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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I don't know about you but if I was selling large amounts of ammunition to the federal government I don't think I'd be a to open about my business. Also to cite the basis of the secrecy claim on not being able to find the people on linkedin seems like half ass research.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOfYtjDBJLw Coolest dyno I've seen!
  3. cOoTeR

    Smart guns?

    If they make it so guns can't shoot children the world will be taken over by midgets! I think MT has something to do with this plot.
  4. Some of the info in that link is misleading. I like how the term stockpiling is being used instead of purchasing. They make it sound like DHS is buying ammo but not using any. Contrary to what the article said federal agents have to qualify quarterly and they use hollow points. Specialty units qualify more often. When you think of the total number of agents under DHS that number isn't really too unbelievable.
  5. Just get him a bike and the internet we will help him out.
  6. Glad you guys have made up. Just watch out for ice on the roads.
  7. This sounds like an echo of exarch ringo and that dude as they were on their way to realizing that being a d-bag on here made them not fit in. They all claimed you don't know the real me.
  8. I understand the investigation into it but he has called them to straighten it out. This started awhile ago and they've released 1/3 of what's been deposited. They've obviously looked into it and see he is doing legitimate business so why continue the holds? The whole nation realizes there is a fun buying frenzy going on.
  9. How long would they freeze it? Also they told the guy they don't think he should be selling guns.
  10. It did say the guy was pointing the gun back at them while running. Still a threat.
  11. The government doesn't need to outlaw guns just make it illegal to deposit money earned from gun sales.
  12. Cold enough for and igloo, might get stuck together. Doesn't sound to bad till she's gotta drop a duece.
  13. I only own 1 kel-tech its a p3AT .380. It has a long and stiff trigger pull. I think it is because of its size and lack of a safety.
  14. Probably not, I think everyone realized either people know how to turn or they won't listen.
  15. cOoTeR

    Dry Firing

    A couple stories to think about. I worked at a prison when I lived in Ohio. Before I got there the guy working the outside of the fence responded to an alarm going off on the fence. When he got there he saw a person dressed in blue (what the inmates wore) on the fence as if they had just climbed out. Hey ordered them to stop and get on the ground. The person jumped down he yelled at them to stop and lay down. The person turned and ran he told them stop or I will shoot as loud as he could. The person kept running. He fired to shots and missed but the person dropped to the ground. When all the dust settled the person turned out to be a 13yr old special needs kid that had wandered away from his assisted living facility. The kid was lost and saw the prison lights and thought it was his assisted living home, he was trying to climb in. The officer followed policy to a t but had he hit the kid he would have to live with shooting a 13yr old special needs kid. A guy I work with now was getting ready for work (3rd shift) and went out to start his jeep so it would warm up. When he came back there was a young incoherent girl laying in the back in her underwear. He called the police. Turned out she was also a special needs kid that had wandered out of her house and got lost. She was cold so she broke into the first place she could warm up. The reason I bring this up is there are multiple stories of people that are drunk, schizophrenic, elderly, or "special" that don't mean any harm yet wander into peoples locked houses somehow. Without giving a warning or properly identifying the person as a threat if you shoot you will have to spend the rest of your life knowing you killed someone that probably wasn't going to hurt you.
  16. cOoTeR

    Dry Firing

    Have you ever killed anything before? Even if you are a stone cold killer billy badass and have no issues with killing a person there's a lot that goes along with it. Not to mention the mess. I'm assuming you don't have children moving around your house too much so a chambered firearm is not an issue. There is no real disadvantage of having an unchambered shotgun that's ready to be racked it only takes a split second. But believe it or not there are people with an aversion towards violence that aren't as eager to bust a cap in someone. For people like that a nice warning is good. Like my wife she is very opposed to shooting someone unless its a last resort. What happens if you wake up because you hear someone in your house grab your gun then the next thing you know they are coming into your bed room. You fire a shot dropping the person only to find out it was your family member coming back to bed after getting a late night snack. Had you racked a round you would have scared the shit out of them and probably gotten a response along the lines of WTF are you doing. I currently keep my 870 ready to go chambered and safety off. That sits on my wifes side of the bed furthest from the door and beside her taurus judge also loaded. Then in the drawer of my night stand is my p2000. If something happens I go check it out and the wife grabs the 870. If the bedroom door opens and the person hasn't identified themselves as a friendly my wifes going to shoot for center mass. The judge is there incase somehow the bad guy(s) get close enough to get a hold of the 870 barrel. Now we are soon to have to adjust our plans due to my son learning how to get mobile. It just boils down to matter of opinion but the kill em all approach could set you up for a rough time in court if they can portray it as you intended to kill the person. This thread would be bad for you if the wrong attorney found it after you shot someone.
  17. If it really is a judge I bet he carries a gun while on the stand.
  18. I bought a pair of those at a gun show about a year ago. There's one in my car and my wifes has a "S" type caribeaner (sp) on hers. So she either clips it to her keys when she gets out of her car or carries it in her purse. Ours are braided right up against the handle part.
  19. http://www.abc6onyourside.com/shared/news/top-stories/stories/wsyx_breaking-news-standoff-delaware-county-21628.shtml
  20. cOoTeR

    Dry Firing

    Have you ever heard a shotgun rack a round when you don't expect it? Anyone creeping around your house that sticks around after that is either deaf or means business. Now I'm not saying you should keep an shotgun laying around hoping to scare people with the sound just pointing out it is a great deterrent. If you've been around shotguns enough you can hear the difference between when a round is chambered and when the foregrip is worked on an empty shotgun.
  21. cOoTeR

    Dry Firing

    Then maybe they shouldn't be breaking into your house or otherwise endangering you.
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