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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. He needs to improve his starts. He about blew it on turn 1.
  2. I do kickstand turns all the time. Mainly when moving the bike around the garage. Never had a problem.
  3. Marquez had a hard wreck during practice but still kicked ass during qualifying. It was funny halfway to 3/4 thru both Lorenzo and Rossi were in their pits talking to their crew and holding their hands up and then dropping them as if saying I don't know what else to do. There was a hard wreck in the moto3 qualifying not sure who it was but it looked like they went over the bars coming into a turn. Don't know what happened. But that turn 1 is nuts in person.
  4. How did this go ignored? Bet this isn't the first time you've used this line huh?
  5. When did Ohio Riders get representation in the senate? Merkley (D-OR), Wyden (D-OR)?
  6. She shoulda never left the kitchen. If she had some strength in her inner thighs to grip with she coulda held on. But atleast her helmet doesn't need replaced her vagina broke the fall.
  7. I remember those ape hangers on that metric bike.
  8. Bought an M4 Gp exhaust for my bike. Sounds awesome and really cut some pounds off compared to the stock system. It's nice that I can actually hear the exhaust now instead of just the ram air intake. Great service and price. Stock system. The heavy restrictive system. The bikes New look.
  9. cOoTeR

    New M4 GP exhaust.

    From the album: zx10r

  10. I think his video has been on Tosh.0, ridiculousness and dumbest stuff on wheels.
  11. Me too we are going to be in turn 1 how about you?
  12. Check these out. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=94061&page=3
  13. You could pay them to do the tatt on someone else first then see what its like. But seriously look at portraits done by the artist that's your best bet.
  14. My point is she didn't show any lack of awareness and that wouldn't have helped if the guy could run just a bit faster. I know all about situational awareness I'm border line paranoid. It drives my wife nuts I never sit with my back to a room I'm always looking at people sizing them up checking for weapons looking for exit routes along with concealment and cover what's behind people that are possible threats objects that can be used as weapons if need be. I can't relax in public. But situational awareness does nothing for you if you don'thknow what to do when you notice a threat. Or if something gets the drop on you.
  15. Yep fine lines can get fat and uneven over time just due to the elasticity of skin but a poorly done tattoo looks worse.
  16. Look at portraits of past work and try to find pics or actual tatts that are not freshly done. As in if the skin is still shaved and red look at something older. Most tatts look great when fresh but can turn to shit as it heals partially because the artist isnt too great or because the person who got the tatt doesnt follow healing instructions.
  17. Situational awareness is great but you have to let it down sometimes or you turn into a.paranoid freak. In her scenario a car rolled thru the parking lot of a mall first thing to notice. Should you turn back inside? No you'd never make it out of the mall if you turned back around whenever you saw a car driving in the lot. Ok next thing to notice is you profile the cars occupants as being "thugish". Now do you turn aroundand go back in? Once again you'd probably never make it out of a mall. Or they take notice and see you as afraid and a potential target. But if you truly think something is up now decide where the closest safest place is and have a plan to get there and what to do when you arrive. Sounds like she decided this was her car about this point because it was stated she noticed them. Now they started to holla at her she ignored them and continued to her safe place her car. They chased she noticed and ran to the car and secured herself inside then left. I don't see how she lacked situational awareness in this situation. The only criticism I have is not calling the police. Now the creeps have gotten away with it and feel empowered to try it to the next chick who may not be so lucky. First thing after leaving should have been call 911 before the thugs could clear the area. Chances are Dayton pd have an officer nearby. You ask how a gun would help. If carried properly ie not the bottom of a purse. She could start thinking where the gun is as soon as she sees the car rolling nearby. She can start to get ready to grab it when she notices people in the car that appear to be up to no good. When the start to "holla" at her she can place a hand on it especially if its in a purpose built purse with the built in holster and they'd wouldn't notice the gun yet. Now tell them leave me alone loudly and confidently. Then if they continue to pursue draw the gun and as loud as she can scream stop. If they dont they need to be shot.
