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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Poor kid. But its obvious we should ban psychology.
  2. Way to mash up 2 different subjects there to fit your argument. The debit card thing was in regards to BOA declining firearms purchases.Try reading the last few posts since my link, take your time and you may be able to figure out what I was talking about. Or maybe even check the link I posted. If you want me to I can map it out for you.
  3. cOoTeR

    Obama's plan

    First the police responsibility is to enforce laws which is why several have gotten away from the slogan "to protect and serve". Protection is on security. Safe environment, just about every schools website lists its mission or goals as "Provide a safe learning environment". Put one armed guard in a school will do nothing against a planned attack except designate the first target. Schools need to reevaluate their lock down plans,.hiding and hoping the shooter doesn't bust the door in does not work. It just makes it easier to count the bodies. Now why not allow staff that would be comfortable to be armed to take training and be ready to protect the class if someone comes in the door to kill them all?
  4. Or I think a nice large group ride through the town with a banner that's says NOT WELCOME. Will suffice.
  5. You should shoot bullet holes in that sign.
  6. cOoTeR

    Obama's plan

    I don't feel an armed resource officer will necessarily be effective. They will just become the first target. Arm teachers who feel comfortable with doing so. The problem with the mental health professionals being able to flag people as dangerous that I didn't think of until now is in regards to our troops. When they return they have to talk to mental health professionals about their deployments. Now they are going to talk about killing people and ptsd type stuff. Does that mean now the mental health professional can ruin that soldiers military career by saying he is not safe to own a gun? Will they be able to take his right to owning a gun because he got a little screwed up in the head defending that right? Police departments often have mandatory counseling for officers involved in traumatic events. Will these counselors have the power to take that officers gun rights away because he claimed to be ok with shooting another person or he has nightmares about a car crash he responded to?
  7. You have a right to buy the firearm, yet you go to the store to buy it and its declined using your debit card without any notice. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience to some that seems to be getting in the way to me. Seems they are doing their best if this is true to prevent people from buying firearms. A person like me I live almost an hour from the nearest gun store and normally only carry a minimal amount of cash. I'd be pretty pissed if one evening I drove an hour to buy a gun and planned on using my debit card and it got declined because of a new policy the bank has. If it was too late to get into my bank for a withdraw then is be SOL because my bank limits the amount that can be withdrawn from the ATM. So they very well could delay someone making a firearms purchase which in my opinion is getting in the way of the persons rights.
  8. I'm a troll? Says the guy on a motorcycle forum that no longer has a bike. The same guy who goes over everyone of my posts with a fine tooth comb and jumps on any detail he can. Regarding your statement in the yeager thread. That was in regards to a private business. My rights stop where yours begin. Meaning one person does not have the right to shit on the rights of another. BOA cannot go out and stop people from buying guns although it can regulate where its customers are spending their money if they want to. Doesn't mean its right it just means they have the right to don their business how they want to.
  9. Violation was the wrong term i guess an infringement or impediment. Yes they are not limited by the constitution but if this situation is true than they are getting in the way of other peoples rights that they have.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually can see what you are purchasing. When you call to dispute an item on your account don't they have the ability to see what was bought?
  11. So when someone asks "is that true?" The appropriate response is "yes (meaning "i heard you"). Doesn't fit to me.
  12. No the threads are related but different enough to not be in the same thread. Wasn't arguing anything there.
  13. Why hasn't anything been put put to disprove these claims?
  14. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=951091#post951091 This here seems like the bank is violating the second amendment rights. Unless when you agree to bank with them they say that they can choose how you use your money.
  15. And here's another thread about them being pretty controversial but kind of just pushing the line of what they can do. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=101494
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4f2h5EiWPY Some more Bank of America bull. How's this justifiable?
  17. cOoTeR

    Paddock stands

    I posted a really similar one maybe a year and a half ago asking where to get something like it here. At the time it was crazy expensive over $1,000 due to customs expenses. I wonder if their patents are good in the US? If not make a similar design and start selling it on here super cheap have us use em at track days tell everyone where we got them then up the price a little. After a while you can be making big bucks.
  18. This bacon and eggs after the first seasoning is the way to go.
  19. What rights are being given up? The supreme court has upheld the legality of the checkpoints. Probable Cause is still needed to perform a search. You don't have to answer any of the questions asked but the agents cannot allow you to continue on your way until they have determined that you are in the country legally. Unless they have a reason to detain you further the time spent at the checkpoint is similar to that at a traffic light. The busier roads take a little longer due to traffic.
  20. Actually I go through those checkpoints a lot. Did you know that congress has to approve of the location of those checkpoints? Congress also decided that they had to be that distance from the border. Futile huh? In the past 3 months I've been involved in the seizure of over 500lbs of pot at one of those checkpoints. But hey they are pretty futile I guess. You only have a hard time at those checkpoints if you choose to be difficult.
  21. So your opinion is that once they cross the border they should be scott free to continue north?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx9GxXYKx_8 Have you seen it? What are your thoughts? The parts about the donation pages are crazy especially if this video is truthful.
  23. Bow-chicka-bow-bow. Lol.
  24. You have no idea what you are talking about here. I live within that 100 mile area of the border and have never been fucked with.
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