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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Works good in theory if everyone drove the speed limit and would give people room where they need it. But it doesn't work that way.
  2. This time of year in Arizona is horrible. The main highway across the southern part of the state is I-10 near me its pretty much 2 lanes in each direction and divided by a grass median. The speed limit is 75 until you get close to towns. There are a lot of mountains that 10 goes over. About a month or so ago the snowbirds started showing up with their massive tour bus style RV's. Apparently a lot of them don't have the ability to drive them. They will drive in the left lane under 55 mph then stay there as they try to struggle to get it up the mountain hills. It can be a bit of a pucker factor coming over a hill at 85ish to find one of them doing 40 just on the other side. They run side by side blocking the road for miles. On windy days they will use half of each lane to stay on the roadway. Then the semi trucks have a hard time dealing with them because they know they need to keep their speed up going up some of the hills but the blue hairs driving the RV's don't get out of their way until they are going up the hill. So you end up with a truck trying to pass an RV going up hill at 30 mph on the interstate. Then when they clear the hill the RV driver goes 90 down the other side because he can't control the weight of his rig and ends up infront of everyone before the next hill. Then there are the people who come over from Mexico that have no clue about driving in the United States and probably don't have insurance. It's a blast to deal with.
  3. +1 on what osumjchick said. Bad habits are hard to fix later. WTF does Billy Corgan have to do with this thread?
  4. That's what has me wondering. Why hasn't it happened so often before? Gun shows have been around for a long time. Yes I understand the media are vultures but would this be as heavily reported if it happened before all this gun control talk? Would it be reported as heavily if it were a pro gun situation? Such as the stories of people using guns for good?
  5. Of those 59/day how many were at gun shows? Like recon stated people who aren't familiar with guns are now rushing in to buy them without the training you say they should get. Who fault would that be? Maybe the people pushing bullshit legislation creating a panic buy economy? Still you have nothing to show that counters my thoughts.
  6. Do you have evidence to prove that its not more than a coincidence?
  7. The first thing I find odd is the 5 people injured at the gun shows when the amount of times this has happened as far as I know is very little. The second thing is with the checks you go through to get in how did most of these happen? Also the timing of this happening along with all the anti gun stuff going on right now. Did it happen? Yes. Could it all be a bunch of rare accidents on the same day? Possibly. Could it be done purposely by anti gun people? Possibly. Just seems a little odd to me.
  8. One of them happened when the guy was taking the gun out of his case to be checked.
  9. Yeah I doubt its real. If it was I'm sure they could find some way to sue either discrimination or retaliation claims.
  10. I thought this was funny when I saw it on Facebook. Best Ever Layoff Letter Dear Employees: As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But, since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me since I believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who would have to go. So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found sixty 'Obama' bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change......I gave it to them. I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic. ~tw
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/19/us/north-carolina-gun-show-shooting/index.html?c=&page=1 Timing seems a little coincidental.
  12. I can log in now but my balance still hasn't been updated to show my paycheck that should be deposited by now. I'm hoping its just a delay in showing the updated balance. Otherwise I'm missing a couple thousand dollars. Looks like I'm going to be making some phone calls today.
  13. How much power did they say that engine was putting out? And was that Jackie Chan standing around when they were putting the first engines together?
  14. My paycheck normally shows up in my accounts Saturday mornings on payday weekends. It hasn't shown up yet. At first I thought that pay was being delayed by MLK day. But my coworkers all said their pay had been deposited. I also deposit money into my wifes account from each check. I told her to keep an eye on her account because my check hasn't deposited yet. She informed me that the money has been deposited into her account. Yet PNC hasn't shown the bulk of my check being deposited in there yet. I've been trying to sign on periodically and check on it. Now they say their server is down and have a warning about a possible cyber attack. Anyone else having issues?
  15. Taking a page out of Hitlers book using the children. Repetition of history is kind of scary!
  16. Are said percentages reliable? Or are they put out to calm the people into thinking everything is ok?
  17. Woulda been pretty cool if he rode that out. WTF were they doing that he didn't notice the speed bump.
  18. cOoTeR

    Wow BMW!

    What model are those tires? Do they come in sizes upto 195?
  19. They should at least give the guy the money he protected as severance pay. I mean had he let the guy take it they'd be out the money anyhow. Hell even split it with him.
  20. Good luck keeping rubber on the wheels.
  21. I hope so I was planning on getting an ar-15 after we buy a house. But at these prices I'll just make due with the AR-10 I have.
  22. I don't know if they will get back to normal prices any time soon. Pandoras box has been opened and they've realized people will still pay for it. People used to say gas prices will go back to normal. Now we've just raised what we think normal is.
  23. cOoTeR

    Wow BMW!

    Those tires would look bad ass on my rc.
  24. I don't know if its been suggested but maybe look into a yamaha stratoliner. 1800cc v-twin and way more comfortable than a Harley. You should be able to find an 08 low miles around $7,000 easy. The midnight mon-touring model comes with detachable windshield, sissy bar and saddle bags.
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