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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Awww shit we've got recon rat on the case this should be wrapped up in an hour or so.
  2. Cool. Ive got an XD .45 I bought seven years ago I love it.
  3. Oh I'm the one that has mental deficiencies but you can't even navigate the site you are trolling. If we suck so much why waste your time with us? Get a life. Once again your weak attempts at insults mean nothing. I have accomplished more than you can dream of.
  4. cOoTeR


    Don't worry too much the government is also hiding the proposed defense cuts and furloughs behind all the gun hoopla. They can't figure out a budget so they are going to lay off and furlough almost all national security and military. USDA inspectors will be laid off across the board shutting down slaughter houses and meat packing plants. Child care funding will be cut including the funding to feed poor kids in schools.
  5. Call their employer if they have one ask how much they pay them? They won't tell you but then tell them "I was just wondering because he thought he didn't get paid enough to buy a bike and stole mine." For any of his contacts you chat with end the conversation with "I wonder how much he's stolen from you?" Just be careful to avoid slander and such.
  6. Instead of butchering Spanish just go in and point at your shoulder while making an angry face and doing pelvic thrusts followed by a pain face then a sad face.
  7. cOoTeR


    I'm not going to post mine up. I don't want "THEM" to be able to analyze it.
  8. cOoTeR


    What your not thinking about is every government official being armed is a citizen and working for under the constitution and the people not the government.
  9. Mine was horrible it would dislocate a lot at first but after rehab it has been fine. My rehab was mostly using an exercise band and a stationary bike type machine that I had to crank with my hands.
  10. If he can't find his own thread I bet he cant find his :penis:
  11. I rode about 135 miles but it was in the 50's-60's here. On the 5th I rode around the tombstone area.
  12. The problem is the dumbass claims he can't find the thread even with a link posted for him.
  13. cOoTeR


    Hell I've made a tinfoil helmet with mirrored aviator lenses for a visor that I'm still wearing. It's pretty cool people talk to me real slow ask me if I'm lost or if I know how old I am and I get free desserts at restaurants. My wife hates being asked if shes my caretaker.
  14. You guys could burn your fingerprints off then go make up an identity get a state ID card and claim you dont work just make babies for a living. Then as an added bonus to the free health care if your kid becomes an asshole you can show them the birth certificate that has the fake names and say they were adopted.
  15. Ive had 2 surgeries done on my left shoulder the labrum because of an old wrestling injury. Both surgeries have failed even though they were done by what is considered the best sports medicine orthopedic surgeon in Columbus. He was the Dr. For the blue jackets for awhile. After both surgeries my arm was really tight and my range of motion sucked even though I did all the rehab I was supposed to. When it dislocated after the surgeries it hurt worse than before. I decided a third surgery wasn't worth it. I'm glad I didn't go in for the third because my arm is better without it. I'd say if its not grinding rest it for awhile then find some rehab exercises and do those as long as it doesn't hurt. Disclaimer: I'm not a Dr. hell I'm not even a janitor in a medical building so my advice is not based on any fact just personal experience.
  16. cOoTeR


    21.6 billion is what they are acquiring in a time when the whole country is stockpiling. The Border Patrol. Alone has approximately 21,000 agents. Every agent is required to qual every quarter. Every qual is a minimum of 72 rounds = 288rounds per agent per year at a minimum. 288x21,000=6,048,000 rounds just for qualifying with one gun for one agency. That doesn't account for additional training, or that several agents also qual with a compact version of their duty weapon every quarter. Several agents also qual with the UMP both quals requiring a minimum of 72 rounds. Throw in the M4 and 870quals and that's a lot of rounds. Trainees at the academy shoot atleast twice as many rounds every time they go to the range and they go pretty much every other day. The number of rounds needed per year is adding up fast and doesn't accountfor what agents get for the field and to train on their own. Now there are a lot of agencies under DHS and several others that train at a Federal Academy. All of which need bullets from DHS. There is more than one federal training academy also not to mention training done by DHS at military bases. DHS is facing major budget cuts. They are just trying to stock up before they dont have the money to sustain their use. The government isn't the group clearing the shelves its the public that has upped the amount of ammo it is stockpiling. It's all about the cost vs. the budget. The article quoted how much ammo was used in Iraq but what about the rest of the military? If they showed what the militaryused in training I'm sure it would shadow DHS.
  17. You have no clue what your talking about the link works. Seeing as how you couldn't hack it here because your too much of a little bitch means your half assed pointless insults mean nothing to me. If you think we believe your bullshit story your dumber than your trying to portray. It's sad that you have nothing better to do than to make up a character to troll a forum that you never fit into.
  18. Here it at weetard http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=102000
  19. cOoTeR


    Pretty much what they said. Feds only shoot one type of ammo through their firearms and the individuals are not allowed to use any ammo that's not service issued, ever.
  20. They make a blower that fits as a part of the exhaust piping. My dad has one I helped him install while I was home in September.
  21. Police are there to enforce laws not protect and serve. When's the last time you had one stand guard for you or bring you a glass of iced tea? How do you know the officer didn't really think there was a gun?
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