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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I was just wondering where you get the opinion that owning a liter bike is a penis thing? I'm assuming its something you've read somewhere seeing as you don't have much experience with one. I think its more having the balls to ride one not so much a lack of penis.
  2. Have you ever rode a modern liter bike?
  3. I own a 2012 Zx10r. Ergonomics are not any better than a 600 although it is pretty nimble. If your looking for a better fit go with the 14. The 10 is quick but needs some work to bring it up to the top of its game. First get rid of the exhasust. A slip on with a mid pipe is all it needs because it already has titanium headers. Drop the gearing the bike is geared way too tall and the power doesn't really kick in until 8k rpms. Then get the computer ecu flashed its about $375 and they can add a tune in so no need for a power commander. The flash is necessary because the US versions have been restricted by about 20hp. The flash can also bump your redline up 1000 rpm but most go with 500. Especially if your drag racing you will need to upgrade the clutch because it can't handle the high rpms needed to get a good launch. Ricky gadson did three runs on one before burning the stock clutch out. For your size you'll want to upgrade the suspension. Most guys go with ohlins ttx. It's a great bike and it is scary fast stock but when it gets modded like above they are just insane.
  4. Looks like classic target fixation.
  5. I know that area pretty well. You seem to be covering a lot of ground though.
  6. Oh yeah the road used to be route 666 but people kept stealing the signs so they changed the name if you want to look it up online its sometimes referred to as the devils highway.
  7. I live a few hours from there. Did you take it all the way to alpine and into NM? I can't remember the road down into NM but it makes a nice loop. It is a very remote loop and there is the possibility of hitting an elk or bear or even a big horn sheep. Depending on the time of year the road surface can be dirty due to the rains in june/July. It is extremely hot in the summer riding up there. Last time I went it was 104* when I passes the mine in morenci. The best place to stay would be alpine AZ great area. But as far as anything along the route there really isn't any food gas or lodging. Never any cops unless someone slides off the side which is pretty common. There is no room for error on that road. It is narrow with a jagged rock face on one side and a huge cliff on the other. Unlike tail of the dragon there aren't many trees to slow your decent. Not a beginner's road at all but it is pretty fun. Wicked are you still in the area? Have you rode mt. Lemmon yet?
  8. Have you checked iron pony's clearance section yet?
  9. You'd be surprised how easy it is to make an adapter to allow a bb gun to fire a round using parts found at a hardware store. Although it does require items stronger than tape it isn't very expensive. I think most people who do it are not allowed to own firearms and think this would be a loop hole even though it isn't legal.
  10. A friend of mine has a late 90's zx9 or whatever it is. He recently cleaned his carbs. After putting it back together it ran for a second then started to sputter. He gave it some gas and it started to idle real rough. He hasn't figured it out yet but my point is the old ninjas seem to be touchy when it comes to the carbs.
  11. A buddy of mine had some "riding" jeans that had pockets with removable armor similar to football pants but jeans. I'll stick to leathers though.
  12. I had a good time but only because of the racing. I got really annoyed with the inconsiderate and obnoxious drunk people. It could have been more organized. I bought the pre-paid parking pass for reserved parking yet they were taking cash to park in the same lot. They were charging the same amount that I had paid for the pass just broke down daily and no shipping charges. If I would have known I could save $10 by not getting the parking pass and still got the same parking area I would have done that. I thought by having a pre-paid parking pass I would get a better spot and not have to wait in line behind people paying to park yet I had no advantage over those paying on site. I expected food and beer to be expensive but not as high as it was. We just ate big breakfasts and had snack food in the car for when we left. Day 2 was the only day we bought food there and we got a small pizza (4 tiny slices) for $12. We also bought 2 draft domestic beers on day 2 for $11 and they were very skunked.
  13. I read somewhere their periods attract bears. Bears can smell the menstruation. Well, that's just great. You hear that, Ed? Bears. Now you're putting the whole station in jeopardy.
