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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Then you would be doing a personal transaction and not buying on the website would you? If a person knowingly sells a firearm to a prohibited person they would be in violation of law and risking their right to own a firearm. A responsible person won't do that.
  2. Wrong 1 they don't take cash on there and 2 the seller has to ship it to a dealer who will ask questions or they are violating law. Your ignorance is really showing and proving that you are misinformed. You fail again.
  3. I second this, for the protection of the gene pool.
  4. Semantics my ass what about the rest of the post? Hammers are just as deadly as a gun if you were beat witha hammer would that mean that the person beating you had hammers flying out of their hands? I'm pretty sure you're just a pussy that is scared of a tool. Also you still haven't shown me how a gun has harmed anybody without a human causing it to.
  5. PEOPLE use guns to kill people the gun doesn't do it the PERSON controlling the gun does. More people are killed with hammers than assault rifles. Does that mean hammers are worse in your opinion?
  6. Yeah it'll wear off but can ruin your day if you are pushing it to hard or react poorly when you get the slide.
  7. None of these ways that you listed are legal for taking deer in Ohio. What websites are these? I've got cash and would love to find out where I can buy some cool guns and get them without having them shipped to an FFL dealer that will ask questions. How do you know the kid didn't have evil intentions? The mom stated that she thought the gun was unloaded. Do you know for a fact that the kid didn't load the gun and intend to shoot her? Or are you naieve enough to think that all kids are good and would never hurt someone? If so you are dumber than I thought.
  8. Quoted myself so magz could see it since he has ignored another post that is logical. Seriously please tell me a time a gun has fired without it being caused by a person? When you do that I will agree with you that they are evil things. But guns are tools that are no more dangerous than several other things it all depends on how it is handled.
  9. Make sure you didn't over spray lube onto the tire while doing your chain.
  10. So you wouldn't leave a child with a table saw in the room because they or another could get hurt right? The same with a gun. The table saw would not chase a child down and attack it a gun wouldn't either. The point is neither should be left with a child. But hell I'll go with your situation above. It is possible if a table was sitting in the room with children and the 5yr old got in a fight with his sister or was just playing rough he could shove her onto the saw accidentally. There are several places that she could land and be cut causing her to bleed out in less than minutes.
  11. The parents are to blame but not for giving the kid a gun but for giving the kid a gun as a toy.
  12. I have several loaded guns in my house. I carry 2 loaded guns at work daily never has one gone off when I didn't want it to. They will not go off without pressing the trigger with something unless being extremely old or modified and even then it takes extreme circumstances to make them fire. Please show me where a gun has went off without a human causing it to. The Remington 700 triggers were modified to the point where they would drop the hammer modifications done by people. There for the guns were caused to fire by people. It's the same as boring an engine out until the sidewalls are paper thin then saying that whoever manufactured that engine makes crap that will blow.
  13. When you got done did you go back inside clean the dishes and make her a sammich too? Lol J/K.
  14. Key word in there is "tool" the gun did not load aim and fire itself. From the story it states the parents didn't think it was loaded. It's no different than a table saw being left in a room of unattended children and the excuse being I didn't think it was plugged in. The wrong tool in the wrong hands is dangerous. That doesnt mean that people who use them properly shouldn't have them or should have a harder time obtaining them. Hell children fall into 5 gallon buckets and drown or suffocate because of plastic bags does that mean that buckets and bags are dangerous? I'm guessing you'll ignore this like my previous posts because it is logical and makes since.
  15. But he isn't old enough to legally own a gun, gun control should have already stopped this right? Gun control laws work right? Once again this is a people problem not a gun problem. The gun should have been stored properly and the kid taught its not a toy treat all guns as if they are loaded. Let me know when you find information about a gun killing people on its own. Had this kid stabbed her with a knife this probably wouldn't have made the news.
  16. No I haven't. It it worth the trip to it?
  17. It's mostly switch backs. There are signs that say 10mph for the next 25 miles. Then it starts to open up its a very curvy road and challenging. It's greatest aspect is its remote location means that it is never crowded and always quiet. But unlike the Dragon there are no food or gas stations on the way. Also there aren't any surrounding roads like the Dragon where the oads around it that are fun to drive.
  18. What road are you referring to as not curvy? What road do you know of that's more curvy than AZ191?
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybDL3mnJrMc Here's a stock motor Zx10r kicking ass on the strip.
  20. Congrats. You should do good at it if people are looking for a rush skydiving being in a plane piloted by a hungover penis craving pilot should be a good pregame.
  21. I'm just curious who conducted the survey to determine the correlation between owning something fast and penis size. Did someone follow guys that own fast vehicles around and ask to measure the dick? Or did they just creep on them and check em out while they were using the bathroom?
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