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Posts posted by cOoTeR

  1. you would think that if he were trying to sell you the gun, he would have explained that to you...

    A lot of people don't know why its just one of the things they've heard you don't do. So instead of really looking like a Jackass and making stuff up he just said no.

  2. His "equipment" excuse is pretty dumb, but this video sure backs up what MT says about FMJ - not even a .45 produces much "wound channel" damage.

    P.S. LOL:

    Yeah that excuse is bullcrap. That safety would be depressed with a proper draw regardless of the thumb release. I don't know how he thinks he draws the gun with his thumb on the backstrap. My duty H+K is in a double retention holster with a thumb and index release so its a combo of both holsters he has. The reason he shot himself was he was trying to rush the shot by getting his finger on the trigger before having the weapon on target. He thought he knew more than he really does. But that's probably why his show is on YouTube and not the outdoor channel.

  3. As I said, it's probably a marketing thing.

    I've been digging around on this subject and it seems that the feed ramp is different on the M4 than most ar's. When they use the M4 style feed ramp ramp it seems to allow them to call it an M4 for marketing. But that's what I've gathered thru Google searches and gun forums. Nothing official. :dunno:.

  4. per US Army manual FM 3-22.9, Rifle Marksmanship

    M16-/M4-Series Weapons, Chapter 2 Table 2-1:

    M4 and M4A1 are exactly the same initially,

    except the M4A1 has full auto and M4 has burst mode

    there is also the M4 MWS (Modular Weapon System), The M4 carbine becomes the M4 MWS when the M4 adapter rail system (ARS) is installed

    So the m4 and m4a1 are the auto weapons and the semi auto is the ar?

  5. I was thinking this.


    I was under the understanding the m4 was a smaller adjustable stock m16 that fires semi and 3 round burst. Also that the M4A1 was the semi and full auto variant of the M4 while the AR15 was the semi auto only version of the m4.

    I carry an M4A1 at work its semi/full auto although I believe full auto is a dumb idea unless your making a last stand against a mob of zombies and don't mind losing a lot of ammo.

    But am I mistaken here about which is which? I know a lot of guns nomenclature and parts get interchanged especially while dealing with mil-spec weapons.

  6. For a CCW? You have to know all those for a federal/military security clearance. So if you do make a list, keep it for later use.

    Point is, it always has to match every time you turn one in. If they find differences, they get real picky.

    This is true. It can be a real pain in the ass to deal with.

  7. http://www.woai.com/news/local/story/Deputy-shoots-gunman-at-San-Antonio-movie-theater/2wFsix5ntU2CDrsHjXx2kQ.cspx

    Similar to the shooting in Oregon 1 good guy (girl) with a gun stopped a shooter before he could kill several people.

    For those that said a gun in the Colorado shooting wouldn't have made a difference due to the amount of people running around, this seems to show it more than likely would have saved lives.

  8. Not sure about conspiracy theories, but I will say the quality and accuracy of the reporting has been unacceptable :(

    If you don't know the facts, let's not report bad information for the sake of filling airtime.

    The shooter was Ryan Lanza...wait no it's not.

    His mother was found dead at the school...wait no she wasn't.

    His mother was a teacher at the school...wait no she wasn't.

    Adam Lanza went to that school...wait no he didn't.

    There were 2 handguns used in the shooting and an AR15 was locked in the trunk...no the AR15 was the murder weapon...no 4 handguns were used to commit the crimes the AR15 is back in the trunk again...wtf

    Nothing more than irresponsible journalists that are more worried about getting in front of a camera that reporting accurate information. Unacceptable.

    I see the trun

    k was a major factor here. We should ban vehicles that have a capacity to carry weapons. If we didn't have those he wouldn't have been able to get the weapons to the school.

  9. The first year is free. After that I assume you pay like the rest of us.

    Yeah. But its still a free year. I didn't really see anything in it that would prevent you from re-signing up for it next year. But their site kinda sucks if your using your phone.

  10. Jrmmiii where is your proof that less guns actually decreases violence? Your Harvard stats only show to me that violence breeds more violence. Meaning it would seem logical to buy a gun if you live in a violent area to protect yourself from the bad guys. Like its been stated before the bad guys will always have guns I want it to be a fair fight if they choose to use them against me.

    Why do we as a country have a military? They are very violent when need be they kill lots of people yet no one is calling for us to get rid of them or restrict their power. Could it be that they realize that the military is necessary because there are "evil people" that we need protected from.

  11. You get free arms care insurance, free life insurance but its pretty particular on how it will pay out, must be traveling to an NRA sponsored event or die while hunting or shooting et cetera. Arms care insurance is worth it if you're young. Several discounts for hotels, rental cars and random businesses listed on the NRA site offer discounts to members as well.

    If your Law Enforcement Military or first responded and you qualify for the Life of Duty membership the life insurance will pay out $27,000 if you die on duty.

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