  14. Looks good. I second the healed pics.
  15. It must be raining in Ohio. This thread is longer and darker than one of gen3's dildos.
  16. I think someone is trying to self nominate himself to be a mod.
  17. Why not just stick to the boys like normal.
  18. Gotta love the I ride more than you because you post on the internet macho attitude.
  19. I got an Email from COTA today asking for my review from this week end so heres what I gave them. The race and facility were awesome but thats about where the positive comments stop. It was very disorganized. Starting with parking signs telling you where to go were misleading or just plain wrong. We had a parking pass for lot P well the parking lot signs all say P for parking so when you pull up to the track you see a sign that says P with an arrow pointing to turn left. We turned in to find out that parking lot P was on the other side of the track and we had to turn around. Once we got to parking lot P the people directing traffic had no clue what they were doing each one telling us to go another direction. Finally after getting parked we headed in. I read online they were increasing their security due to the recent attacks in boston. Walking through the gate they scanned my ticket and that was it. They barely peeked into my wifes purse but she could have had anything in there. Online it said no Knives or other weapons which I saw several people ignored and were blatently carrying knives. There was no information given out about any of the events they were having going on through the day and the times or locations. Food was extreamly expensive I saw $14 for a hamburger at one place. But I guess thats to be expected. Having 2 doors going into the bathroom with neither labled as exit made going to the bathroom as confusing as the traffic coming into the track. No one really knew who was next in line so it was just a matter of who could get to the urinal first. The ushers and security did nothing to enforce seating assignments. Whom ever walked upto the seats was able to sit in any empty seat. This was pretty frustrating to pay over $300 for two tickets then end up surrounded by obnoxious drunks that paid $89 for their tickets and aren't shy about running their mouth about it. All weekend there were people sitting in other peoples seats and just bouncing around when people showed up. Then the ushers and security didnt say anything to the people holding flags banners and umbrellas in the stands. It kind of makes me feel like I got cheated in paying extra to not be seated in the general admission area yet it seemed like I was. I think the most frustrating part was the so called autograph session. We waited in line for over 2 hours watching people cut into the front of the line right beside the track personnel that were organizing the line. The sign said "Moto GP Stars" yet the riders that did show up were late and not from factory teams. Then when they opened it up they let everyone go into an area that ressembled cattle corrals. You couldnt see what riders were at the front of each line so you had to guess and just get whatever autograph you got. My wife doesnt even know whose autograph she got. I wish I would have just left at the end of the day instead getting frustrated by the autograph session. If the facility wasnt so nice and me really enjoying motorcycle racing I wouldnt give this track a second chance. Next year I will probably just go to Laguna instead.
  20. Just get a water bed and a 3-person slingshot you know those water balloon launchers. Lay her on the water bed tuck one handle under her butt cheek get yourself lined up wrap the slingshot behind you then tuck the other handle under her other butt cheek then give 1 good hard thrust. You have now discovered perpetual motion sex!
  21. I've always told my friends when it comes to girls life is like a batting cage, so swing at everything because you can't strike out but every now and then you can knock a homerun out. Hit on whom ever be respectful who gives a shit if she laughs at you. If she's rude about it just turn around and shout like your yelling to a friend in the distance, "yeah I told you she has herpes, can i call em or what".
  22. Occasionally I go a little over the speed limit (on accident of course). Any vanity plate would make it easier to identify me if people call me in. Or if someone recognizes my work uniform and decided they are going to call my boss. It's a lot easier to deny when they don't have an easy plate to report. Rather than explaining that who ever called doesn't have a radar gun and doesn't really know if I'm speeding. Most of my supervisors would probably just say not to let it happen again but others maytry to get me hemmed up for a complaint about me even though I'm off work. I like the option of do you know how many red and black bikes are on the road with riders wearing red and black safety gear? Are you sure it was me that you saw officer?
  23. Out of curiosity why didn't you ask for the number?
  24. Yeah but he's not doing anything like that this year. In Quatar even he said he messed up his start. In Austin he ran way wide into the first corner and lost a bit of ground. Also I don't expect anything that crazy from him against the top guys.
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