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Posts posted by cOoTeR

  1. My original point was referring to the US, not Mexico. That statement was something that's been made NUMEROUS times in this thread and others, and I welcome you to refute those arguments as they pertain to the US. My apologies if I took your quote out of context.

    That being said, let's talk Mexico. The reasons Mexicans don't "fight their government" are roughly the same as the reasons why Americans don't do the same, even though, as you point out, we are much better/heavily armed per capita than our Mexican counterpart. We/They don't do for a variety of reasons, but the notable ones are complacency (Mexicans, for the most part, are largely happy and don't want to see massive bloody upheaval, we are that taken to a completely higher level), and the understanding that your potential adversary is much more heavily armed than you will ever hope to be to secure victory. When the local police station is packing 25 fully-auto M4's, and you have a good idea that the cruiser next you probably has a full-auto weapon in the trunk, with 20 more of those just a radio call away along with a APC, helicopter air support, and whatever other toys the Army supplied them with, do you really think that your clutched tacticool AR-15 in one hand and well-worn copy of Red Dawn in the other stands a chance? To quote one of my favorite shows: "When you play the Game of Thrones, you either win, or you die." Mexicans understand this as well, even more so that the Army does not have the same Posse Comitatus provision that the US Armed Forces do, so they are allowed to deploy on their own citizens. The cartels have capitalized on this to create a separate faction, instead of the Government being the 800lb gorilla, the cartels are the 500lb gorilla that's 10x as aggressive as the larger beast, and doesn't play by any of the same rules which makes him a order of magnitude more dangerous, which pacifies the population even more. It's a feedback loop, and even though more firepower in the hands of the populace could possibly break that loop, I'm willing to bet that the populace isn't willing to reach the levels of open violence and bloodshed to find that out.

    As for your last point, I wish I still had my Logic textbooks to point out all the fallacies in that paragraph, but I will just say this for the umpteenth and I hope this is clear enough; I do NOT advocate for the removal, forced or otherwise, of any and all gun or gun-like weapons you are currently possessing. I don't even advocate for removal, forced or otherwise, of any firearm you are currently possessing that would be covered under the scope of any AWB that would be passed, to do so would be a violation of Article 1, Section 9, line 3 of the Constitution. (Seriously, you should read it, especially the part about ex post facto laws) Since guns would still be available, you won't have to worry about someone making a zipgun out of PVC, or feeling anxious in a dark parking lot without your carry weapon.

    I agree the nations people will not spark the fight. But if the government gets too big with gun control it will spark a bad fight. The big issue with this is how many cops, military etc. are going to fight the American people over a law that is contrary to the Constitution that they've sworn to protect? Too many people have died in the line of duty for any military or law enforcement personnel to just shit on everything this country was founded on. So IF you did pick up arms to fight not just our government but possibly an invading army the cop with the full auto M4 and his buddies will probably be right beside you.

    My point is just strengthened by your comment about the cops having superior fire power being a deterrent. Once again my original point was that stricter gun laws do not make a place any safer. Chicago and Mexico are both strict gun law areas and both are very violent. Reducing magazine size (which is what your calling for right?) Has no real benefit. The shooters keep shooting until opposition arrives and puts them down. If everyone has equal firepower it will help keep the peace.

  2. That is my bike in first gear with the wheel off the ground, and me moving it back and forth. I am pretty sure that this is not supposed to happen, it even SOUNDS like the clunk. Any ideas?

    Also, sorry for video quality, my camera is a potato.

    I think that is normal while the bike is in gear and you try moving it. But I would check to make sure the spocket isn't wiggling on the shaft. If its not rotating without the shaft moving is say that's fine.

  3. I just got a text from a friend, there is a CCW class in Coshocton right now and some guy shot two people in qualifing. The guy put a 22 round thru one person and into another, they're on break while the deputy sorts it out, UGH.

    Luckily no deaths.

    What part of the person did it go through?

  4. I also hear this a lot, especially from self-professed "American Patriots". My answer is simple; you should ask the people of Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia how they executed a actual overthrow of their government, all under a much stringent measure of gun control than we have in the US (Egypt, for example: no long guns, compulsory registration, must re-register every 3 years). Even with all this, they still managed to peacefully (for the most part) gather, voice their grievances, "petition for redress" if you want to get all Constitutional about it, and get a complete revolution. Not the metaphorical "revolution" that I hear all the time from the aforementioned "Patriots".

    Again, you're building a strawman argument. At no point, EVER, did I say we should completely take all guns away from legal, responsible owners. Hell, I never even said we should take the possible banned weapons away from those that already bought them (Section 9, Article 1). So no, the "government and bad guys" wouldn't be the only ones with guns.