  18. I had a ferret that thing was badass. I'm wondering who decided giving them steroids was a good idea? Those critters are already running around like they are on crack when they aren't sleeping. I imagine a ferret on roids is about the same as a toddler on pcp.
  19. The pepper spray will end up in the bottom of her purse and she'd most likely have a hard time getting it out in under 3min. Have you ever watched a women try to find a pack of gum in a purse? Or if you get the key chain kind she'll fumble with it and get over powered. Have you ever had to use the bathroom really bad and had to open a locked door? Fumbling with the keys seems like your fingers won't work. It's worse when your scared, you lose fine motor skills during fight or flight. Grabbing a key chain pepper spray would be next to impossible if not practiced in repetitive training. Pepper spray doesn't work to well if someone is determined. I've been sprayed at least 9 times (for work certifications) and it hurts but doesn't incapacitate. It gets me pumped up like getting hit in the face.I can still see enough to put up a fight. A guy that's already got his adrenaline pumping is going to be the same way. If they are bound and determined to do harm to a chick they aren't going to stop because they have been pepper sprayed. I used to work in a prison and have seen guys get sprayed alot. Some don't get affected at all others just fight harder. I have never seen anyone just drop to the ground and freak out like the pepper spray company wants you to believe. Plus with pepper spray especially the products made for civilian purchase they don't have the pressure to overcome the wind and you can actually spray yourself more than the bad guy. So your left with few options. 1. Just keep her in the kitchen making sandwiches. 2. Buy one of those paracord things with a large ball bearing in the end basically its a slapjack. Put it on her keys but if anyone asks its for checking tires not self defense for liability reasons. There's someone on here that makes em. A three year old could knock someone out with one of those. An adult could crack someone's skull open. But the problem with one of these is she'd have to already have it in her hand ready to go and be willing to fight like crazy. 3. Both of you go take the training courses learn about guns. You've obviously learned crazy people and bad guys have guns out there. Why wouldn't you level the playing field. That's like going into a fight knowing the other guy has a weapon yet you don't bring one. Unless you and your girl are true badasses your leaving yourselves at a potential disadvantage. A gun is a tool the only time to fear it is when the business end is pointed at you and the person on the other end is going to fire. I've got several guns and none of them have decided to shoot people on their own.
  20. I just watched the Moto3 race on my DVR. Wow that was a good race. Very impressed with little Marquez and the other top 4 finishers.
  21. Is it hydraulic or a cable? I had a friend tell me that the TLs have issues with the factory cable breaking due to age. The bandit may be the same. If its hydraulic check for air in the line. Easiest solutions first.
  22. As the title states I need some suspension advice. I did a track day back in November while I was there I had the race shop that was doing tires help me set up my suspension. I made the mistake of doing it after my first session on the track. So I was still taking it easy the next couple of sessions. Later in the day as I picked up the pace it felt like the front was kind of sliding out just before I'd get on the gas. I assumed it was the tires getting worn combined with me getting tired. A couple of days after the track day I talked to a few of the guys that were there and they said i should have had the suspension guy take a look at it again and tell him how it felt when I pushed it a little. After the track day I had only rode the bike a few times until march and I started riding it regularly then. I noticed the front still feels like it wants to slide out mid corner but the tread is still good and the pressure is at factory specs. I also noticed the center of the tire appears to be peeling as if I just did a burnout even though I haven't and it is squaring off. Im at about 2,9** miles on the factory Bridgestones. I took a couple of pics after a ride of about 30miles on the highway @ about 80-90 mph with a temperature of about 65*. Then about 3 or 5 miles of city driving @ about 30-35mph same air temperature. I weigh about 215lbs and the bike is a 2012 zx10r. I think the issue may be that im too big for the stock suspension. Im planning on going to the shop that set the suspension for me to get a dyno run before sending my ECU to get reflashed and tuned. While im there im going to have them look at the suspension and see what they say. My bike will be down for about a week after the dyno while I have the ecu sent out. I'm wondering if I should order a stiffer spring or upgraded rear shock and replace it while the bike is down. I just don't want to drop the money for new suspension if I don't need it.
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