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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. So you like "gangnam style"? You should read this article, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2012/12/09/psy-anti-american-song-performance-video-gangnam-style-singer_n_2267254.html The dude is anti American! Don't support that crap its not even music. Oh and here's the best part he is performing in Washington on 12-21-2012 for the president. It really is the end of the world WTF is wrong with our country to allow this?
  2. $84.99 for a six pack? That's more expensive than concert beer.
  3. Getcha one of these, http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papoose
  4. 5 months. Actually I was just checking to see if they'd fit for a track day but it wasn't loud enough that he needed em.
  5. cOoTeR


    From the album: fam

  6. cOoTeR


    That's similar to what I'm planning on doing with my rc51. I don't mind it not to keen on the color though.
  7. That seems like it would cause you to roll instead of slide.
  8. F that take em to the range. Gun safety early on.
  9. When you guys make this my name better be in the storyline credit.
  10. So why is it fly by #2 on their site has it already passed us once?
  11. I've got a better name / theme babysitters pulling a train on a train. You can wear a conductor hat.
  12. Well I think we've got the actors and a camera crew ^^^^ so let me know when you guys finish the OR edition. There better be some bikes in there.
  13. Your plans all wrong. Take the wife over to her place. Have the wife feed her while you get them drunk. Film anything interesting to be scrutinized on here later. Then go home leaving the mess for ninja chic to clean.
  14. One of the more interesting mornings I had the girl woke me up at like 7am because she had to go to work. So I drove home still in a fog and went to bed. I woke up went to take a shit. When I started pissing I felt a weird sensation of pressure and warmth. I looked down to see I was pissing into a condom that I had failed to remove that night when I passed out. Now its quite a predicament to be pissing into a condom because you can't stop your afraid the things going to pop and there is no way to remove it with out making a mess.
  15. One of my favorites was above a urinal it said something along the lines of aren't you glad that there isn't one of what's in your hand right now in your ass. Or be glad that what's in your hand isn't in your ass. Made me chuckle.
  16. The claimed wet weight of my zx10 is 437. You can shed 10lbs. by putting on an m4 slip on. Get a fender eliminator seat cowl smaller battery and light weight rims and it'll probably be close to under 400 lbs. and its a 1000. So I bet a sub 400 lb. 750 is do able.
  17. Nope not yet. Thought I did once. Woke up still drunk went to piss and there was a bunch of red crap on my dick but it washed off. Pretty scary at first. Turned out the broad was on the rag. Glad I didn't wake up with an ear to ear ginger beard if your gonna pull off the happy dog you gotta be sober enough to remember it.
  18. There's an award for that? I hope its not herpes or the hiv I could manage with crabz or da clap but not those 2.
  19. It's all in good fun. Talking shit on here is about as far as it goes for me. I'm waiting for R1 to get us the story of when he was a sandwich delivery boy. Hopefully for your sake he at least brings you a 6 incher.
  20. In 8 years that may give you a leg up in the election the way people vote nowadays.
  21. Wow, when I was in school if anyone came up with any idea that involved inserting anything into your poop shoot or even close to the balloon knot they would instantly get beat up and called lots of mean names that are now considered offensive. I guess we can thank the Jackass guys for making anal insertions cool. At least most of it is funneled into this thread and not all over OR.
  22. That's the fastest way for the body to absorb alcohol. Well by putting alcohol in your ass not semen.
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