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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. cOoTeR

    Truth about safes

    There was a guy not where I work but another station. His family went on vacation so he hid his loaded duty handgun in the oven. When they got home his wife decided she wanted to cook something. I guess this was a rare instance and she decided to use the oven. Well she preheated it and cooked the gun. I guess it disfigured the polymer enough he had to report it but the gun still functioned.
  2. That's common for cars that haven't been officially released yet. I worked at a place called TRC near the Honda plant. We did durability testing for cars got to drive prototypes and sometimes they'd be covered like that. One time I was assigned an acura SUV that only had the gauges controls and drivers seat for interior. The rear windows were literally card board. All I know about it was it was turboed and fun to drive. Wasn't allowed to open the hood and look at the engine. A couple of times they had brought in cars where we all had to be inside when they were moving around the testing areas. We could hear some of them out on the 5 acre asphalt pad we had tearing through tires occasionally. I always wondered what those cars were.
  3. Argument for your point of view but apparently you don't have a stance and are just trolling.
  4. It's getting boring chatting with you guys and your lack of any real argument so I'm going to go for a ride.
  5. I've got the means to survive, protect my family and fight. What do you have? Go to some crazy person like me and hope we will take you in?
  6. It's wrong and an easy fix as compared to all the other crap they do which would take a lot to unfuck. I guess we agree that there's a lot of screwed up stuff but this can easily be fixed whereas our foreign policy will take a lot more to change. Our military deserve more respect than what they are being given by the president.
  7. Well if your plan is hope shit doesn't happen good luck i'd rather be prepared than be the guy who dies dancing because he's out of shape.
  8. Once again I'm upset that after he said it and our commander in chief is inviting the guy to play a concert. Can you grasp that?
  9. The guy couldn't fake riding a horse for 5min, that's vigorous exercise? If that guy had to defend himself how long is he going to be able to hold up? Like I said we overall are weak. Not all people can fend for themselves. What would happen if there was an attack on the nations power grids? There are components that would take months to obtain and cost a lot of money under good conditions. These things are needed to keep the power coming to supermarkets and houses. Where are most people going to get their food if most of the supermarkets have been without power for a week or so? That's just one of the many ways we'd be screwed. Unless your fit enough to hike out to where animals are plentiful and not being over hunted and you've got the skills to take down an animal. What happens in a full scale invasion? Are you just going to hide in your basement and hope you aren't found? Or would you join the fight? Would you be able to join the fight physically? Would most people you know be able to?
  10. Perfect example of the people of the worlds super powers being soft.
  11. Still haven't stated any argument towards your view. Just questioned mine.
  12. It wasn't you being soft its our nation as a whole. The world around us is very violent and doesn't take crap from others. We as a nation forgive and try to be diplomatic our people our fat and lazy compared to the countries that hate us. They've got a huge advantage over us their people are willing to fight and kill to get what we want. Our people that want change sit on college steps refusing to move then decide they want to sue the police who pepper spray them because they were ordered to make them leave. The only people who fight for our country are our military and law enforcement yet we blame them for the things our government wants them to do. We let Korean "musicians" say they should be killed slowly with their family then we give the guy who said it a shit ton of money. If you don't support our troops whatever but just know they are the only ones to protect us if shit hits the fan. If you feel its ok to hide behind them and yet be ok with people talking badly about them I really don't understand you. Maybe I'm just one of those crazy patriots but the way I see it I'm someone who actually gives a fuck. I really hope it doesn't happen but if we get invaded this country is screwed if not for our military.
  13. I don't support him and I don't think our president should. Until those incidents those guys were making money and are not because of what they said. If you think this Korean guy has talent maybe you should easy off of the ecstasy.
  14. These guys said some words their employers didn't like. Look what happened to them. THIS LINK AND SITE IT GOES TO ARE NOT WORK SAFE. THIS VIDEO IS DISTURBING. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. http://www.bestgore.com/beheading/chainsaw-beheading-video-sinaloa-cartel-members-decapitated-mexico/ This happened on our nations door step. But keep being soft pretty soon the world will walk all over us.
