanting to meet up instead of having it shipped. Your analogy is no different than using Craig's list to get a hooker or facebook to meet someone selling drugs. Even if it were illegal people would still do it. Once again please tell me when a gun has killed someone without a person causing it to. When you can I'll go along with your bull shit of guns being evil. Until then you need to wrap your mind around the fact that people are the problems when it comes to guns.
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