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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Try shooting at postage stamps from about 5 yards.
  2. I watched a little of the race that was posted here and I believe one of the guys was 48.
  3. Did you see how close the fans were? Holy shit they were basically sitting on the road.
  4. My guess is he either put it on Facebook or he put it on a forum to get advice about his crash. Looking at the title I think someone else threw it on YouTube.
  5. She had to load and "cock" the gun. Surprisingly this time she didn't get attacked while doing this but it seems the man had no intention of attacking her. Serious physical harm would justify deadly force. Rape is considered serious bodily harm. If she perceived a threat of rape she would have been justified in shooting the perv. Or if he would've came towards her and her son after she told him to go away.
  6. I think he coulda made the turn until he panic breaked and target fixated on The grass and went there. Lucky those trees weren't much closer to the road. Gotta love his gear a light jacket puma shoes and Justin Bieber style skinny jeans.
  7. Yeah I don't know why I put should instead of shouldn't. Maybe one of the mods could help a man out and do their civic duty by fixing the title.
  8. Just man up buy a hammer, duct tape and some windex then do it to it.
  9. Your a couple posts behind. I hope they stay around just to show the idiots paying $300 for twinkies how bad of an investment that wad.
  10. From the start of the video you can tell the guy is going to crash. Going left of center on double yellow lines. Then panic breaking mid turn.
  11. Here's the f^€<ing union causing more issues. http://m.yahoo.com/w/legobpengine/news/hostess-liquidation-too-sweet-managers-u-says-191817929--sector.html?orig_host_hdr=news.yahoo.com&.intl=US&.lang=en-US&.tsrc=yahoo
  12. FYI free porn sites are like finding one night stands in singles bars. Yeah its easy and fun but 83% of the time you'll get a virus every time.
  13. While its running? I think I know why she agreed on the ducati!
  14. I doubt it has any fluids or battery in it. Both 0 mile bikes I bought were dry and one was a 2 year left over. They are eager to get rid of the left overs because eventually they need to start paying insurance on them and sometimes paying to have the bike. You should be able to get it pretty close to their cost.
  15. State Troopers are Patrolmen or Troopers but not officers.
  16. Sounds like the setup in most police cars. Fine for unsecured items? I thought that shit would just get stolen from you but apparently in Germany they are fining people who make it easy on the theives.
  17. Just a heads up depth perception sucks through NVG's.
  18. Hell doesn't your bike have a heater and coffee maker on it? Get well man.
  19. Why take a pay cut to do the same amount of work when you can take a pay cut and not work at all with unemployment? I've met quite a few people that have gotten on unemployment and felt its better than honest work. Especially if they can find odd jobs under the table some can actually make more money while on unemployment.
  20. Who cares? Hell I don't care if they do strip searches. But I do think everyone should be handed a knife when they get on the plane. Who's going to try shit when you have a bunch of people just waiting for someone to do something stupid so they can be the hero and stab the shit outta them?
  21. A 600 will get you into the same trouble a 1000 will. I love liter bikes and have never owned a 600. Some people can be responsible and others can't. I say 1 track the shit outta the 600 because the track is a blast. 2 if you can afford a 10 and the insurance with it go for it. People will say you don't need a 1000 for the street they are too powerful for it. Hell you don't need a 600 for the street they'll break pretty much any speed limit in our country in second gear. The new zx10r is geared really high so its low end is nothing to be worried about.
  22. Better stock up on snacks too. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=100557&page=2
  23. http://m.nbcdfw.com/nbcdfw/pm_108184/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=jaLkqFPc The apocalypse is coming. No more twinkies or ding dongs!
  24. 7 year relationship then hooking up with dudes. Probably really drunk and confused for awhile. Lol.
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