    I never said anything about overthrowing our government just pointed out that I believe the people of Mexico would have had a better chance of fighting the corrupt government and cartels if they had more guns. I don't really see what your point is at all. You said that Mexico was a bad example of how less guns is a bad thing. It is proof that limiting the rights of what people can own as far as guns is not a good thing.

    There is no proof that a ban will reduce violence. All the ban will do is prevent people from being able to purchase equal fire power to protect themselves from bad people who will get the weapons even if it is illegal. All of this talk about bans is just an attack on guns and rights. People do bad stuff why should I have to be punished for the actions of others? People are going to kill people using whatever they can get their hands on. I feel that citizens of the united states should have the means to defend themselves from these people. The only time I would be comfortable with getting rid of my guns is if I knew 100% for sure no one else had one. But you can build a "gun" using 2 pieces of pipe an end cap and a screw. Reducing magazines size will only slow people down for a second or two. This would only make a difference in a shoot out situation. Wouldn't you want the good people to have the same equipment as the bad guys in a shoot out?

  5. Who would I be if I didn't answer all your points? I love it when people bring up Switzerland. You know why the Swiss don't have a lot of gun violence? 2 reasons: First, there is no "gun culture" in Switzerland, or in pretty much any part of Europe for that matter. Guns aren't a big deal, they aren't glorified, they aren't used as status symbols. Furthermore, military service in Switzerland is compulsory for 2 years, so EVERYONE knows or was at least taught basic firearm safety and how to handle themselves around a firearm. So the Swiss example is pretty much bullshit.

    Mexico? Also a bit of a bad example, although you're getting warmer. Just as they've been smuggling drugs over the border for decades, those smuggling routes work both ways to get legally bought US guns over the border. As much as we think that fed/state/local governments are corrupt, they don't hold a candle to Mexican cops and authority figures. There are places in Mexico where there is literally NO RULE OF LAW, just the rule of the cartels. Even if you did arm the populace, you're still dealing with a criminal element who's highly organized and has enough capital to level you and your entire village. I see where you're going with this, but it still misses the mark.

    Britain does have a violence problem, whether that's due to general unrest (see the London riots, due to police shooting a unarmed man) or if there's something else to it I really don't know.

    I don't see how Mexico is a bad example, it proves that the bad guys will always have guns. If the people of Mexico had the guns to protect themselves before the cartels became soo powerful they would have had a chance keeping certain villages out of the cartels hands. How is a nation going to defend itself from a corrupt government if the government and bad guys are the only ones with guns?

    The argument aboutthe UK shows that getting rid of the guns doesn't reduce the violence. It reduces violence where a gun is used but violent people will always be violent. Less guns just means a different tool will be used. Gun control and bans are only good for oppressing the power of the people, strengthening the power of an oppressive government and giving criminals an easier way to commiting crime against others.

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  6. I'm not sure how they get away with the video unless they have the proper paper work. But(I think) the equipment is not unlawful to own or sell. Just like a crack pipe or a smoke bong, they are not illegal to own if the is no product in them. But I could be wrong.

    You can distill water.

  7. I've rented 2 places with the tankless and they are awesome. The only problem is the first place hadn't been lived in for a while and it seemed like you had to only turn on the hot water to get a hot shower. After bringing it up that I thought the water heater was wearing out the maintenance man turned the heat setting up on it pretty much to max. That sucked the first time turning the water on for a shower after that.

  8. I understand this. Our ammo is purchased through them also. The reason I posted it is because of the supplier info.

    I don't know about you but if I was selling large amounts of ammunition to the federal government I don't think I'd be a to open about my business. Also to cite the basis of the secrecy claim on not being able to find the people on linkedin seems like half ass research.

  9. Some of the info in that link is misleading. I like how the term stockpiling is being used instead of purchasing. They make it sound like DHS is buying ammo but not using any. Contrary to what the article said federal agents have to qualify quarterly and they use hollow points. Specialty units qualify more often. When you think of the total number of agents under DHS that number isn't really too unbelievable.

  10. if anyone on this forum annoys you for whatever reason, there's something you can do about it that will actually help you:

    -click the "User CP" button toward the top of the screen

    -on the left side of the User CP, find the Settings & Options section, click the "Edit Ignore List" button

    -start typing the name of the person(s) who is annoying you, the software will help you complete the name

    -when the list of people that annoy you is complete, click the "Okay" button.

    All done, now you won't see these people that annoy you.

    btw, this thread <is> in the Ranting/Raving section...

    Censorship is for evil doers.:p

  11. Whoa easy now. I'm actually being civil here. No need for lashing. And no not everyone does. Otherwise I wouldn't have met the people I have on here or made the friends that I have on here. I guess it's a little difficult since you don't know much about me or my personality. And at the same time I don't know much about you so I don't judge anything anyone says because I don't know them.

    This sounds like an echo of exarch ringo and that dude as they were on their way to realizing that being a d-bag on here made them not fit in. They all claimed you don't know the real me.

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