  15. It's not him speaking out against our government that has me upset. It's that he spoke out against our military because they are in Iraq doing what our government (politicians) told them to do. He's saying they should all be killed along with all of their families. Now our government the ones that sent them to Iraq are paying him to entertain them. That's bullshit it would be like naming a military base after Jane Fonda. I know there are several people that have spoke out against our government so what. I don't care its the fact he's spoke out against our troops for doing what our government sent them to do but now he's getting money from us so he says he is sorry. Now the commander in chief is paying the guy who said, the people doing what the commander in chief sent them to do should die. That's screwed up. All those people you mentioned that have spoke out against our government are not performing for the president and did not say our troops should die. You can be against the war and still support the military. Once again its not that he said it that this thread is about. He said what he said and I choose to say fuck him and not support him. If you want to support him fine that's your right just like he has the right to say it. I think its wrong the government is supporting him when they are the reason the troops are in Iraq. They are the ones making the decisions the troops live and die for. The troops are the ones who the blame falls on and the people who are really to blame sit back and let the troops take the shit. A few months back our embassies were attacked supposedly because of a YouTube video. Americans were killed. We accepted that and didn't do shit about it people don't care "its not me fuck it". So its okay that a terrorist attack is carried out against us because some American made a video that pissed off some Muslims. but its not okay to be mad our government is supporting a guy that has spoken out and said our troops should die? Why should we forgive this guy when plenty of our own celebrities have said things and apologized for but we as a nation haven't forgiven them. I feel the following two were not as offensive and wrong as what the Korean said but it ruined what was left of both their careers. Gilbert Godfrey, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2011/03/14/gilbert-gottfried-fired-aflac_n_835692.html Michael Richards, http://m.guardiannews.com/stage/2012/oct/02/michael-richards-daniel-radcliffe-jon-hamm
  16. I'm pretty sure the lyrics were accusing all US soldiers of torturing iraqis and they all should be killed. Hell maybe some of you guys should join the westboro Baptists because that seems to be who I'm talking to. You can keep your mindset of the world is full of nothing but puppies that fart rainbows and we should except and forgive everybody. Me in the other hand I will look at the reality that the world around us is a very violent place and certain actions can't be forgiven.
  17. I bought my nephew a pw80 a couple of years ago. He rode it twice for about 40ft then crashed and wanted nothing to do with it. Turns out he didn't even know how to ride a bike yet. Guess I should have bought the training wheels. Well now that I don't live near by any more I guess he loves riding that thing and is raising hell on it. My dad told me awhile back that he was watching him ride it and he was doing burnouts in the piles of wet leaves. So be ready for your girl to start riding around the same as you would on it. She'll love it. I bet its hard to wait until Christmas to give it to her.
  18. I never said American was a race I was pointing out that once you say somethings you can't take it back. It's like the story of john the sheep fucker. He was an architect that designed several buildings and bridges. He not known for the multiple bridges he designed as a bridge builder / designer. He's not known for the buildings he designed as a building designer. You can design several architectural masterpieces but you fuck one sheep and you'll be known forever as John the sheep fucker. I hate 90% of what politicians do but I don't feel like venting it on here because people like you will reply with the same old your wrong but I'm not going to back my.stance up argument. Just pull a sentence out of what you said and try to twist it.
  19. And I doubt any of those people will be allowed to entertain any Muslim leaders.
  20. If I'm so wrong in my views then enlighten me please. All you've said is your wrong you don't know. That doesn't get your point across. Just because he says he's sorry doesn't carry any weight with me. If I went on a stage and made a bunch of racist comments no matter how much I apologize afterwards I'd still be seen as a racist.
  21. So how many soldiers tortured non-hostile women and children? He performed the lyrics did he not how was he not a part of the collaboration? Just because he didn't write it down doesn't mean he is innocent. Do enlighten me more how you support anti American protest in countries we've been protecting for years? That's fine that they want want to say what they say but our government should not support them saying our troops and all their families should be killed slowly. Our troops didn't decide hey we should be over here fucking shit up our government did. Now they are going to say its ok that he said it since he apologized after making a lot of money off of us. I don't care if he's against our military that's been saving his countries ass but its not right to give him more money to perform for the leaders that have our troops in other countries.
  22. That's why I put it in quotation marks. I have thought his crap was stupid.
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