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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Not to discredit that man or anyone else but being patriotic does not mean you need to be in the military. Your definition is wrong you are confusing hero with patriot.
  2. The only difference I can see is the ears as far as facial identification goes.
  3. Thatd be cool but probably wont get as much interest.
  4. The plot thickens! Get your tin foil hats ready. Found this on Facebook.
  5. There's a lot of people scraping up change in Phoenix. Every winter more and more transients snowbirds and metal thieves come down here. Hell I thought metal theft was bad in Ohio people out here are stealing fences. I'm talking about miles of barbed wire at a time. So if your desperate there's always self employment. Lol.
  6. Wow. They televise NASCAR truck but not motorcycles? They have shows like pinks all out and pass time where its the exact same show with a few different characters but the don't want to show motorcycle racing? I think the Mayans were right, its the end of the world. Hopefully another channel picks them up. Theres hope in that right? HDnet would be perfect they already have super bike family. Why not the actual racing?
  7. Yes I am. You already do. I live east of Tucson about 3 hours from Phoenix. The house I'm buying is about 2.5 hours from Phoenix and about an hour from Inde Motorsports Track. Were closing on the house the 26th of February. Ive got a lot of friends from work who love Phoenix that's where they go to party. Vegas is within driving distance and cheap during the week. To bad you aren't going to be down here sooner you could ride with me to the MotoGP race in Texas.
  8. Thanks guys. I think the only shaded area is in the main grandstand and those tickets are higher. I think I'll go with T-15 tickets. I wonder if I'll be able to get down to the general admission area near T-12? That looks like the best area for watching them break from top speed to corner speed.
  9. cOoTeR

    Mother of God

    The PETA comment makes me want to buy it.
  10. Your definition is wrong Main Entry: pa·tri·ot Pronunciation: \ˈpā-trē-ət, -ˌät, chiefly British ˈpa-trē-ət\Function: noun Etymology: Middle French patriote compatriot, from Late Latin patriota, from Greek patriōtēs, from patria lineage, from patr-, patēr father Date: 1605 : one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests http://i.word.com/idictionary/patriot
  11. I think its a private seller. If it is ask him what he wants the money for go buy it on your card then trade.
  12. I'm planning a trip to the moto gp in Austin Texas at The Circuit of the Americas. I'm debating on where to get the tickets. I'm leaning towards turns1 and turns15 over the main grand stands. Looking at the map of the track turn 15 grandstand is at the end of the straight and to me looks like the place where the action/passes will be. My question is will this be the best spot to watch this race from? The turns seem very technical and I dont know how aggressive the riders will be in this area. Also the tickets higher up are more expensive I dont know how good of a view it will be from 25 rows back but I'm assuming higher is better based on price. Which do you think will be the best bang for the buck? Here is a link to the site so you can look at it. https://oss.ticketmaster.com/aps/cota/EN/buy/details/13MOTOGP
  13. Someone would have leaked it. The media jumps on every chance to portray law enforcement in a bad light.
  14. If he really had something serious enough for them to need to kill him no matter what why wouldn't he have released that to the media. His revenge seems a bit over the top to me for what he alledges. Most people in his situation would settle for kicking someone's ass and be done with it, not killing family members that aren't involved. Dude has snapped and should have gone to counciling. I think he's obviously got racial issues. I think he was trying to set up Rodney king style riots. I also think he did have a nice plan but then put all his cards on the table. Now that LAPD is ready to fight back he's realized that's not a good situation and gone into panic mode. Like Mike Tyson said everyone has a plan until the get punched in the mouth. If anyone is helping this guy out I'd bet its his mom or sister that he lives with.
  15. Designed to spew chemicals into the atmosphere? Sounds like it can be used to give a whole country a concentration camp style shower.
  16. So you don't want to pay $80 ish for the transaction but you will get the bike early and pay a month or two early on insurance just to say you can ride the bike 2 or 3 times?
  17. Larue tactical taking a stance on gun rights. Not that it'll sway politicians minds but its nice of them to take a stance and make themselves heard. http://www.guns.com/2013/02/09/larue-tactical-to-restrict-law-enforcement-sales-in-response-to-gun-control-laws/?fb_action_ids=2794866928445&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=feed_opengraph&action_object_map=%7B%222794866928445%22%3A535356916503901%7D&action_type_map=%7B%222794866928445%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D&ref=feed_open_graph&refid=28&_ft_=qid.5843373160350369506%3Amf_story_key.-5406334807042696109
  18. cOoTeR


    Oh yeah just so you know Osumj is a chick. Most people are surprised by that.
  19. cOoTeR


    I had mine changed and never had any issues like mentioned above. Welcome, just don't be a jacka$$ and you'll be fine. I have 2 bikes currently a 2012 zx10r and a 2001 rc51. I occasionally do track days but most of my riding is on the mountain roads. I don't live in Ohio anymore but am still on here because of friends I met and most people are pretty cool. Occasionally you can find a good deal on stuff people are selling on here. OR seems to be full of people that buy stuff then never use it and sell it.
  20. Isnt there a chest harness made for the gopro?
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