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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. http://www.cityrating.com/crime-statistics/ohio/columbus.html#.UNWaO-bCteY Columbus violent crime rates are 74.71% higher than the national average. But http://www.cityrating.com/crime-statistics/illinois/chicago.html#.UNWatubCteY Chicagos violent crime rates are 148.31% higher than the national average even though Chicago has more strict gun laws. See I can pull stats also I just feel its a waste of time because you will just ignore them.
  2. Here's some stats for you. http://www.citizensreportuk.org/reports/murders-fatal-violence-uk.html Murder rates per year in the UK 11.5 per 1,000,000. http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/08/20/mexico-murders-hit-271-in-2011/ In Mexico 27,199 in 2011 or 24 per 100,000. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/homicide.htm In America 16,799 in 2011 or 5.5 per 100,000. Guns are not legal in the UK or Mexico yet their murder rates are higher than in the US? So how does restricting guns help?
  3. Did you ever think there are more guns there because there is more crime in those areas already? Let's look at the crime rates in Chicago and the homicides. Pretty high regardless of the strict gun laws. L.A. same thing. I carry a gun to level the playing field because badguys will always have them.
  4. So you think they attack a place because its close? Then why not gas stations or banks as a common place for suicidal gun attacks? There are more of those than schools so people are closer to these than schools in general. When it comes down to it all we have in these schools are legal deterrents to protect these kids. Obviously this doesn't suffice in todays society. You need protection on top of it. I'd be all for every kid carrying a gun. I carried a knife with me all the way through high school as did most people in my school. Also during gun week for deer most of us had a shotgun and boxes of slugs in our cars and trucks. never had a stabbing or shooting at my school because we all used these items as tools like they are. Give the kid a psych test and competency along with legal training why not other then as you mentioned who would fund this? So you can tell by people if they are carrying a firearm? You've got talent and could probably get rich off of that skill if you really had it. Most cops aren't just attacked when killed in the line of duty normally they are responding to something else and surprised by the weapon. The current plans in schools is call the cops to bring a gun to the school when a shooting happens and hope the shooter doesn't move room to room. Why not already have a trained gunman waiting in a few of those rooms? When do these people give up in these shootings? It is consistently when more people with guns are near and about to get near them. That's right you have no solution all your doing is saying everyone's solution is wrong just to be the troll you are.
  5. Them finding out who's carrying if records were required to be kept it shouldn't be kept on school grounds. It can be hidden how many teachers health records were you aware of in school? Tax dollars going up. Allowing the teachers to voluntarily carry will have a minor affect on taxes to pay for the training. Similar to the required trainings they do anyways such as cpr.
  6. As far as a school or parents not being comfortable with armed staff its not well they got what the deserve it would be tragic proof that more could have been done? So your saying that since 1 class room that is in armed could be attacked none of them should be armed? Your not making any sense just proving my point that unarmed people are targeted and the teacher should be armed to prevent an attack. Where are you getting this what happens if the teacher is attacked? It's not really relevant. If a group of people kids or not are attacking a teacher and trying to cause harm the teacher should be able to defend them self. Who in their right mind is going to attack an armed person? If they do they need to be shot. Yes we can go round and round with your what ifs from left field all day but they are irrelevant. What is your plan to fix these shootings since what has been said here is so wrong? Just continue the same shit how's that worked out so far? Edit.... Also you can't lock the door of a classroom to keep people in due to their design and fire codes requiring a panic bar type release.
  7. Why do you think they choose schools and malls and movie theaters for these attacks over police stations (there have been attacks in those but less common than the fore mentioned places) or military bases and recruiter offices? It's because they know that there are no guns to fight them there (schools and malls ect.) Who would attack a place with multiple armed people. Only the really bat shit crazy ones and they would be less successful than attacking a group of unarmed people. I agree a single armed guard is inadequate, you need several but what school budget has room for several armed guards? Especially in this society where the "it can't happen to me" mentality is rampant. If no teacher in the school wants to be armed, fine just make everyone think they are all armed. That will help prevent these shootings. Having multiple armed people that the students don't know who's armed or not will be the best defence if a shooter does show up.
  8. There is no logic to what you say. 1. I'm pointing out a single known guard is inadequate and not tactically sound. 2. I never said ALL TEACHERS HAD TO BE ARMED. 3. A ton of precautions? Such as keeping your gun on your hip? That's hard I carry a gun sometimes 2 pretty much every day (at least 5 times a week) and have never had to worry about anyone getting my gun. A teacher with a concealed gun that the students don't know if they have it or not doesn't need to worry either. 4. A group that wants to bum rush a teacher? Where did you come up with that? Yes being attacked by multiple people would justify deadly force if the person being attacked felt they were in danger of death or serious bodily harm regardless of if they were armed or not.
  9. No its proof the AWB will not prevent school shootings.
  10. "An" armed guard completely unsuspecting of a shooting. 1 armed guard is just the first target. What is needed is armed teachers. They also need to do away with these bullshit policies of hide under a desk and wait to be shot. Fuck that kids need to run and be provided with more than one way out other than a couple of main hallways. Such as emergency exits in the rooms on the exterior of the building. If there was a fire the kids don't wait for the fire department to come for them they leave the building.
  11. I read it and I didn't really see anywhere that it said they were going to fight the ban too hard. I'm all for having secret armed teachers. The problem with an armed guard or policeman is smaller schools will only have 1. Now in that case jumping him or her in an ambush style attack takes that protection out and provides the attacker with more ammo and an extra weapon.
  12. The msr is awesome that's what I have. The jet boil is also awesome my dad has one but I think they are normally over priced and a little large. For that price I'd own one.
  13. I was confused on the nomenclature I thought the tube was the larger female part of the fork and the piston was the shiny male part that moves in and out of the larger part.
  14. I said it seems never said it was fact. Just every time I've had one go out it is the left that is what I was told. Maybe you should change your name to panty-bunches-Brian
  15. 4 isn't really curvy 203 has some sweepers not really twisty but its a good relaxed ride. 257 has some nice light curves on it along the river. The parking lot on hogback is about in the middle near where it opens up along the water.
  16. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=omV1-BYNtrw
  17. Oh yeah if your going to separate it I'd have a new seal ready to go on when your planning on putting it together. Also rub it to feel for any rough spots.
  18. Before taking it apart it may be worth trying to clean the seal. A lamenated blockbuster type card will work run it around under the lip of the seal. Also is it on the 00 zx6 you've got listed as your bike? Have the seals ever been replaced? It may be time. It seems the left seal goes first due to always leaning on that side while on the suspension.
  19. The part that goes inside (the fork piston I believe its called) could have dings or pits. That will tear up the seals fast.
  20. User error could come into play. I had my contour out for the first time and after starting back up after a stop it became unsecured from the mount because I didn't put it all the way back on. But it came with a lanyard that saved it.
  21. 4.5 feet of cord on a bike? That seems like it would be kind of long like it let the camera hit the ground. Or like it could get tangled in some important stuff like chain or wheels. Why not attach the lanyard to the camera instead of the bike, what happens if the camera separates from the mount?
  22. Isn't this similar to how aids got started?
  23. This is what the thread is about plain and simple. But I can understand why its hard to understand for you.
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