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Posts posted by cOoTeR

  1. HUH!?!?!?! Uh, you know the forks both move up and down at the same time. The inside tube doesn't have any more pressure on it than the outside tube does. Otherwise, if you rode a mostly right handed turn, the right fork tube would get more wear and tear. They are not independant of one another.

    That's why you can run a 9.5 right fork or left fork spring and a 10.0 in the other and get a 9.75 rate. They work in unison.

    The thought here can be dirt, can be a bent tube, could have resulted from impact and twist from the crash. All sorts of what-ifs. But, because it sits on the kickstand, isn't why a fork tube will go vs the other...

    Put zip tyes on your tubes and park it on the stand. Check out the length on both sides when brought back up to the up and down position and measure. Both the same.

    I said it seems never said it was fact. Just every time I've had one go out it is the left that is what I was told.

    Maybe you should change your name to panty-bunches-Brian

  2. With the weight off the front suspension I don't see any visual marks. Ill take it to work with me on Monday and split it and put a straight edge make sure it's not bent. I'm hoping I just got shit down in there and it's causing it to leak. No real bad damage to the front end so I'm crossing my fingers.

    Before taking it apart it may be worth trying to clean the seal. A lamenated blockbuster type card will work run it around under the lip of the seal. Also is it on the 00 zx6 you've got listed as your bike? Have the seals ever been replaced? It may be time. It seems the left seal goes first due to always leaning on that side while on the suspension.

  3. Did it mostly for the car to roll up in the window or something, it's definitely too much for the bike. I like the fishing line idea though. Don't really care if it gets damaged though since I have coverage for that. I also don't think the camera is going to desperate from the mount. It's pretty well secured to the mount.

    User error could come into play. I had my contour out for the first time and after starting back up after a stop it became unsecured from the mount because I didn't put it all the way back on. But it came with a lanyard that saved it.

  4. It was arts and crafts day today at my apartment, I also make this tether because Best Buy's protection plan covers accidental damage but not loss, as someone on here has recently figured out ;) and because I was passing it in pat catans and needed a reason to buy parachute cord haha. Basically 2 16ft parachute cords tied into a 4.5 foot length with small carabinieres on the ends, one end wraps around the suction mount, the other goes into the cars window or around fixture on a bike like a peg or tucked under the seat.


    And after looking at this and the GoPro together, I think I may have just created a pet HAHAHAHA!!!!


    4.5 feet of cord on a bike? That seems like it would be kind of long like it let the camera hit the ground. Or like it could get tangled in some important stuff like chain or wheels. Why not attach the lanyard to the camera instead of the bike, what happens if the camera separates from the mount?

  5. There was a guy not where I work but another station. His family went on vacation so he hid his loaded duty handgun in the oven. When they got home his wife decided she wanted to cook something. I guess this was a rare instance and she decided to use the oven. Well she preheated it and cooked the gun. I guess it disfigured the polymer enough he had to report it but the gun still functioned.

  6. It had black pieces of cardboard literally taped on it too so you can't tell the exact shape of it

    That's common for cars that haven't been officially released yet. I worked at a place called TRC near the Honda plant. We did durability testing for cars got to drive prototypes and sometimes they'd be covered like that. One time I was assigned an acura SUV that only had the gauges controls and drivers seat for interior. The rear windows were literally card board. All I know about it was it was turboed and fun to drive. Wasn't allowed to open the hood and look at the engine. A couple of times they had brought in cars where we all had to be inside when they were moving around the testing areas. We could hear some of them out on the 5 acre asphalt pad we had tearing through tires occasionally. I always wondered what those cars were.

  7. again, in the list of shit that pisses me off about our government this one wouldn't even make it into the top 1000... even if it were a patently offensive song he were invited to sing...

    It's wrong and an easy fix as compared to all the other crap they do which would take a lot to unfuck. I guess we agree that there's a lot of screwed up stuff but this can easily be fixed whereas our foreign policy will take a lot more to change. Our military deserve more respect than what they are being given by the president.

  8. Soft as in? Fat lazy middle aged out of shape men in those countries trying to do vigorous exercise that their body wasn't capable of? I'm not follow you on being soft?

    Like, all Americans should be able to do the P90X:Plyo video in it's entirety (including the "Sports Bonus Spectacular")?

    The guy couldn't fake riding a horse for 5min, that's vigorous exercise? If that guy had to defend himself how long is he going to be able to hold up? Like I said we overall are weak. Not all people can fend for themselves. What would happen if there was an attack on the nations power grids? There are components that would take months to obtain and cost a lot of money under good conditions. These things are needed to keep the power coming to supermarkets and houses. Where are most people going to get their food if most of the supermarkets have been without power for a week or so? That's just one of the many ways we'd be screwed. Unless your fit enough to hike out to where animals are plentiful and not being over hunted and you've got the skills to take down an animal. What happens in a full scale invasion? Are you just going to hide in your basement and hope you aren't found? Or would you join the fight? Would you be able to join the fight physically? Would most people you know be able to?

  9. I take it all back... apparently this whole Gangnam style was a clever Korean ruse to get people to kill themselves. I think Psy is trying to kill the President. Mr. President, do NOT attempt Gangnam Style.

    'Gangnam Style' death prompts warning to middle-aged men not to attempt the vigorous dance


    Perfect example of the people of the worlds super powers being soft.

  10. That'd be your best advice. You want to vent your political injustices, but not be called out on them??... Then you probably shouldn't do it on a public forum. You notice how many political threads i start? Its much much much less than the ones i reply to. If people dont start them, i wont reply to them. You're liable to get butthurt if you can't handle a little conflict with folks that don't see things 100% your way.

    You should probably start a diary or something because coming here for validation of your worldviews is not going to bode well for you - ask Magz. Difference is, he doesn't complain about it.

    Still haven't stated any argument towards your view. Just questioned mine.

  11. What does me being "soft" have to do with mexican drug cartels being beheaded?

    It wasn't you being soft its our nation as a whole. The world around us is very violent and doesn't take crap from others. We as a nation forgive and try to be diplomatic our people our fat and lazy compared to the countries that hate us. They've got a huge advantage over us their people are willing to fight and kill to get what we want. Our people that want change sit on college steps refusing to move then decide they want to sue the police who pepper spray them because they were ordered to make them leave. The only people who fight for our country are our military and law enforcement yet we blame them for the things our government wants them to do. We let Korean "musicians" say they should be killed slowly with their family then we give the guy who said it a shit ton of money. If you don't support our troops whatever but just know they are the only ones to protect us if shit hits the fan. If you feel its ok to hide behind them and yet be ok with people talking badly about them I really don't understand you. Maybe I'm just one of those crazy patriots but the way I see it I'm someone who actually gives a fuck. I really hope it doesn't happen but if we get invaded this country is screwed if not for our military.

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